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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Boy have things changed from Kami's March,2015 debut on RLC.Back then if one of the girls had a nip slip in the downstairs of B1 it was a big deal.
  2. This is turning into a long day for K,K,K. Kami and Kaley went out at 18:00 and I think Kristy left before them.
  3. That's the reason I have time to be here.My girlfriend lives 15 miles from me with her children in the house she rents and I live here in the house I am buying.She had her older daughter when she was just seventeen.She dropped out of high school, married the father of her daughter and had her second daughter two years later.In 2003 she and her husband separated and divorced.I met her when she was dancing at a local strip club.She didn't like dancing,but with no education and two children to support it paid a lot better than working for minimum wage at McDonalds.Since she was so young when her daughters were born the daughters are very close to her parents.For that reason she and I decided it was best for the kids and her to continue living in the same town as her parents.I didn't want to sell my house,so I help her financially and live 15 miles from her.We speak to each other everyday on the phone and get together once or twice a week for our fun time.Oh yeah,she likes kids,so in addition to her two daughters she has adopted two young boys.It's a strange relationship,but it seems to work for us.My girlfriend now works two jobs in the town where she lives.I've been retired from my employment since 2002 and live off my pension and the investments I made while working.So when not with my girlfriend I have a lot of spare time to kill.RLC and CC help me to fill that time.Also, helps make me horny for when my lady shows up.Although,she needs no help in making me horny.In fact,just the sight of her makes me so horny I've nicknamed her "Viagra".
  4. I did learn some new Info from Kami's conversation with the new guy.Learned that Kami's 54 year old father is divorced from Kami's mother and that he has a new family with a 38 year old woman.I've got him beat.I'm 71 and my girlfriend is 34.We've been together since 2003 and she actually follows this RLC soap opera with me.
  5. I missed him asking "if he was only a fuck boy to her."If he said that,then that could explain why he is not in a hurry to come back.But then again,a bunch of young studs vacationing in Thailand?You know what that is all about.
  6. 18:00 Kami and Kaley out. Both well dressed with makeup and jewelry on.Took a couple bags with them.One a large Victoria's Secret bag.
  7. And you appear to have one hell of a chip on your shoulder about something,who fucked you over so badly?
  8. I think Kami believes she is in a real relationship,but I'm afraid she is setting herself up for another painful disappointment.I think this guy just sees her as an easy piece of ass while on vacation.When I first saw the guy talking with Kami in the kitchen being very interested in her life and trying to help her with her English I liked the guy,but the red flag for me was the cold aggressive "Don't fuck with me.Don't play games" comment when Kami tried to playfully push him away in the kitchen.I hope that I am completely wrong about this and that they actually end up together for the rest of their lives and have all the babies they were joking about,but I'm afraid once the guy leaves Russia that will be the end of everything between them. Since Feb.,2016 I've seen only one normal lasting romantic relationship in this apartment,and that was Heidi and her bf.When it comes to choosing men,K,K,K don't seem to have a clue.
  9. If I followed this correctly.The dude called or text Kami to say he was coming over,and then two or three hours later he text her to say it was too late to come.
  10. If I understood Kami's conversation with Kristy correctly,the guy text Kami and said it was too late to come over.Kami read the text he sent in English.
  11. Kami,the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.When will you learn?
  12. Kristy,could you please just tell Kami how stupid she is? The soap opera continues.
  13. Same routine,just a different player.Kami's love life starts out sky high with a guy,then he starts neglecting her and taking her for granted.This relationship got to that point at lightening speed.
  14. Boy! Has time passed me by. I remember when you use to stop by a girl's place around 7:00pm,take her out to dinner and then go have some fun times.Take her home,kiss her good night. Then after doing that for awhile you would become more intimate and begin sleeping over. And none of those girls were anywhere as beautiful as Kami. Now it's like,"Hello,want to fuck?"
  15. Kami surely has some strange relationships.Did this guy say what he was doing in Moscow? Was he doing some sort of night work?
  16. Would be funny if the guy arrived stone cold drunk and passed out on Kami's bed for the rest of the night/morning.
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