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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The attitude and behavior of Harley clearly says it and proves it FINALLY by watching on her own place . SHE WANTS NOTHING with the rest of the tenants ( i am pretty sure that Ulyana would be the same ) . The reasons are unknown , my explanation is ( very unpopular speculation ) that she , being a Russian , has suffered an incredible amount of bullying due to the war and having all in favor for the Ukrainians , she’s simply fed up and wants nothing with them ( not that she hates them but bullying has been enough ) . It is a crazy and unpopular speculation but I can’t think of something else . Ulyana’s departure has clearly caught her unprepared and changed her world , she clearly unhappy and the cosharing/coliving with Fiora isn’t making her happy or keeps her satisfied .. I could even predict that she will be abandoning RLC in the next months ..
  2. I only judge what I see , without putting myself on translating , asking people to translate for me or participating in private groups which happen to have members speaking to tenants directly , therefore in the end , people believing what a tenant confess to them . Careful , I don’t say you are part of such a group but knowing many details , observing the life of her for 10+ year and the people that in the past you used to have a “ closer “ relationship here at the forum , people who REPEATEDLY and ADMITEDLY claim that they were speaking to her , I can only reach the conclusion that certain details come on surface because Leora ALLOWS for certain details to come on surface . I NEVER EVER believe what a tenant would confess to a member , knowing the power they have over peoples brain and weakness , I can easily think that whey will sell sea weed for silk . Leora knows how to manipulate the brain of certain people , if she can manipulate the dicks of hundreds of people only by exhibitioning herself , I can’t even imagine how she can manipulate brains by saying ( for example ) “ Hello ddhm , I am so happy like never before , me and the love of my life we are already planning the next step in our lives , I am so happy and excited about it , will always share info with you “ … THIS for example , I CAN ONLY 😂🤣😂🤣😂😆 … Now , whatever I comment comes as i said from my observations over the years , which obviously are 1/100 less than yours but there are certain things that give me such thoughts and conclusions . The lack of socializing , being able to stand amongst friends , the lack of social skills in whatever we have seen over the years in terms of how we realize social interaction in the western world , this is what makes me categorize Leora as uneducated . I should have said uneducated in life and not studying uneducated , I KNOW VERY WELL and from personal experiences that Russian speaking people are very well educated as school and learning is ONE OF THE TOP priorities in the countries of the eastern block . On that , I should correct myself as I didn’t present it right . Uneducated then on how to deal with people , this NOBODY will change my mind ( even if I am wrong … ) . Success … Seeing a girl making a step in front abandoning a standard life and a boyfriend that SHE ADMITEDLY as presented here she loves , it means that her goals are much more than what she had in the country she was living , why then abandon if she was happy and successful there ? Success .. why try and learn beauty salon skills ( as it was also presented here ) if she was successful on her personal life ? Success … why get involved for 1,5 years if her life was happy on a personal level with the love of her life ? Success … Why making ( as has been presented the last days ) plans for another country when there have been so many tries in Czech Republic for the last 4 years ?? Last and certainly not least , what is success when you sleep 12 hours per day and the rest is laying on bed, masturbating , being naked studying a mobile , a laptop and an iPad ? Yes , it is subjective but just also the confession of what we see on cameras .. You assume me her knowing what’s going on “outside” and AGAIN , amongst all , I would never ever doubt YOU . But how can I convince myself when I watch a REPETICION and a lack of new things , skills , education ( really where is her Czech language knowledge like we saw her doing in the past ? ) , when I see a lack of making herself available with other people , WHEN ABOVE ALL , after 10+ years the only thing we KNOW SHE DOES WELL , it is opening her legs , touching her pussy with her fingers and inserting toys in her ass … THIS IS WHAT ME AND DOZENS OF OTHERS have seen from her the last 10 years . If dancing in a sexy way , ironing , knitting , paying bills from distance to keep an animal shelter open ( HAVE WE SEEN ON CAMERAS SOMETHING ELSE and I have missed it ? ) , if all these skills are a “ GUARANTEE “ for a life after the cameras , then , I RAISE MY HANDS UP and I respect a person being able to do and have a successful life after the cameras and INDEED knowing the REAL LIFE currently . I have played football in the national time of Greece of U-18 . I am obviously prejudiced of the life football athletes have when they get “ on retirement “ at the age of 35-39 , honestly , apart from the really big names that we see on television , who remembers the majority of them after - as you say - 5/10 years time ? Leora will be remembered for what she showed and contributed but as new generations appear , they will obviously attached to new talent , it is inevitable . Always a pleasure exchanging ideas and opinions with you , despite disagreeing , these are opinions and that’s what matters THE MOST . I leave the emojis for people WHO PRETEND knowing and selling SPIRIT and being empty like dumbs in the brain because they can’t creat a single’s FUCK phrase and I wish there were many like you to have indeed in the end a forum like it is deserved for - CERTAINLY - a person , Leora , who elevated and boosted , made popular the RLC site .
