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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I don't live in an apartment. I live in my own home. What closet do you live in?
  2. So why is Nancy Pelosi saying she won't consider the legislation introduced today to add justices to the Supreme Court?
  3. Go ahead. I hope the Democrats try to pass legislation to expand the Supreme Court and make clear to American voters how radical they are.
  4. Oops! Nancy Pelosi said she opposes legislation to expand the size of Supreme Court. Actually, she's not against packing the Court, she just knows that packing the Court is political suicide.
  5. You did that a long time ago. Golfer, lol. You probably don't know a wood from an iron.
  6. In 1983 Sen. Joe Biden said President Franklin Roosevelt's attempt to expand the size of the Supreme Court was, "a boneheaded idea."
  7. U.S. Judge Emmett Sullivan, Barack Obama's favorite Democrat puppet judge.
  8. The description of your neighborhood is most likely another one of your lies.
  9. With this proposed legislation to add four justices to the Supreme Court the Democrats may have finally "jumped the shark". There is no way they can hide that this is an authoritarian power grab. This move will expose them as the true radicals that they are.
  10. Oh yeah, go ahead and attempt to change the Supreme Court and see what the American people do. Pelosi might need to build that fencing around the Capitol Building a little higher and bring in a few more National Guard troops.
  11. You are the one not listening because I'm not parroting the shit you want to hear.
  12. You mean like your all White liberal progressive neighborhood?
  13. Good. Democrats need to go ahead with trying to make D.C. a state, trying to add justices to the Supreme Court , and pushing a reparations bill. That will guarantee the American people clear the Democrats out of Congress in the 2022 election
  14. Now you are an expert on policing? He had a warrant for possession of a gun without a permit. How were the police to know whether or not the gun was in the vehicle? Do you risk your life every day on your job and have to make life and death split second decisions? If the guy did have a gun in the vehicle and the police officer did not tase him she could have been the one dead.
  15. Kristen Clarke based upon her on writings is a racist and a Black supremacist.
  16. Not if he tells the FBI lies that will help them indict Matt Gaetz. The swamp wants to get rid of anyone who opposes their power, by any means possible. Like Stalin said, 'Show me the person and I'll show you the crime.' But I guess you already know that quote, right comrade Golfer?
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