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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Most likely telling any lie the FBI wants him to report to save his own ass from spending years in prison.
  2. Could be much worse for her. She could be living with you or the bugeater.😉
  3. Good. The world needs some joy. For sure, it will get none from you.
  4. Poor Joe keeps signing all those executive orders written by Barack Obama's people without a clue as to what he is signing. How sad.
  5. Is that why all the billionaires donated to Democrat candidates and Biden's presidential campaign in 2020? You are brainwashed.
  6. Democrat control of government should scare the hell out of every freedom loving American.
  7. Breaking news! Mayor Pete has been confirmed as Secretary of Transportation. Now Biden has a real cocksucker in his cabinet.
  8. Apparently you love dictators because that is how she rules. If she weren't so simple minded and incompetent she would be dangerous.
  9. Five idiots who are almost as dumb as Gretchen Whitmer. I hope all five spend the rest of their lives in prison.
  10. No, and you don't know that either, you little lying piece of shit.
  11. More propaganda for the purpose of increasing Democrats' power.You people are so deceitful and dishonest.
  12. That sort of blows a hole in the charge that Trump's Jan. 6 speech incited the invasion of of the Capitol Building, doesn't it? Like I said before, arrest the fools who stormed the Capitol, try them, and put them in prison for many years.
  13. Germany deserves Chinese troops in their streets. You might be one of the first people they execute for having too big a mouth.
  14. I know, man made global warming ended the Ice Age, right? LMAO
  15. Good. Arrest those fools, prosecute them and then stick them in prison for years.
  16. Anyone who believes that humans can change the climate is an idiot.
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