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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I think where the confusion comes in is that they co-mingle their real lives with an act for RLC viewers.
  2. Or maybe Kami is trying to hide her true intentions while keeping her options open just in case something better than Dima shows up.The guy's parents are rich.That's part of her equation.Kami knows she can have almost any guy she wants. lol
  3. Appears Kami is looking to find some guy who satisfies all her needs(financial,emotional and sexual).Don't blame her.Go for it Kami.Hope you finally find your "Prince Charming."
  4. I just reread June 7 conversation between Kristy,Kami and Anna.In the conversation Anna talks about her friend who is the son of a rich cosmetics corporation owner. She showed photo of him to Kami and Kami suggested that Anna invite the guy to the K&K apartment.Maybe that means Kami is thinking about moving on from Dima.
  5. Does Dima get rewarded tonight at his place for being a "good boy, non-sexual" in K&K apartment or is this just a continuation of his test? And the soap opera continues.The relationships in this place are so confusing. lol
  6. I bought a new three bedroom,2 bathroom house with kitchen,dining room and large living room in 1999 for $110,000.Also have large yard with wooded area in back of the house.House is within walking distance of landing which is on 1200 acre lake.In addition to that I have been paying $500/month rent for last 13 yrs for my girlfriend who lives in another town close to me.
  7. Hope there is a new conversation shortly between Kami and Kristy about Woodpecker that Kitek translates,so that we can find out how Kami really feels about Woodpecker's behavior.
  8. Yep,I'm beginning to believe Dima is in the middle of a test that he doesn't even know he is taking.Kami is doing everything she can to coax affection out of him except complaining because she knows that is the one thing that will work.But she doesn't complain because the only reason he will change if she complains is because he fears she will leave him.So the cycle would continue.She leaves or threatens to leave because he neglects her and then he changes his behavior in order to hold on to her and the unending cycle starts over again.
  9. Could also be that Kamila is giving Dima enough rope to hang himself with,so she goes along with his neglecting behavior to see if he will change on his own.She pretends to be really happy with him because she knows if she complains he will temporarily change his behavior in order to hold on to her.After an extended period of neglectful behavior she may just one day bluntly say I gave you the chance you wanted and you didn't change,so good-bye. Remember Kristy told Kami to not give him an ultimatum,because that would cause him to alter his normal behavior.
  10. Might be looking for someone to take the place of his mommy.He did bring his dirty laundry over for Kami to wash.
  11. Or maybe Kami and Dima have worked this out in advance because they do not want have sex in the apartment,so they play this little game with us and then have sex in his apartment.
  12. This has to be scripted by RLC.No way in hell a man could spend two nights in a row in bed with this beautiful woman and do nothing. lol
  13. There are guys on here who would give an arm and a leg to spend one hour in bed with Kami and this fool spends two nights in a row in bed with her and goes straight to sleep.He is a disgrace to the male gender.
  14. I think woodpecker should give his dick to the bear.He doesn't have any use for it other than peeing. lol
  15. I'm confused as to why Dima took his suitcase with him when he left earlier today and then brought it back with him when he returned.Why not just leave it in the apartment while he was gone?
  16. I think so too.Not out of apartment long enough for trip to the airport.Since Kami returned I sense an air of happiness and freedom with her now.
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