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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. He crawled back because he knows Republicans cannot win future congressional elections without the support of Donald Trump and Trump voters.
  2. Keep spinning. Maybe you can find someone dumb enough to believe your bullshit. The purpose of impeachment is to remove an official from office. Any impeachment that does not remove someone from office is illegitimate, that's why Chief Justice Roberts wanted no part of it.
  3. And Terrell was correct, and as usual liberal Rivera was dead wrong.
  4. Do you lie about everything? Previous to the pandemic we had one of the greatest U.S. economies in our history. And the economy has been on the way to a big recovery from the devastation caused by the pandemic. What has kept the economy from improving faster are the iron fisted economic lockdowns of Democrat governors. In the area of the pipeline there are no labor jobs that pay comparable to what these people were earning from working on the pipeline. Some were making as much as $250,000/ year. Think they will make that stocking shelves at Walmart or flipping burgers at McDonalds?
  5. If it's so easy to find another job why are so many Americans unemployed right now?
  6. What the hell does someone like you who has never had a job know about jobs?
  7. On the abortion issue, today Biden used an executive order to undo the Mexico City Policy.
  8. Now people are assigned to jobs? I thought people were free to determine where they are going to work? You Stalinists are working fast.
  9. Biden is reversing Trump's "shitty, cruel and inhumane policies" by eliminating over 10,000 Keystone Pipeline jobs and paying for abortions in foreign countries?
  10. Democrat voters rejected Bernie Sanders in favor of Joe Biden because they considered Sanders' policies too radical, and now as president Joe Biden is implementing Bernie's radical policies.
  11. With the Biden Administration it appears we no longer have need for Congress. The president is ruling via executive orders, no need for Congressional legislation.
  12. The ruling elite are now upset that normal people are getting rich from the big run up of Gamestop stock while the elitist Wall Street hedge fund class are losing their asses because they had planed on becoming richer by shorting Gamestop stock. I love it.
  13. I have a better idea. The geographical area of the District of Columbia needs to be greatly reduced so that it contains only U.S. government buildings, monuments and parks. That territory should then be put completely under the control of the Federal Government. The remaining part of D.C. that contains residential and commercial property should be annexed by states that border the District of Columbia. Any private property that remains in the new D.C. area could be purchased by the Federal government through the rule of Imminent Domain.
  14. But how many of the 7 million vote victory margin were legitimate votes?
  15. What is really happening is that the establishment swamp dwelling Washington D.C. Republicans are losing their control over the party. The Republican Party is being forced to be more representative of the American working class' wishes. People no longer fall for the establishment's empty promises they now demand action on those promises.
  16. Obama admitted and laughed that the "shovel ready jobs" weren't quite as "shovel ready" as he thought. Just like Biden's "green jobs" won't be quite as ready as he thought after he and "Lurch" devastate the energy sector of our economy.
  17. Try such deceitful tactics and the American voters will take care of the Democrat hold on power in 2022 and 2024.
  18. Sounds like "Sleepy Joe" and "Lurch Kerry" are promising high paying "green jobs" just like Obama promised all those "shovel ready jobs" that never seemed to materialize during his presidency. Remember?
  19. My cat knows more about economics than Paul Krugman. He is the discredited fool who predicted the stock market would crash in 2016 if Trump was elected president.
  20. Oh yeah, Biden is going to renew the nuclear arms treaty that Putin wants. The one that Trump refused to renew because the Russians have been violating the existing treaty. Putin knows that under the Biden Administration he will be able to continue violating terms of treaty with no consequences for Russia because of how weak and feeble Biden is.
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