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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I was going to watch these two hot lovers,but now I think I'll fix something to eat instead. lol
  2. Looks like Kami is trying to put on a show for RLC viewers to save her apartment but Dima won't take part in the show.They have me so sexually excited that I'm getting sleepy. LMAO
  3. Kami and Kristy putting on a nice show in the living room right now.Would be great for attracting new customers for RLC,but unfortunately that apartment has no free rooms.So only premium members can see it and many of those people have been banned by RLC. LMAO
  4. Can't believe I would ever say this,but Irma and the girl in her bed right now are much more interesting than Kami and Kristy.
  5. K&K awfully chatty right now.Wonder if they are saying anything interesting.Wish I understood Russian. lol
  6. They've been together off and on for probably two years and they've talked about marriage and having children.That sounds pretty serious to me.
  7. Might be more difficult for them to hide their real lives if they have their own apartment or if they do try to hide their real lives it will become very obvious.They can get away with it in the K&K apartment because they don't spend much time there and have some other place to spend time together.
  8. If someone were to go back to the beginning of the K&K apartment and add up all the hours Kami has spent in the apartment and all the hours she has spent out of the apartment,I bet the totals would be close to equal. That,along with the boring behavior inside the apartment are the primary reasons why I have canceled my RLC subscription.If RLC give Kami and Dima their own apartment I will renew my subscription.
  9. Sometimes it appears that Kamila's whole existence in life is dependent upon men desiring her and everyone continually telling her how beautiful she is.How sad.She has so much more potential beyond that as a person.
  10. I'm still afraid to view it,even in Chrome.Don't want to risk screwing up my computer.
  11. Kristy and Kami,one of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get a different result. lol
  12. Does anyone besides me find the Kamila and Cokeboy relationship to be strange? Kami has sex with Cokeboy in her bed one or two days before going to Thailand.Then just before leaving for Thailand she announces to Kristy that she is a free woman.So after that Cokeboy drives both Kami and Kristy to the airport for their flight to Thailand.On her second day in Thailand Kami meets a German dude who she immediately hooks up with and screws everyday for almost two weeks.Then Kami and Kristy return to Moscow where Cokeboy picks them up at the airport with flowers for Kami.Shortly after that Kami and Cokeboy resume their relationship.Weird or not?
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