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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The last time Kami had sex in the apartment she made her bed before she went out to the clubs, she wore the pants with holes in the knees, she wore a black top with a black choke around her neck. Tonight she left with her bed made, wore the pants with holes in the knees, the black top and a black choke around her neck. Could history repeat itself tonight???????????????
  2. Egor, Kami's second bf in the apartment was better in bed than the first bf, Dima. Chris, the American, was also better than Dima.
  3. Speech sounded good to me. Poor Democrats didn't know what the fuck to do when he said "we will never be a socialist nation." Nancy and Chuck stood and applauded and poor Bernie Sanders sat on his ass and his face turned red as a beet. I thought poor Bernie's head was going to explode.
  4. Appears I was wrong about Kami leaving in February. Hope I continue to be wrong about that.
  5. Girls spend all kinds of time putting make up on, and then spend all kinds of time taking it off.
  6. It's been more than three weeks, about time for Kristy to bring another new guy back to the apartment.
  7. 20:40 Kami and Kaley out. They took two bags and a box with them, so I'm now thinking they're going to a birthday or some other type party.
  8. With all the time Kami is spending putting on make up she must be hoping to meet a movie producer tonight.
  9. Looks like Kami and Kaley are getting ready for another Saturday night at the Moscow clubs.
  10. Anna is one of the friends in the kitchen, but does anyone know the name of the girl with the reddish brown hair?
  11. When Chris, the American, fucked Kami he stuck his thumb in her butt hole, but when he tried it a second time she blocked his hand.
  12. Week days Kristy works during the day and on a lot of weekends she goes home to her parents. Kami spends time out of the apartment now because she is getting her new apartment ready to move into. (My opinion)
  13. Kami out of the apartment again. Her bed is made, so I guess she'll be gone for a couple days like she has been doing. Working on her new apartment?
  14. If Kami was just acting in the bathtub why would she put her back to the camera? Seems to me if she was putting on a show for RLC she would want everyone to clearly see her full facial expressions.
  15. Not impossible. Nellie once held up a sign to the camera that said, "Love you guys", and when one girl left B1 in 2015 she gave "the finger" to the camera. Maybe Kamila will hold her "Fuck Off" mask up to the camera as she is leaving.
  16. But the truth is that unless someone understands Russian, none of us on CC know exactly what the girls are doing outside the apartment. They show a little info on IG but never anything about their sex life. So anything we say about their love life outside the apartment is pure speculation.
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