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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Well , as we have said in the past , patience and really small steps, although this guy isn’t the one who will try to take advantage of the circumstances to finally get the girl . I think they both enjoy first a really good friendship and they both know when and how far they can take it. If Amira knew that this is more than what perhaps Monica has said to her and Amalia that goes on with this guy , she would have never interrupted . But that’s just a guess 🧐 By the way , guy seems tired today and they are getting close to the red wedding episode I think 😬
  2. Time to see what new will be offered from Monica and Tyrion 😉😎 Sparkling wine after PlayStation , a night of surprises , although Monica eased earlier her horny feelings 😁
  3. I think we see a big change of how Radislava is realizing slowly her presence . Much more nudity , sexy posing , better play with the camera angles , constant teasing and lots of efforts of socializing and getting closer with the other tenants . The difference is big if we think how the first 2-3 weeks were when she spent much time away of the apartment and sleeping out and mostly being under Serafima’s shadow and “learning” from her . I would say that her whole attitude is very much improved , she has now understood that it is a lot of things more than being in a house full of cameras and that are thousands watching . A change that it is very pleasantly welcomed and I believe we can say that she is the tenant that has “improved “ the most and slowly making her own audience 😇
  4. Most people will say that they enjoy this side by side shows , but the more they will keep on , the more the “ audience “ will ask for more as they will become repeatable . Till that time comes , viewers will be kept happy of the providing content .
  5. Belle was also but I think Fiona was even more 🤔
  6. After certain months of observing the tenants behaviors , you get accustomed to their routines 😎 let’s see , at the moment we get a loving friendship revival as it seems of Amira and Serafima 🤓
  7. Prediction for tonight can be that “ Tyrion “ it s visiting Monica , based on her long early afternoon bates 🧐 Let’s see if after GoT sessions , we will be getting PlayStation evenings 😆
  8. Radislava definitely more adapted to the cameras , her training sessions are now full nudity which offers for some great views . Ariana has taught her well 😆 , next thing is if she follows Ariana’s after midnight treatments 😋😏
  9. I will only say that it was wonderful watching this great flexibility from Luna , excellent .. she reminded me of Fiona that to be honest i haven’t seen someone as flexible as her .
  10. You have absolutely not understood the comment and to which it was referring . Anyway .
  11. Let’s say that Kitty has grown up since her last stay and she isn’t as “wild” as she used to be ... to which in my eyes makes it more exceptional when she decides to present this incredibly fun and crazy self of hers , after all , we always appreciate more something we don’t see so often than having it everyday , it might become boring 😉 Let’s see Kitty’s treatment then 🤩
  12. I think it’s the first appearance of this guy since they moved back in the apartment , funny and nice guy , having Kitty all the time dancing in the living room and him staring always at her , sometimes getting a bit drunk also 🥳 One more person from the past then , good to see that they both keep the friendships and the people they introduced to us with their previous stays ☺️
  13. ddhm


    I can’t speak for misc and addiction , personally , I find all his posts ( that he also does only when he thinks necessary ) to the point and he will only “ shout “ when common sense as people have it in our minds is “ raped “ ( sorry for the word but I don’t want now to either use google translator to find the translation from greek language that I have in my mind to use ) . Addiction for me is something that you keep on doing repeatedly although you know you need to stop it and at an extended meaning , it is hurting your health . Alcohol , drugs , sex addiction even , smoking .. Coming here and post opinions , ideas , theories and whatever , isn’t an addiction . Curiosity yes , but in my eyes , not an addiction . RLC or VHTV can be if it distracts you from daily needed things on life or mostly , isolates you from the real world , keeping you inside just not to miss the next masturbation , fuck or orgy , usually from your favorite tenant . I believe in the months I post here , I have identify quite a lot that they are addicted but to be honest , this is of the least health problem creating addictions than the things I mentioned earlier . I am not asking anything from Amy3 , either keeping on being a princess or nobody , I just state my opinion of what you are preaching here that I simply don’t agree . I believe I would have never liked you here in the opinions you have for the virtual world , but strangely , I believe I would have had a hell of a time sitting down at a bar and laughing , discussing , chatting , call it as you want about daily normal things in life rather than crusades or “making points “ of adult Internet sites and forums . The communication and interaction in the real world , of people of course who are still able and want to do , can’t be replaced with all the chats or tensions happening at a forum. But since it isn’t possible due to distance for all the things I just said , the forum at this point , is a good alternative . I won’t comment more about it and your opinions here or whoever supports you on that , I came here to post reading previous comments , I made my question and I got a more than satisfactory answer from Miscvoyeur and I am totally fine with that 😎.
  14. ddhm


    Now , this that you wrote , I simply love , absolutely emotional , authentic and real and needs a lot of “ guts “ to confess in public open forum ( at least me that I don’t know you or know your history here ) . Like this , I would then love to spend a day at a cafe or drinking beers or whatever and discuss all the things you have just referred in your message . I guess you can see that hate or rage or anger , doesn’t lead anywhere . Peace , calm and relaxation is all that needed to have nice , decent talks , either agreeing or disagreeing . Personally , my big respect to you and thanks for sharing for whatever it worths .. even if I won’t ever agree with your “ crusade “
  15. ddhm


