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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I thought you said Matt Gaetz should receive a fair investigation before condemning him. Once again just proves how much of a liar and hypocrite you are.
  2. Who the hell are you to tell anyone what their priorities should be? You are nothing but a totally dishonest deceitful puppet of the Democratic Party.
  3. Comey spent 20 minutes or more in a news conference listing all the crimes Hillary had committed and then said that the DOJ would not prosecute her. That happened shortly after Bill Clinton had a secret meeting with AG Loretta Lynch.
  4. Hunter violated a law that is already on the books when he purchased the gun, so the law did not stop him. Laws don't stop criminals because criminals don't obey laws. If laws worked to stop gun violence there would be no killings right now because we already have laws against murder.
  5. That's a lie. Give me the name of the DOJ or FBI official that said they are doing a criminal investigation of Matt Gaetz.
  6. No, it means we don't know all the facts until the DOJ completes it's investigation, and then either indicts Matt Gaetz or drops the investigation for lack of evidence.
  7. You posted a story from the NYT based upon anonymous sources. You posted nothing with info directly from named sources in the FBI nor DOJ.
  8. Also, make it much easier for innocent people to protect themselves from criminals. Especially, since liberal progressive Democrats want to defund the police.
  9. I thought you didn't hate anyone. You're getting closer and closer to that padded cell.
  10. If Comey hadn't let her off the hook she would have ended up in court.
  11. Just like a true authoritarian Stalinist, convict and condemn before someone has even been charged, let alone being tried in a court of law.
  12. Maybe. Or maybe someone is just trying to smear him in hopes that he will resign. How about waiting for all the facts to be publicly revealed before jumping to conclusions?
  13. And Merrick Garland would tell me that the DOJ nor FBI are not allowed to talk about active investigations. That's why the NYT reporter never gives the name of anyone she spoke to in the DOJ or FBI. So did she actually talk to anyone in the DOJ or FBI?
  14. Yep, that's what I want. A DOJ or FBI official with a name who states publicly that Matt Gaetz is the target of a criminal investigation. Then I will conclusively believe that Matt Gaetz is being investigated for a crime.
  15. NPR story is based upon an interview with New York Times reporter. That reporter used anonymous sources for her story. There still has been no public confirmation by anyone in the DOJ nor FBI that Matt Gaetz is being criminally investigated.
  16. Putin invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea when Obama was president and now it appears that Putin is about to stir up more shit in Ukraine now that Joe Biden is president.
  17. Nothing was announced by the FBI nor DOJ about a criminal investigation of Matt Gaetz. Story was based upon anonymous sources by the New York Times.
  18. Violence is violence, and the problem is the violent person, not the gun. The guy who killed the police officer at the Capitol last week didn't have a gun.
  19. Must be a MAGA White supremacist Proud Boy QAnon KKK Trump supporter.
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