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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Just comparing differences in costs between U.S. and Russia.My shack in the middle of nowhere?Actually it's a very nice house valued today at $115,000 in a nice subdivision in a great small midwestern American city.Sounds like you have an attitude problem for some reason.
  2. Sure glad I bought a premium membership from RLC so I could watch the K&K apartment.I just love staring at empty rooms.
  3. Appears to me they get along fine as long as they don't spend an extended period of time alone together.That might make for a strange marriage though. lol
  4. Reread Kitek's translation posted on March 14 and then compare that with the behavior you see between Kami and b/f in the apartment.Very predictive of how they are presently behaving.
  5. The nation that was to be a classless society seems to be the most class conscious nation in the world. LMAO
  6. Also,I believe his father died when he was very young and his father when alive was an alcoholic and abusive to his mother.Those things leave emotional scars.
  7. Based upon what happened in Thailand it sounds as if Coke boy may be failing as a lover too. lol
  8. Also,one other time Kami told Kristy that if she had a vehicle she would drive Kristy to see some guy and wait outside in the vehicle.But she couldn't because she did not have a vehicle.
  9. I wonder if the ruling elite of Russia remember what happened to the Romanov Family.It's ironic that a nation that was built on the notion of a classless society now has such a disparity in economic classes.
  10. Did not N&B vacation in Thailand,also? If so,I wonder if the vacations are some sort of a reward that RLC gives out to tenants.Maybe RLC has some sort of an arrangement with a resort in Thailand.
  11. There is so much mystery in this apartment that almost everything is maybe.Even more mysterious because I don't understand Russian. lol
  12. Maybe glad he does not want sex as frequently as other guys,but maybe he does not want sex frequently enough to satisfy her needs for sex.
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