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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. Can someone tell me what site they use for watching rlc videos besides hotscopes.net and reallifecam.to?
  2. if she had one maybe i would be more inclined to resub! lol
  3. rlc wont see a dime from me again!!! they have gone to the dogs!!
  4. I took my business to VHTV months now!! Fuck RLC!
  5. I've tried resubbing three times and my PayPal isn't allowing the payment to go through.....thanks PayPal for saving me from resubbing to this joke of a site!!
  6. Leora and some bloke sitting on a couch is top cam? Smh!
  7. seems to be the end of the road for us freeloaders....
  8. top 8 cams on replay,leora just laying around......smh
  9. i like a good get together just like any other,but gina overdoes it for me,she can never know when to quit! i predict this lil shindig will go past 7,8 a.m
  10. haidresser has a really persistent cough!
  11. Stacey Abrams, Michelle Obama collaborating on voting rights push THEHILL.COM Stacey Abrams and Michelle Obama are coming together in a renewed push for federal voting rights legislation. For those wondering who this "piece of shit" is....
  12. Rlc seems to be trying out a new feature....."free cam roulette" lol
  13. probabbly if i had specs like bubbles i'll be able to see the previews! lol,one of my fav shows!! TPB 😄
  14. Rlc for the win with the "ultra blur" in the cam previews!!! holy crap this site keeps getting worse!
  15. one of my favs....she was sexyyyy!!!!
  16. i believe she was,our first taste of bbw on rlc!
  17. once saw him stick his finger in her ass and it looked like he had just got done eating a melted hershey bar.....fucking grossest shit "pun intended" ive ever seen on this site!
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