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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. And how many years until Chinese soldiers are patrolling the streets of Berlin? 😉
  2. All this mumble jumble by Biden's people about a climate crisis is nothing more than an excuse for the redistribution of wealth around the world.
  3. And Obama never personally illegally spied on the Trump campaign, but he ordered other people to do it.
  4. I think Trump and his lawyers should use the impeachment trial in the Senate to present all the evidence they have accumulated of voter fraud in the 2020 election. He presented some of that evidence in his Jan.6 speech. That's probably one of the reasons Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube won't show his speech.
  5. Most judges would not even look at the evidence that was presented. Judges wanted no part of this because they did not want to be destroyed by the news media. I will be very surprised if Giuliani and Powell get a fair trial now. Especially if the trials are held in Washington, D.C.
  6. In Oct., 2020 Joe Biden in a tv interview said that any president that rules by executive orders and not legislation is a dictator.
  7. And if Giuliani and Powell prove their claims the legitimacy of the 2020 election is destroyed.
  8. In 2011 when Nancy Pelosi praised and supported the union members who invaded and occupied the Capitol Building in Wisconsin, was she guilty of promoting insurrection?
  9. Today Susan Rice confirmed that the Biden Administration will resume Barack Obama's war on White middle class America.
  10. That's old news. I read that yesterday. Now Dominion will need to show up in court and produce election records.
  11. And you are the biggest contribution to the comedy section. You are undoubtedly the #1 clown on CC.😉
  12. You look just like the little wimpy snowflake I envisioned you to be.
  13. Murkowski's seat is not safe.There's a very good chance that Trump will help Sarah Palin take her out in the Republican primary. You may be right about Pennsylvania and Ohio. Especially with the help of voter fraud again in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, and Cleveland..
  14. And when does your deprogramming begin from all the liberal progressive bullshit that has been poured into your brain? It's beginning to cause your brain to rot.
  15. Ben Sasse and Mitt Romney will probably vote to convict President Trump because they want to run for president in 2024 and know that they cannot beat him in the Republican presidential primary elections, so they need to eliminate him from the competition.
  16. The vast majority of Republican voters do not want Trump convicted, so the Republicans endanger of being primaried are the ones who vote to convict like Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney.
  17. I don't think you've had a rise at any time in your life. If you know what I mean. You seem kind of limp to me.
  18. So if the Senate votes to acquit then there was no insurrection; and therefore, no justification to invoke the 14th Amendment.
  19. 45 Republican Senators just voted in favor of a motion to declare the Trump impeachment trial unconstitutional. Sounds like it might be tough to get 67 votes for conviction.
  20. If Donald Trump is guilty of insurrection, then so is Kamala Harris for all summer long encouraging BLM and ANTIFA to loot, burn and destroy businesses and government buildings. She also raised money to bail the BLM and ANTIFA rioters out of jail.
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