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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Nothing needed to look up, you fool. In most of the crimes for which these people were pardoned the state of New York has no legal jurisdiction.
  2. Most of the convictions resulting from the Mueller investigation were for lying to the FBI or Congress. Please explain to me how the state of New York has any authority to try people for those crimes?
  3. How does supposedly lying to the FBI have anything to do with the state of New York? Also, the U.S. Supreme Court would most likely declare any convictions for the same offense by New York to be being double jeopardy; and therefore, a violation of the U.S. Constitution.
  4. We need to change the title of this thread to, " A Place To Vent For Those Who Are Severely Afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome."
  5. China holds most of the bonds, but if they pull the plug where are they going to sell their products. The majority of retail products sold in the U.S. are manufactured in China.
  6. This is funny. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and the rest of the Swamp dwellers in Congress thought they had really put one over on Trump by sticking a bunch pork spending into the stimulus bill. They never thought he would refuse to sign it. By complaining about all the wasteful spending and calling for more money for the American people, Trump now has public support for his position. The president left town for Florida and has the Swamp dwellers scrambling to come up with something that he will sign just to keep the government from shutting down, and to keep them from looking like fools. I love it.
  7. That's all you got? Poor bug eater has a vacuum where his brain is suppose to be. lol
  8. The state of Nebraska will use some of it's limited supply of covd-19 vaccine to vaccinate prison inmates on death row. LMAO
  9. And that's what will happen to the rest of us if the Climate Czar John Kerry can impose his climate saving policies on the U.S.
  10. Looks like the Swamp is back in charge. There were millions of dollars for Pakistan, Ukraine, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Palestine,Vietnam and on; but only $600 for American citizens. The American piggy bank is open to the world again. Did Canada get left out of the money give away by the Swamp?
  11. No, it will be the Stalinist dictator Kamala Harris,hand picked by another Stalinist Barack Hussein Obama.
  12. Trump looked pretty calm and sane yesterday when he said that he would not sign the current farce of a covid relief bill unless changes were made to it. Your problem is that you believe all the stupid propaganda put out by Democrats and the news media. You are the one who is cracking up. You can't handle a real debate because your mind is too simple and devoid of the ability to reason. You're comments are nothing more than a collection of Democrat talking points and left wing news media propaganda.
  13. Speaking of people enriching themselves and others being blind to things right in front of them. You are so blinded by your insane allegiance to the Democratic Party that you can't see how Joe Biden and the whole Biden family have been enriched by the foreign business dealings of Hunter Biden.
  14. You sound like a broken record. The DNC give you that line? I know you weren't intelligent enough to think of that yourself. Or was that part of your Sol Alinsky training?
  15. You sound like the "one horse pony" that the idiot Biden was talking about. Biden's mind is so far gone that the damn fool makes an ass of himself when he tries to ridicule a news reporter.
  16. So you have no problem with cheating and voter fraud to steal an election? You were born a loser because you have no integrity.
  17. You are the one who has been in fantasyland for 4 years. Only an idiot puppet of the DNC like you still believes in the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. Appears you drank all of that kool-aid by yourself.
  18. Yep, we might as well have a janitor as president, since we already have a bartender as a Democrat member of Congress (AOC).
  19. You are not capable of figuring anything out on your own. Without DNC talking points you are lost. Probably even need someone to dress you every morning.
  20. Golfer is back to posting stories from blogs again because even he is tired of repeating himself. How sad. Being a janitor fits Joe's competency level.
  21. If Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden had been president the U.S. would have a million people dead and no vaccine for at least five more years. And the news media would be praising the president( Hillary or Joe) for the great job they were doing in combating the virus.
  22. How do you know so much about what happened in OUR election. From the mainstream media? It's as if the establishment media has a ring in your nose and leads you around with it. I suggest you check out Partick M. Byrne's analysis of the 2020 election.
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