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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. It was the Republicans who required the bill to be read aloud in the Senate before being voted on. Did you forget about the ten hour reading that you claimed to have listened to in its entirety? Maybe it is you who has dementia.
  2. Impossible to steal original thoughts from Golfer because he has never had one. All he does is post stories from left wing blogs.
  3. And then Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will run around the country to lie to the American people about how great the bill is for America.
  4. Blow yourself, little ANTIFA coward. All you are is empty words. Never been anywhere and never accomplished anything in your entire life.
  5. Yeah, you read all 600+ pages and listened to all 10 hours of the reading of the bill in the Senate, right? LMAO
  6. You have a problem being truthful? That part of your ANTIFA training?
  7. There was nothing to investigate except for ridiculous stories created by Michael Avenatti and his insane clients. The fool Christine Blasey Ford didn't even know what year or where the alleged assault on her took place. There is much more credible evidence that Tera Reade was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden than any evidence that was presented by Blasey Ford against Brett Kavanaugh.
  8. Another lie from you. It is you and the Golfer who keep bringing it up.
  9. And if the FBI does a really thorough investigation they'll discover that the first time in her life that Prof. Christine Blasey Ford was in the same room with Brett Kavanaugh was at his confirmation hearing.
  10. Because friends of mine died in Vietnam, so any of your childish snowflake comments about Vietnam or my military service don't set well with me. Understand now, fuckhead?
  11. Allegations from the mentally deranged White privileged Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.
  12. The QAnon shaman is a fucking wacko, so who cares what he has to say. If Trump is responsible for the shaman's actions then Bernie Sanders is responsible for the actions of the lunatic who shot Rep. Steve Scalise.
  13. If the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief bill was such a great thing why are Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and their surrogates running around the country trying to sell the bill to the American people? If the bill were so fabulous the benefits would be obvious to the American people and wouldn't need a marketing campaign from the Biden Administration.
  14. It will probably remain popular until the American people realize that only 9% of the spending was for Covid-19 relief and the other 91% was spent on Democrat pet projects.
  15. No, I think the whole effort in Vietnam was a waste. Just like what we are now doing in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.
  16. How could I be rejected when I didn't even try to reenlist? I spent my year and three days in Vietnam and then returned to my civilian life.
  17. More disinformation by the U.S. deep state establishment intelligence agencies to smear the Trump presidency and to keep the Biden family's overseas corruption from being exposed.
  18. But you are the one who says we need to keep troops stationed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Germany. I think they should be brought home immediately.
  19. The country is "so fucked up" because of liberal progressive socialist Marxist Stalinist fools like you. One of my first solutions would to be vote every Democrat in the country out of office.😏
  20. You are so damn dumb that you can't even follow the logic of a conversation. What I was saying is that Pence would have never invoked the 25th Amendment on Trump, so the only way that it was going to happen was if the Democrats in Congress did it. Iis that too complicated for your feeble mind to grasp?
  21. Wow, I'm impressed. "The Prick" is using the new term he learned in third grade last week. wonder if he'll ever learn what it means?
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