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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Babi is the one with the “ technical “ lips …
  2. Hmm.. is it my idea or the apartment is back online ???
  3. You need to check her BOOBS first .. then some videos and eternal teasing , Irma knew how to play the cameras , positioning , one of the girls that made good money from RLC during the glory days in Barcelona . A must see for viewers as were always expecting to see her with a guy and there were some very FEW moments to be around them , only to HAVE THEM all left blueballed. On her last stay she masturbated quite often , I consider that last one the best she had . Irma is for sure in the top10 of Barcelona tenants ever 😊
  4. Who are her customers ? Guys that she has sex because she likes active sex life ? AGAIN , women who have multi partners even daily are criticized Whores , guys who have multi partners either Casanovas or Assholes … in the year 2023 , there are still people believing in monogamy and that active sex life with many people characterizes you a whore … PFFF … People are left back in life standards of 60-70 years that if they see you everyday with someone else , you would be hanged up in the central square .. but , you can never teach old dogs new tricks ( A bit of mind opening and expansion is so much needed in this forum and the few people who ARE ACTUALLY on this level , SO VERY WISELY they have chosen not posting … )
  5. A great Real Life encounter , Norway vs Denmark 😏😏😆
  6. It was the same with Aziza , nobody could understand why she got the penthouse , at least she had her moments .. Shantal is a nice tease and a pleasant person , she’s interested on being a daily real life on cameras tenant and she shares her times . Unfortunately , the majority signs in RLC for sex and the lack from her side for showing more private things has her being judged negative , but for my taste , she’s a good tenant , there are others that they offer sex , what can we do , Shantal isn’t one of those girls but I believe in the end she will surrender 😉 .. With Sambuka , I totally disagree , great ass , fantastic tits , she fucks like a champion , SHE LIVES her life exactly as personally i am expecting watching the Barcelona concept . Her face is one of the most seducing , wild and goes into your head if she looks at you , this is how i consider her . Of course , different people , different tastes .
  7. I will speak from my side and say that for a long time , I was hoping they will have/bring locals so as - with their already social circles and establishments - we could see a variety of guests , friends of tenants that would be told about the cameras world and easily visit either the villas or any other apartment and have fun , enjoy , make parties , gatherings and so on . When I was saying that , I mostly had in my mind successful local girls like we saw with the one and only Gina who i think is the greatest example . I could never ever imagine that RLC’s turn on hiring locals ( either because they can’t bring nowadays Russian speaking people or they don’t pay enough to attract them to do this job ) would have these results . B2 is the example that should be avoided the way I see it ( even Nadia being such a beautiful woman and seemed to try and do something but let’s say she’s suffering from her break up of the long time relationship ) … Then we have in the villas girls that , if you see , the good ones all left , Wendy , Azura , they were characters and had a personality , the English was helping us to understand some of the daily happenings . Aziza was a mystery but a great eye candy , gone also . And B7 , what can I say ? Even the one and only Ashley looks like a ghost compared to the fun , fearless , smiley , fun girl we got introduced when she arrived . We are now in a pre April big changes villa situations that we had one of the most boring periods . It is summer in its core , they could go out , invite friends as they are most of them locals ( apart Tani but she has the local boyfriend 😆 ) , DO SOMETHING and ABSOLUTELY nothing happens .. And of course , the couples Barcelona where the couple they hired has ABSOLUTELY ZERO interaction with Tereza and Timur .. What more to say ? We just have now B1 which has 3 tenants that are interesting to watch for each one own’s reasons with the boss being the one and only Sambuka and Megan arranging with her experience how the apartment flows .. And just Dylan trying to be around and provide for any viewership . The disaster is simply - in my opinion - seen when Harley and Fiora , Karol and Kos , Martina and Alberto have no connections with any of these places except some cameos for whom knows what reasons . Barcelona is in major trouble and it is a pity because back in April they REALLY fixed it with the changes … It took them just not even 4 months for the experiment to collapse ..
  8. Hmm … Sambuka -hopefully - rearranges her wardrobe , if she’s packing , well then , this could be the “ GRAVEYARD” watching Barcelona 😡🤬.. Nothing more interested to see apart from same routine things by different girls .. Let’s hope that Sambuka stays .
  9. It is what it is .. everyone has its own opinion here .. feel bothered ? Simply ignore list .. WAIT … you haven’t done yet ? WHY ??