    First of , where misc spends his money , is totally up to him and doesn’t have to explain this to anyone , his money , hard earned , what’s the problem if he spends it to buy 100 monitors and watch all 100 apartments at the same time ? You say you are watching to make a point , I can’t think a more indefinite answer than that . Make a point ? 🧐 I think it is that simple , we hate something or disguise it , we easily avoid . If we can’t , then , Houston , we’ve got a problem . You admit you are an addict here at CC , this is really brave from you . It is like you have no other alternatives or means to communicate in the real world and the attention , either negative or positive , that you get here , it makes you feel “ existable “ and important . Feeling sorry for a place that has no impact in your personal world , I can’t explain . We usually want to become messiahs so as to change things that affect significantly ways and behaviors of our lives . I don’t know what you have done in this place to get credit , but I don’t think it is a movie that you can appear at the end titles or at the place that the site is registered , they make a statue of you and sign it “ to Amy3 for helping the site to become popular “ . All I want to say , this is a site that we should feel proud that we have a small corner at the World Wide Web and express our thoughts with so many thousand other people of same or different opinions ,of different countries and cultures , skin colors or physical appearances . We are all the same in the world , either physical or virtual . The way we can feel that we do something right or we inspire or such similar , we don’t need any approval from anyone , we should just have self confidence , unlimited trust to ourselves and characters that at the end of the day , you went to bed and slept good because you said and did the right things according to your principles and whoever opposed you , maybe the next day you might have influenced them to see things different . To make it easier for you , if you don’t believe in yourself and what you are doing you are awaiting verbal approval from the others that you do things right , you will never ever be able to change anything and anyone .
  16. In the depth of time , if other problems rise and create a permanent tension , the “ sleeping with others “ example / action will always be used as a “ back up “ thing in whatever talks . It is definitely not safe if it is one sided , but on the other hand also , it can be used as also an example if in the future , far future , the guy will “ cheat “ . I agree with your thoughts and approach on the subject , but at the end , I believe if it is true love , it will overcome all obstacles . Personally , I wouldn’t be jealous if I knew that my GF has cheated with a girl , with a man i wouldn’t accept and it could have been a reason for separation . Why I believe different for a g/g and b/g , I think it is this that someone said here some weeks ago , in the man’s mind , seeing your GF cheating with another girl , it hasn’t an emotional impact ( although it might have been for her ) like imagining her with another man , where it is also the “competition “ factor and the “ who is better “ explanation , at least for me so as to have it as a separation reason . In general , I believe that if someone wants emotionally to cheat , it means that something is wrong so as to reach this action . But if the relation and love is strong , perhaps a one time incident can sometimes make a relation stronger ( although usually , if something happens once , it will most probably happen again ) . Let’s say that it would be better when married , to stay both loyal till the end ☺️
  17. Ariana was rubbed and licked by Amalia during her stay , never sex . She has been heard many times speaking on her mobile in English ( that she speaks almost perfectly ) enjoying men’s words and compliments towards her , might have not been the curfew in Barcelona and had the clubs and bars open , I believe she would have been out searching for a guy and flirting . On her very first day entering the apartment , she was speaking on her phone with a guy for over 3 hours and was telling him that she has been asked for marriage by many guys , they sent her flowers and similar staff . She has in my eyes “ the beauty syndrome “ but being very sensitive and easily believing things , you will see her sometimes crying or sad . This is our wonderful Ariana , never sex on camera , hundreds of male friends for sure , but men can play her I think easily as she can also tease them easily . We would all love to see her happy and smiley , after all she has the best orgasm reaction of everyone 😆😁😋
  18. ddhm


    Hello Amy3 , I don’t know who you are , I am ddhm .Anyone can be a superhero in the virtual world , good luck with your intentions and I hope this strength and devotion you have for things that are dedicated for our entertainment and fun , that you have it also in the real world and any of the problems that are maybe kind of “ I can’t fix this “ problems ☺️
  19. Haha 😆, I agree with the “ nice “ jealousy part concerning Nelly , the famous “ what more does she have that i don’t “ or the more “classy” “ what’s nice on her so he is with her “ 😂🤣 But this is the power they have as a couple , they have true love , faith and understanding and this is kind to all the rest of the girls “ you are good , but we are better “ ( always with the good meaning 😉😇☺️ ) And before anyone says about Nelly sleeping with women , a couple that seems to have these things discussed and explained , it is absolutely fine . This is 2021 we are talking about and not 50-60 years before . About your Bogdan descriptions , I only say it is a nice looking guy of course 😂🤣 but as a member , I would love to see banging the brains out of anyone in the cast 🤓🥳 but as a man who has also never “ betrayed “ any of my ex’s , very proud of him and his principles 👏 and that he manages to keep his any “ rushes “ under total control . It can’t be that at times for example he doesn’t have the men instinct “ mm 😋😋 she would be perfect now “ 🤓😎😆😆
  20. ddhm


    That’s a very nice explanation and of course , always great to at least get an answer , here you make questions and they think you are trolling . Even if something is obvious for others , it’s good to see it written and answered , thanks for a good one misc 😇
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