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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I wonder how all the high ranking Republicans who are telling Trump to give up his fight to prove that the 2020 presidential election was stolen will react when the Democrats steal the two Senate elections in Georgia on Jan.5?
  2. In 2012 election Barack Obama received 3 million less votes than he received in the 2008 election, but still won. Donald Trump received 11 million more votes in the 2020 election than he received in the 2016 election. No one finds that strangel?
  3. Joe Biden received more votes than Barack Obama? Does anyone really believe that? LMAO
  4. You are such a simple minded boring person who just can't keep from talking about Trump's ass.
  5. Dominion has not sued Sidney Powell. They have threatened her with a defamation lawsuit. That is all bluster on the part of Dominion in an attempt to shut her up and influence public opinion. From what I've seen of her in the past she does not scare and she does not accuse people of behavior that she cannot prove. Plus, if Dominion sues her they will need to produce evidence and documents about their operations in the 2020 election in order to prove that she is lying. That is exactly what she wants.
  6. I just read a story on MSN posted by The Hill reporting that a North Korean fishing captain had just been executed for listening to a banned foreign radio station. I wonder if that is what the Democrats, golfer, and bug eater have planned for people who listen to and watch conservative news media when the Democrats take over complete control of the Federal government?
  7. At least it's my thought that I am posting which is more than you can say about 90% of your posts.
  8. If President Trump names her a Special Counsel to investigate voter fraud in the 2020 election she can. She would have the same powers that Robert Mueller had in the Trump/Russia collusion investigation. Previous to starting her private law firm she was a Federal Prosecutor.
  9. Also, if Trump was such a terrible racist bigot why was his 2020 vote percentage from Blacks and Hispanics greater than the percentage he received in the 2016 election?
  10. If we had an honest legal system there would be more chance of Joe and his family members going to prison than Trump. And I will never believe the 2020 vote totals for Biden.
  11. But Trump accomplished more for the American people in one year than Obama accomplished in eight Here is another fact for your comparison of Trump and Obama: In his 2012 second term election Barack Obama received 62.6 million votes, in Donald Trump's 2020 election he received 74.1 million votes. So who was more popular with the American people?
  12. The people at the DailyKoss are almost as insane and delusional as you.
  13. Memoirs of a failure.The table is piled up with Obama's books because no one is buying them and couldn't care less what he has to say about anything. Better take those books to the EU since Europeans are the only people gullible enough to take seriously anything Obama says.Barack Hussein Obama, the little boy who pretended to be president for eight years.
  14. "Pence makes plans to leave the country immediately..." LMAO And you are so dumb and stupid that you believe such ridiculous propaganda.
  15. You are a member of a cult called the Democratic Party, but are too fucking stupid to realize it. That's the reason you have no original thoughts. You just regurgitate what the DNC has programmed into your pea sized brain. But that's understandable since the Democratic Party allows no thoughts that do not conform to the party orthodoxy.
  16. As if the Democrats don't gerrymander. And requiring people to show an ID before being allowed to vote is what you and the dishonest Democrats call voter suppression. Your own Democrat president Jimmy Carter said mail-in voting presented one of the greatest opportunities for cheating. The words Democrat and cheating are synonymous.
  17. Republicans primary concern for the future needs to be insuring that the 2022 and 2024 elections are fair, honest and free of voter fraud. If they do that, the American people, once they experience the insanity of the Democrats' radical left wing socialist policies, will banish the Democrats from office in 2022 and 2024.
  18. Since controlling the Senate is integral to the Democrat plan to impose radical leftist policies on America they will do ANYTHING to win the two senate elections in Georgia, including CHEATING; so Republicans must monitor very closely vote counting in Fulton County and other Democrat controlled counties in Georgia. Otherwise, Democrats will steal another election.
  19. Yeah, that's why Trump stopped travel to and from China in January when everyone else was saying not to.
  20. Happy is probably also sooooo fucking glad that you are not him.
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