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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Kami likes to play mind games.The balcony with another guy would be the best way to screw with Dima's imagination if he is watching. lol
  2. From the description of this guy, sounds like Kami went for substance over form this time.Good for her.
  3. I'm debating as to whether or not it's worth $45 to me to see what Kami's new boyfriend looks like. lol
  4. Thanks.Still think I'll hold off on renewing subscription.But my kind of party if I was one of the guys. lol
  5. Kitek said Jula was talking to Kami yesterday about a party tonight.Maybe that is where Kami went.
  6. On a recent instagram video where she was dancing through a fountain Kami posted the comment that she was rehearsing for August 2,whatever that meant.
  7. Could it be that Kami is trying to synchronize her schedule with her new boyfriend's?If he works at a club he probably goes to work between 9:00pm and midnight and gets off around 6:00am or later.That means he would sleep during the day.Lately Kami has not been going to sleep until 4:00 or 5:00am and waking up late in the afternoon.I believe she has then been leaving the apartment around 6:00pm which would probably be about the time her boyfriend is awaking.She could then spend time with him until he goes to work.
  8. Are both Kami and Kristy out of apartment?And if so,does anyone know at what time each left?
  9. Read the book by Peter Pomerantsev entitled "Nothing is True and Everything is Possible".
  10. I think Kami may be a product of Russian culture where girls are taught from a young age that their whole worth in life is to be sexually appealing to men and to find a man who will financially take care of them.
  11. Anymore when I see a photo of Kami or Dima I automatically think of the John Lennon song "Crippled Inside".It seems with both Dima and Kami appearance is everything.I do not believe it is possible for Kami to walk past a mirror without looking at it.
  12. I recently read and article about fashion models.There was a line in the article that said,"When a model's phone stops ringing her career is over."
  13. Without Kitek's translations it's impossible to know what is going on in this apartment.
  14. Big transition for Kami.I remember Kamila when she came to RLC for the first time in Barcelona in March,2015.She would take a shower with her back to the camera.
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