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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Education about reality? And who decides what reality is? And who decides what dissent is causing harm to others? Sounds a lot like government thought police to me. And people like you and O_U812 would be members of the thought police, right?
  2. Shooters name is Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. Doesn't sound like Trump supporting White supremacist to me.
  3. Even Democrat mayors on our southern border are upset with how the Biden Administration is handling the immigrant crisis.
  4. I give you credit for how powerful you would like to be, not how powerful you are. Authoritarian tyrants like the two of you should never ever be given any power. If given the power you would tolerate no dissent.
  5. Another lie. Democrats definitely do oppose voters being required to show IDs.
  6. Yep, Stalin and Mao would have loved the way you like to dispose of political opponents.
  7. Helped Democrats to cheat. How do you check IDs with vote by mail and drop boxes?
  8. Wow, you definitely have a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Stalin and Mao would have loved a vindictive bastard like you.
  9. Poor Golfer and O_U812 are incapable of any in depth thoughts of their own so they post stories from biased left wing blogs.
  10. So why do Democrats oppose voters being required to show an ID when voting if they want elections free of voter fraud?
  11. No, because they provide food, energy, and other natural resources along with beautiful national parks. The District of Columbia produces nothing and is a financial burden for American taxpayers.
  12. But those states provide more benefit to America than does DC. All DC gives America are problems.
  13. Bloodbath for the Democrats, and they know it. That's why they are pushing so hard for passage of H.R.1 to make it easier for them to steal elections.
  14. More propaganda from the American Stalinists who want to reduce the U.S. to one party rule just as it was in the Soviet Union and as it presently is in Communist China.
  15. I just proved "the Prick" a liar with documented facts, you deceitful lying son of a bitch.
  16. Reduce the geographic area of DC to only where federal buildings, monuments, and parks are located. Allow the rest of DC where residents and businesses are located to be annexed by the states that adjoin DC. That way DC becomes a solely Federal territory, and the current residents of DC are given representation in the states that annex their real estate. But Democrats will not go for this because what they really want are two more U.S. Senators and at least one more House member from a state that will vote 98% Democrat.
  17. So you are saying if Trump had not been on the ticket the beloved Democrats would have lost even more House seats in 2020? You bend your mind into a pretzel to fit your political bias and avoid reality. Dems netted 40 seats in 2018 because the new Dem reps ran as moderates. With the type of radical liberal progressive policies Democrats are forcing upon the American people they can no longer get away with disguising themselves as moderates. Further more, Republicans did not lose one incumbent House seat in the 2020 election.
  18. That's another lie by you. And every time you are caught in a lie you claim you were being sarcastic. Per populationreview.com the 2021 state populations are as follows: California-39,750,267; Texas-29,087,070; Florida-21,646,155; New York-19,492,339. Just being sarcastic again, little snowflake liar?
  19. You never use yours. All you do is parrot propaganda from so called liberal progressive experts. When you have no real life experience of your own you are forced to rely upon the thinking of others. That's exactly what you do.
  20. The term "Missing context" is just another term for liberal progressive news media spin on a fact they don't want to admit. FACT: JOE BIDEN WON A RECORD-LOW NUMBER OF COUNTIES, PERIOD.
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