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  1. That is Sara. Rachel was wearing black panties. But he did take them off, after asking her permission.
  2. I believe Brooke was the only one with extended penetration, but Rachel let him rub her pussy with some penetration (with his fingers)... and Katarina didn't complain, too much... when he rubbed hers (she did complain when white pants guy tried though...)
  3. Since we have a tradition of naming the different guests, I'm calling the bearded guy, Blacksputin... (for the humor impaired, "Black Rasputin") 🤪 Also, he was the only guy that every girl, that he massaged, let get them completely naked. Including Rachel (like we didn't see as much as she showed last night when she was a tenant...) and Katarina. And no one complained about where he put is hands... Outside of Brooke, even the dude in the white pants, wasn't allowed as much free access. I just that it was funny, that the girls were clearly more comfortable with him, then even Fior and Hawk... Anyway, off to do some work... later...
  4. ... You are a clown... Brooke has sex one time on camera and she's a nasty bitch?! Between the people that hate the girls for having sex and/or the guys that have sex with them and the people that complain constantly about the people that complain about the former... why are you all here... Almost 200 post of people bitching and whining... smh!
  5. Sara has shown herself as bi-sexual since before she became a tenant. When she was just a friend of Sophie.
  6. Well, technically it's the British's unit system. Hence why it's called the Imperial System of measurement... 😉
  7. You make some excellent points. Since you're already done the hard part and unsubscribed from RLC, you complete your quest and finally fuck off for good. I think you would be happier and I know I would.
  8. Pretty sure she'd let Mati smash though... just saying...
  9. They already do send "smelfies". Selling used panties is a huge industry in Japan and OnlyFans... or so I hear... Oh, and some girl on Instagram ended up in the hospital for messing up her digestive system, for eating thing that would make the jarred farts she was selling, more "aromatic"...
  10. Except I and few others aren't the ones seeing 1 + 1 =
  11. She's never been on RLC, she's American, visiting Europe... Barcelona is her last place to visit before she goes home... according to her...
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