  10. YOU HAVE IT ALL RIGHT figured out .. please … tomorrow in the National Bank of America to claim your bonus of having the right opinion about Leora ( and Paul ) … the bank institution will feel great , trust the Greek boy 😂😂
  11. 😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣 thank you on confirming my thought that you are are an ABSOLUTE OLD GUY who has no clue what he wants to watch , when he wants to watch it and what will serve him … FINALLY , I get the answer of “ more of the blathering idiot “ because your balls are tinier than a cucumber plant in front of my garden that I just watered 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Enjoy IQ mister 0 😂🤣😂🤣
  12. Are you one of them ? Or Leora is your fantasy when feeling alone and abandoned / isolated ? Honest question to someone who claims gives honest answers …
  13. Still people believe that Bogdan and Nelly run the place 1000% successful .. REALLY rafan? Wake up from the travesty …
  14. Leora “ cheated “ RLC site for more than 1,5 years and EVERYONE was 🤐🤐🤐 … and look where we are now … Saying and projecting the truth but the RLC acolytes and QUEEN protectors / supporters trying to show that we are ALL … STUPID .. end ..😄
  15. You know ALL tenants and major incidents ( repeated posts during your years here ) as you have been observing RLC for nearly 10 years now . I KNOW that whenever people dislike , hate , don’t enjoy something , they either stay away or show indifference on anything happening .. you pop up whenever you see that RLC having bad periods judging them negative that “ RLC dies “ , “ RLC is no more “ and such quite examples for what ? You hate the program , the people , the forum members that write anything positive about RLC … even more , you COMPLETELY DISGRACE ( your one right and well done , no problem at all , totally respected attitude ) people like me that see the bright and positive side of the RLC site because in the very end it is a fun hobby AND I AM PAYING without causing trouble IN YOUR POCKET .. why do you bother then ? I choose where to spend my money , my opinion that what I watch worth’s it at times and it is STUPID OTHER dozens ones … BUT YOU ? What’s your purpose commenting negative on something that - as you claim - you pay zero to watch ? What’s your purpose ? To enlighten others stop spending money on a bad product ? HOW DO YOU KNOW IS A BAD PRODUCT IF YOU AREN’T WATCHING ? Just saying ..
  16. The tourist on holidays in the villa isolated from the rest , getting these incredible tan lines that we were introduced a year ago and made her a MUST SEE newcomer , just some hours ( most probably ) that the other half picks her up for the 48 hours absence … it is what it is ..
  17. I think that this is the very first time we see two “ RLC totems “ Irma and Masha sharing the same place ..
  18. When you have no friends , no social life at all , when the REAL WOLRD out there looks like world’s biggest challenge since you have no idea how to behave , act , interact , socialize with people and daily life things , what’s the point to wake up and leave the safety of the apartment and MOST IMPORTANTLY , leave alone for some hours the MAN YOU LOVE THE MOST IN YOUR LIFE and you DID EVERYTHING to bring him back in the new life reality only to have this person 5-6 times per week sleeping not at the same bed with you and just standing in front of a monitor all night long ?? She just does as she feels … actually , she needs to be full energy and active when “ prime time “ begins between 21:00-00:00 and work hard for the income .. 😊
  19. Another addicted ( non subscriber ? ) that pops up commenting on something he observes /watches that he claims he hates but still knows more details on people and incidents than half of active forum members here .. SHILL ( )
  20. Yes .. you have convinced the WHOLE forum that Dylan is the source of all evil in the villas … Bogdan and Nelly appear nowhere else except living like King and Queen in a place that doesn’t belong to them , yet , they have the best room , isolated and the POWER to cut off the power generator and bring nearby villa in darkness 😂🤣 The one night stands are called “ hookers “ by you when you aren’t in a position to explain why Dylan will need a hooker to fuck like he’s missing sex and needs to pay 😂🤣 ( i still don’t know of course if you know what ONS means … ) .. Shantal covers while masturbating but for you this isn’t called “ SHY “ .. ok … a guy was with her on Ashley’s bed a couple of months ago and she wasn’t surrendering but for you this isn’t called “SHY “ … ok … she was doing showers not facing the cameras , this for you isn’t called “ SHY “… ok .. No one wants to do things with Dylan anymore 😂🤣😂 when just 5 or so days ago it was Aya , Aziza , Tani and Lacrim having fun saying farewell to Aziza . YOU NEED TO SEE THAT NOBODY wants to do or stay anymore in B7 ( in comparison to B4 ) , Ashley she