It's hard to find new complaints about Sofia it is like groundhog day. It is the same boring shit everyday
Here are 3 things you need to live in Sofia 1 no personality 2 Smartphone to look at while your awake 3 no personality.
VV don't care if there cameras buffer or get stuck in night vision mode ; Tula has been doing that for three months and they will not change servers for the buffering or fix the cameras that get stuck in NV mode what gets me is no one complains to them so why should they change anything.
I can't watch Alex any more he a drunk that abuses Anna he is gross he baths once a week at best he lays around for days starring at tv he attacked a guy that was trying to defend he his girlfriend from being raped I will not watch him
They have a new couple coming in so they decide to invite a bunch of guy to have a party not giving the new couple a chance to get to know A&L . They invite some guy to stay there and take up space so E&L have to sit in other room of A&L and they still don't get to know them so E&L say fuck it ever sense, they just avoid them. they are both good couples but someone has to stand up and tell the freeloader to leave so they can get to know each other or split them up.
One more thing I still have no idea what the FUCK Anita is doing there She is not sexy she lays around in the dark most of time she is a free loader at best
Lucky for me I quiet VV right after Carmen fuck Alex And Tula turned into a peace of shit . Sofia turned into a peace of shit when Boobie arrived . So I did not want to spend money for Voro to boring and Tver was fun but not worth the membership so I went to VH