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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The truth is that you have nothing to say. You got the president you wanted, so why are you still so angry? Could it be because your own life is still a piece of shit?
  2. So why don't you tell us about all the great things "Illegitimate Joe" and the Democrats are going to do for America?
  3. Are lies all that you have to offer? I've heard this same fear mongering bullshit about Social Security and Medicare from Democrats going all the way back to Ronald Reagan. And nothing has ever been cut.
  4. This just shows how uninformed you are. The GOP did not lose the 2020 election. They did not lose one incumbent seat and gained 16 new seats in the House of Representatives in the 2020 election. They also held on to control of the Senate pending the results of the two Georgia special elections on Jan.5. Also, they won the vast majority of state elections. Better consult something besides your liberal progressive news sources to keep from being so ill-informed.
  5. My leadership? My leadership is not in Washington, D.C. My leadership is in the American people. But you are so caught up in the Republican/Democrat political bullshit that you could never understand that.
  6. This article just proves that you people on the left are the ones who are insane and mentally deranged. That psychologist should have his professional license revoked for such unprofessional and insane ramblings.
  7. No, those 74 million+ know the truth despite all the lying propaganda from the elitist liberal progressive news media and lying assholes like you.
  8. Sounds like you are jealous. Also, Trump did much more for the American middle class in his sleep than Barack Obama did for them in his whole eight years as president. So your statement is trivial, petty, meaningless bullshit. I think you need to be more concerned about problems in your own country. I really don't care what a fucking Aussie has to say about politics in my country. Besides, your view of the U.S. is based upon the liberal news media, so you have no idea of what is really going on in America.
  9. Who gives a damn about the establishment GOP? I care about American middle class working people.
  10. Mitch McConnell made sure there was money in the stimulus bill for the horse racing industry in his state, but no money for a $2000 payment to American taxpayers.
  11. When Democrats steal the two Senate elections in Georgia, I wonder if Mitch McConnell and the other Republican Swamp Rats will "just move on" and accept the loss like they have told President Trump to do?
  12. Thanks for at least admitting that you paid money to stay out of the military.
  13. And you would believe anything CNN, MSNBC and your propaganda blogs tell you.
  14. So? It was very costly for him to give up his businesses and become president.
  15. So how many $$$$$$$$ did you pay to stay out of the military?
  16. I support Trump because I DO care about my country. He is much better for this country than Joe Biden.
  17. How do you know what is better for my country? You have no idea what is really happening over here. When the truth finally comes out you are the one who will see how duped you were, but don't expect to get that truth from the news media nor the Biden Administration.
  18. The Republican Swamp dwelling establishment can once again take over control of the Republican Party. Unfortunately for them, they'll control everything except Republican voters who are now with Trump.
  19. If you count fraudulent votes 100 times you will get the same count. The count is not the problem. The question is are the votes being counted fraudulent or valid?
  20. Trump found nothing? Why the hell do you think Special Counsel Durham is investigating the Russia/Trump collusion hoax? Or why do you think the FBI has been investigating Joe Biden's son since 2018? Or does the Aussie news media even tell you anything about those investigations? Ever hear the name Tony Bobulinski? He was Hunter Biden's business partner who testified that he spoke in person with Joe Biden about the Biden families' overseas business dealings while Joe Biden publicly claims he knows nothing about the businesses.
  21. But you didn't tell me how you know that Trump's doctor lied.
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