visits often B2 , Lacrim is around and about either at Harley’s or attending personal issues in Barcelona . Dylan is welcomed repeatedly , last week in B5 party , then for two days in a row in B1 and last night as well … for you , nobody wants to do things with him when YOU CAN’T see that with Bogdan and Nelly having claimed B7 as their own palace. , the place is sinking . Even Ashley the wild and crazy has lost passion and luckily she had that one time event some days ago . Dylan seemed to arrange to bring Megan’s boyfriend in Barcelona , BUT , for you , he is still The asshole 😂🤣 The only guy ( Dylan ) that because HE LOVES SOCIALIZING , you present it like afraid being alone 😂 this is one of the most “ sick “ comments I have read here , people who go out , they participate daily as much as possible with others and interact , you say THAT HE AFRAIDS TO BE ALONE .. god helps us all 😂 And the last one , go home and destroy football stadiums .. please , go and visit Napoli , the things you will see there can ( MAYBE ) if you are smart enough make you understand what passion runs Napoli , the maradona effect , the Vesuvius volcano , Pompei , piazza plebiscito , the Napoli port and the famous pizza Napolitana , then maybe we can talk again about ASSHOLE Dylan and going back to destroy football stadiums 😂🤣😂🤣 Unluckily for you , Dylan and Sambuka are currently the two and only reasons to watch the Barcelona apartments ( followed by glances of Harley , Fiora , Aya and unfolding Nadia ) .
  21. As expected , the place will have a lot of comments today and many people who haven’t been seen for a while will pop up for a post or more … Nice to see Irma back as ( despite knowing that no matter what she has her limits ) being a MEGA teaser , if she acts as an active tenant it will be fun for as long as she will be on cameras and she comes on the period that RLC isn’t at its best .. let’s see . The thing though THAT HASN’T been mentioned and I am surprised , it is the fact that the rumors that Irma was out of EU for 5 years because she was caught illegal last time in Barcelona , doesn’t seem to be the issue . She left RLC on October 2020 , that is a bit of more than 2,5 years and we see her again in EU soil . Now , if this has to do that she’s Ukrainian and the war has altered rules , it is a pleasant change ☺️ otherwise , her reappearance in Europe is a mystery . Still , it is great to see her and … SHE LOOKS GREAT .
  22. I don’t thinks she’s shy , I think she’s ( not ready ? ) not willing to do more than nudity on cameras .. for example , her masturbations aren’t fake or a show , she does it for her own personal woman needs ( relax and enjoy / cover her sex desires / feelings ) and that’s why she does it under the covers .. on the other hand ,when people sign in to take this job , they also know or is explained at least what is expected by them as well . If they do , it is fine and better for them , if not , life goes on . In any case , for me Shantal is fun to watch , beautiful and different girl , smiley and social and she’s not isolated , moody or a bad roommate or person in general for the rest .. we need also a bit of more chilled people , of course when Barcelona slowly loses even some of the ones that did more in cameras since the April’s restart ( Azura , Wendy , Gloria ,Aziza ) and the ones replacing are proving so far not capable of the same fun , then it is also affecting Shantal’s presence which is already a long one and has people wondering if and ever will do something more .. Still , EVERYONE needs to remember the difficulties she went through when she arrived in B1 and lived for some days with the 2 girls who were “ taking advantage “ of guys inside the cameras house which led them to their RLC departure .. Shantal is fine , there are others worse currently ( for example Milena the mama , Lubna the night worker , the new couple in B5 , Oks in B4 laying down mostly on her bed the whole day ) … The art of voyeurism is waiting for that very special moment , the forum exploded when Dylan approached her , she seemed to surrender but she wasn’t ( STILL ) ready to let all go .. let’s see .
  23. I’m am not -LIKE YOU - ready with the packet of tissues and the hand on the dick ready to masturbate like every night waiting to see anything sexual happening . For you , it seems RLC is just wanting to watch porn ONE MORE TIME so you obviously have no clue how it is watching a site that has in one of the apartments 2 guests visiting one of the tenants we are paying their salaries and seeing a bit of different interaction and other activities than the daily routine . The guests visits will always bring the unexpected side of this site and whenever I see this happening , I will always praise .BUT YES , they apologize to you that LIFE ISN’T only fucking 😂
  24. But … Irma is coming back to reclaim her throne 😂
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