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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. But you do need an M.D. to be Surgeon General. I wasn't bashing Biden's wife. I was bashing Whoopie Goldberg. I knew that Jill Biden had a Doctorate in Education, but apparently Whoopie believed she was an M.D. because Whoopie said she should be appointed U.S. Surgeon General. Do you understand now?
  2. Obama wanted her, because she thinks just like he does. Obama was better at hiding who he really is than Kamala was at hiding who she is. That's why she was unable to win one vote in the Democratic presidential primary.
  3. There's a big difference between being infected and being ill. We don't do widespread testing for influenza infections like we are doing for Covid-19. Many of the people who test positive for Covid-19 don't even get sick, but they are still counted in the illness total. How many people are also infected with the flu but never get sick, so they are not even counted in the flu illness total.
  4. I love it when lefty celebrities demonstrate how fucking ignorant they are. Whoopie Goldberg said that Dr.Jill Biden is so brilliant that she should be appointed U.S. Surgeon General. Whoopie is so fucking dumb that she didn't know that Jill Biden was not even an M.D.
  5. "Sleepy Joe" when he was vice president was able to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired who was investigating the business that Hunter Biden worked for in the Ukraine, so he shouldn't have any problem getting the U.S. prosecutor investigating Hunter fired when Joe becomes president. Plus, the news media will help Joe cover up his obstruction of justice.
  6. Today the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court admitted the reason they refused to hear the Trump election lawsuit is because he was afraid the thugs on the left would riot in the streets if the Court took up the case. So if the Democrats want the Supreme Court to rule in their favor all they need to do is threaten riots by ANTIFA and BLM if the Court doesn't do what they want.
  7. Bed time for me. Good night and sweet nightmares to all the Trump haters.
  8. Why are all the "POPULAR POSTS" on this forum comments by Trump haters. Is the management of CC just as biased as the mainstream media?
  9. I think you are becoming as deranged as the golfer and bug eater.
  10. Your thought process is so limited and consumed with Trump's ass that you are boring. Better go back to posting your propaganda blogs since you have nothing to add to the conversation that we haven't heard before. About time for you to again start in with the kool-aid and cult talk, and the need to deprogram Trump supporters.
  11. You going to escort him out? Maybe you could bring some of the RCM to help out.
  12. You are so unoriginal that you had to steal my comment to use against someone else.
  13. No one could ever be as big a fool as you,except maybe the bug eater.
  14. Oop! Looks like the second shift has arrived to take over for the bug eater. lol
  15. Just another example of Trump derangement syndrome by you.. Better start being more concerned about the crimes committed by Joe Biden and the Biden family.
  16. Sounds like that guy has personal experience in eating that sandwich. Maybe you could interest him in eating bugs for dessert like you do.
  17. I predict that as soon as "Sleepy Joe" is safely sworn in as president it will become open season on him by the news media as they implement the game plan to install Kamala Harris as president at behest of Barack Hussein Obama.
  18. If you questioned the 74 million people who voted for President Trump you probably couldn't find 100 who even know who or what the Proud Boys are.
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