  3. I disagree with you on that very point , that is having put things in place for the life after the cameras world . She is uneducated , she has no “ connection “ on what goes on in the real world , accounts , daily life demands . Except there are things that certain people here know and the majority is unaware , I can’t see how a woman that has an animal shelter back in a country that she doesn’t want to return and her beloved boyfriend is still managing “ business “ fixing electronic devices ( at least this is how things are presented here at the forum ) , I don’t know how long and for how much time this will support the way of life that Leora is used to have . Obviously , LIKE A HUMAN BEING towards another one who wants to be successful , triumphant , happy and smiley , I want to know that these two people have achieved the best and managed the life the best way possible … BUT , in comparison to you “ having no doubt about it “ , I HAVE THE BIGGEST DOUBTS because I have seen her doing nothing else . And if you say that she has been gathering TONS AND TONS of money the last 10+ years , I think we all know that it takes just few wrong decisions or life challenges to lose a lot .. And with the inexperience of the REAL LIFE that this couple has , this is why I have STRONG doubts … For example , I see Masha and how she behaves to life and how I can doubt that she won’t be successful after the cameras world ? ( i used a long term tenant as an example to make my point ) … In any case , her life , her problems and the fact that people WON’T GIVE AN ACTUAL FUCK as soon as she disappears , tells a lot ( which is also inevitable ) .
  4. Sooner or later , the “ commitments “ will need to end , sooner or later there won’t be that “ certain / standard “ income .. sooner or later , the results of this apathy will surface … IT WON’T BE ANYONE knowing ( by seeing since there won’t be any cameras recording 24/7 ) what really goes on and Leora will be even more lonely than she is now ( she has no friends since she has zero social life ) … The sad thing is that EVERYONE who now supports , praises and whatsoever won’t have access to her life , which will make it soon to be forgotten ( apart from the video and the former past glory ) . LIKE EVERYONE IN LIFE that the time comes for the STAGE LIGHTS to turn off , it will come this for her as well . And all of us that we are trying to “ prevent “ this misery appearing and coming ( and that’s what make is negative and bad for the rest of the hardcore fans ) will be mentioned on “ yes you were right at that time , but … “ ….
  5. It’s been a long time that Masha didn’t have a multi partners event .. unfortunately , there’s no place for anything like this to happen. .. Plus .. Such things only happen at Masha’s 😆 With B7 being a forbidden territory for Masha so as to visit Dylan , Dylan can only be appearing if he is invited in B5 .. In any case , at least we have possibly done things to watch the days she spends there ..
  6. Harley like preparing for a visitor …
  7. He can always be distracted and have company with the Italian couple … I still want to see him getting to know Dylan and what Dylan might be telling him …
  8. Fiora’s job has finished .. time for milena to send her child a goodnight kiss and Nadia to go and read or write her diary 😂
  9. Are you bored and try to see how RLC survives one more day or still can’t believe how RLC manages to boost subscriptions ? It must PAIN YOU DEEPLY watching something you hate managing to still be successful and throw your poison comments to people that at least never lose faith despite the stupidities correctly ( thank you on letting me find out the word SHILL 😂🤣😂) .. At the moment , gran your glass of wine or ice tea or tea and try to check the BLURRING , maybe it intrigues you to wonder around the whole forum and find out what’s happening ( REALLY YOU ARE AN RLC hater content ) .
  10. Exactly that just happened … you could always tell as Fiora NEVER went to Milena because she knows that she’s there to boost her ratings … Nadia is the eye candy ..
  11. And milena with the mask so nobody in the future can really say it was her on these shows 😂🤣😂🤣
  12. Of course …. MILENA is blocking all the action of going further … maybe she hasn’t seen sexual life since she joined RLC again and all this cusses her to be nervous 😂🤣
  13. Fiora always RESPECTS the cameras even on shows , she LOVES them .. if the others are doing tricks , at least she keeps her reputation of being honest .. were anyone else there , this would have been a JOKE .. But Fiora has no boundaries and at least she makes it kind of worth watching ..
  14. Fiora in position waiting if Nadia will start something .. Milena is providing the stupidities …
  15. Nadia seems accepting all and not stopping Fiora
  16. Fiora giving some goosebumos to Nadia … exactly as was said . fiora sees response and goes for it …
  17. The MILFS are using the MODEL … BUT … Fiora sees response … so , let’s see .
  18. We have been wrong despite we should actually see it coming with the Italian couple in B5 and Tereza and Timur being the last active connections of Masha in Barcelona .. let’s see how the “ flirt “ that Masha always had for Timur will go when the drinks party will occur ( OBVIOUSLY it will be zero reactions but then it is Elvis and the Italian couple and how it is going to be ) .. The conclusion is that ONCE AGAIN , Masha is summoned to bring LIFE in Barcelona ..
  19. You are very right on spot , Dylan has ATTACKED no one that knows she has a guy … Megan , Tani to name these two … The girls that fucked with him ( Azura , Aziza ) obviously gave him the initiation for whatever happened .. But this is Masha we are talking about .. And to be honest , I WOULD LOVE TO see Elvis’s behavior , it is going to be his FIRST MAJOR B ROLE that he’s going to play next to the RLC’s top ever tenant learning him and explaining him RLC outside of Rome ..
  20. Ahh … you are watching in details now ? Really ? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤪😜😝
  21. I explained more than clear .. you commenting here , obviously you do . My browser is having this room connected as NOTHING ELSE is happening .. i hope Shantal or Sambuka are soon to be seen in B1 with guys ( Dylan accompanying Shantal ) and then I can enjoy whatever is shown … I see you are interested , so , don’t be a pussy and admit that you will be celebrating if a horny Fiora or Nadia masturbate corvette style later and stop the bullshit ..
  22. COMPLETELY nothing else is happening , therefore it is inevitable that this grabs all attention … and at least Nadia and Fiora could make it interesting even as a show but the mama will tell them when she believes that it is too much …
  23. Fiora is the only guarantee that this can become a fun thing if Nadia wishes to go for more , Fiora had her shows boundaries but if she realizes that one of the coshow girls is into fun , she won’t hesitate … But Milena’s presence ( despite seeing licking a nipple ) is the forbidden zone ..
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