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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. That looks like Hillary! A bag on a bag. Please don't take it off, Hillary. LMAO
  2. Probably crying about all the damage the Democrats are doing to this country.
  3. But your comment about Candace Owens giving Jim Jordan a blow job was mature? Typical liberal progressive phony hypocrite.
  4. Sorry that Van is too far above your intellectual level for you to understand his comments.😏
  5. Maybe that's because I live in the real world where the people I associate with mean what they say and say what they mean, and not in your liberal progressive fantasyland ANTIFA utopia where people are never truthful about anything.
  6. Not my problem if YOU have a problem being truthful. That's YOUR problem. But I don't think you were lying. I believe you ARE living off unemployment benefits and residing in your parents basement.
  7. It will be interesting to see "Sleepy Joe's " response when Putin goes into Ukraine or when Xi makes a move on Taiwan.
  8. Sounds like your conscience is bothering you about living off unemployment benefits, so you are attempting to disguise the fact that you are not working just because you are too lazy to work.
  9. Even competing against girls both Golfer and O_U812 would still lose.
  10. Telling the truth that most shootings in America happen in urban areas makes me a "miserable bigoted fuck"? I'm sorry that you can't handle the truth.
  11. Just another phony story put out there by Obama/Clinton people in our corrupted Intel agencies. Many of those people are probably still taking orders from John Brennan.
  12. Just another example of the Democrat run government censoring their political opposition through their big tech social media corporate allies.
  13. All we know about you is what you tell us, and if what you tell us are lies that is your problem, not ours.
  14. Of course, she is the chairperson of the committee. But you left out the key point about Dr. Fauci not answering Jim Jordan's questions.
  15. Been there, done that. I voted for Jimmy Carter in 1976 and supported George McGovern when I was in college. Then I grew up and realized how phony, deceitful and destructive Democrats are. So there is still hope for someone as lost as you. Maybe you just need to grow up.
  16. A least you admitted that you are too lazy to work and live off other Americans' labor through taxpayer supplied unemployment benefits. 😏
  17. Three words is almost the limit to Maxine Water's vocabulary considering she has an IQ of three.
  18. But he could whip your girly little ass in about five minutes.
  19. And making it appear that I said it just shows how deceitful and dishonest you are. Typical behavior for you.
  20. Most shootings in this country occur in urban areas, so the Democrat solution to the problem is to take guns away from people who live in peaceful rural areas.
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