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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. How are members suppose to know when a mod is posting comments as a member and when he is posting comments as a mod?It seems there are times when mods post as a member,but if someone criticizes their post they automatically turn into a mod and claim someone is being insubordinate to their mod authority.
  2. Please tell me the rule I broke on November 12 or 13 when I was banned for a day.Show me in any comment I made on November 12 or 13 in the K,K,& K thread where I broke any CC rule.
  3. So you can criticize and belittle members as much as you want,but they can't answer you back because you are a mod?Is that how the rules work?
  4. The only mod I have ever received a formal warning from on CC is Thestarider.
  5. So if the comment is just hidden and not erased show it to everyone on this thread and let them decide whether or not the comment was deserving of a ban.
  6. Foamy and Stone have never warned me.You did not ban me for a social media post in the forum.You banned me for telling Moos that his criticism of me should be made in the "Rants and Flame Wars" thread rather than in the K,K,&K thread. That's why you erased my comment,in order to cover your ass for unfairly banning me. By you erasing my comment I have no way to prove what I said.
  7. I was not warned numerous times.You are a lying.And why did you delete the comment to Moos that you suspended me for?Because you did not want the other mods to see that I said nothing wrong?
  8. And where in the RLC manual does it say that tenants are not allowed to masturbate under the covers? I hear a CC member complaining about that incessantly and no one criticizes him for that complaint.I wonder why not?
  9. I no longer believe a word that comes out of your mouth.AND I TELL YOU THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU AS I SEE IT WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.
  10. Appears Moos is trying to bait me into another argument in the K,K,&K thread,so that his buddy Thestarider will have another excuse to ban me again like he did on November 13.Sorry Moos and Thestarider,but I have no desire to speak to either one of you because I don't trust either one of you.
  11. In my opinion,if we could understand what the tenants are saying the apartments would be more interesting.Without that,all there is to watch are nudity and sexual performances.Although,it was entertaining when Kami and Kaley were looking for the lost cat.
  12. I'm following RLC thru CC and the RLC snapshots.If the K,K,&K apartment becomes more interesting I will renew,maybe when Kami's bf shows up in December.Right now RLC is not worth $45/month to me.
  13. Several people have told you a number of times.I've reached the point that I don't even wish to speak with you anymore.
  14. That's your problem.You insult and belittle people and don't even know you are doing it.
  15. Notice how Moos is quick to attack any CC member who critcizes Kami or the K,K,&K apartment,but you don't hear a peep from him when Thestarider complains about Kami's behavior?Such a phony and hypocrite.
  16. Kami goes on a luxurious weekend vacation where some guy pays for everything and then comes back to Moscow where a bunch of people she doesn't even know pay for her apartment.She really has the game figured out.
  17. When we had a combination of RLC ,social media info,and translations this apartment and this thread were enjoyable.Now that all we have are RLC this apartment and thread have become boring.The apartment has become like the movie"Groundhog Day",the same thing over and over.
  18. Wow,how times have changed.Kami is back and no one even cares.Looks like she's having a nice conversation with Kaley,too bad we have no idea what the hell they are talking about.
  19. So what?They will do nothing except talk about Kami's trip and Ben's big dick and we won't understand a damn thing they're saying.
  20. I see no problem with speculation as long as it is clearly expressed as speculation,but speculation expressed as fact is a problem.
  21. In that case CC mods should also restrict their rants about CC members to that thread.And what about childish Domestic Disputes started by mods?
  22. I didn't know it was a mod's job to harass CC members.
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