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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. But when I said some weeks ago that Leora has this guy only for sex , I was told that the last she wants with him is sex ..then I don’t know how the word meaningful can be explained .
  2. And since I was blamed that I created a topic that wasn’t used ( till recently ) - what is it to speculate when all speculations of outside life and activities have been answered the last months , thanks to GAG-HER - , and since I am categorized as a “ hater “ as it seems when I post an opinion that isn’t popular to what people here like to read , I will be back sometime tomorrow to give my speculation predictions of what will it be in the apartment as soon as the girls are back from their holidays .. so as to gather more laughable and confused emojis without being explained in a normal dialogue 😂🤣🥳
  3. At least I get to see the tenants respect the paying members by trying to share as much as possible .. I find it more normal for sure than hiding your life for reasons that no one in my opinion can explain .
  4. Well , you just answer .. if someone isn’t meaningful in our lives , aren’t we supposed not to meet at all ?
  5. So , should Saint Leora continue lying ? Until when ? For as long as she knows that Paul is always there in case the Prague experiment fails and need to go back to Russia or the other way around , that Russia will be completely out of the future endeavors and she should officially move on with this new guy ?
  6. It is funny reading that “ will ever amount to anything meaningful “ when this story is lasting the last 5-6 months .. isn’t it already meaningful for Leora ?
  7. In Czech Republic , rules are applied as most European Union countries , strict curfew from 21:00 or 22:00 till next day 05:00 or 06:00 and not so needed movement during the day , only necessary . The way the girls handle the restrictions in Prague , it is totally indifferent for me . As long as they wear their masks , they are picked up by cars and when curfew times are on , if they need to be on foot , i think they can be responsible on how they deal with it . They haven’t shown any non respecting the rules behavior . The problems for this apartment are unfortunately more complex on how the girls are handling the Covid problem and ultimately each and every time provoke lots of heat and endless back and forth comments between “ supporters “ and “ haters “ ... when at the end I believe that we all want the same thing .. to see two nice girls living a normal life like the rest 8 apartments and sharing it with the people who pay ( E&P is complicated ) .
  8. I can’t remember although I think they spent the next day after their fight alone .
  9. B2 not being at the villa at another big event , since we don’t know why , we can only speculate that they weren’t invited ( again ) as when it was Piper’s ( or Taylor’s , can’t remember ) birthday .. it remains to be seen what happens for the Russian Christmas .. if we don’t see them again , then there might be issues concerning certain tenant relations that we haven’t been able to realize so far .
  10. What you are trying to say , i have said it many times with posts here that are usually so long that you start reading now and you can finish next New Years Eve 😂🤣😱.. the girls have made their decision and the only thing that will stay the same will be the supporters and the haters .. and the eternal circle of defending and blaming .. and we will be again next year here on this day to write the same things .
  11. It isn’t so often ( maybe never has happened ) that all 3 visit them .. it is usually individual visits
  12. Careful now with this comment .. if we start saying what we wish to watch , it is like we decide for the girls and we aren’t allowing the girls to live their lives the way they want 😂🤣 On what you wrote , I totally agree with you 😇
  13. Plus ... we have gone all off topic for the original idea of this topic .. there are other topics to discuss , this is only “ keeping us entertained “ and I am sure these talks don’t ..
  14. For these pseudo lesbian shows , there are thousand who tuned in when they see L&M sitting on the bed and are ready to give a show .. these fans we need to respect that they like this and not complain for them that this is what they want .. we should concentrate if we want to complain on what personally isn’t satisfying us and express it .. but not speak for so many others .
  15. It is obvious that for as long as the girls won’t share their outside lives , this is how it will be going for months .. we will need to respect and accept as it is their decision but personally not liking it at all .
  16. It is different to inform you are out of the apartment and the information is posted at the main page and another thing that you inform going on holidays but come back later than the original date .. it could have been a change of plans for example or a need to stay more days ... in any case , this has happened , I made my complain and we can now concentrate of what will it be to watch with this place in 2021 😌
  17. I am one of the members who pay and I am satisfied with the quality of the other apartments ... for as long as this one doesn’t meet my standards as what I am expecting to see , I will heavily criticize it and praise it when it is excellent to watch . The thing is that in comparison to most viewers of this apartment , my priority isn’t to watch the girls bate or use the dildos or see them naked , i have repeatedly stated what I wish from this apartment . I simply now criticize it in general because , if we want to be fair , I find it even disrespectful to even the ones who want to watch the things I described before , that the girls give no information so the members know what’s going on .
  18. I will always praise the girls when I see things that are worth to hype them and I will always be very strict with my comments against them when I see disrespect to the paying members . And this is the feeling I got when suddenly the vacation sign was on 2 days after .. but again , it isn’t the girls fault to let the subscribers know , RLC has delayed ..
  19. I am sorry to interfere here , but why it can’t simply be that Alberto has no desire at all to be with another woman ? He is totally satisfied with what he has and has no problems knowing his GF wishes to share sexual experiences with another woman .. why should he also want the same so as for this relation to be considered fair and square because if Martina does so , then Alberto should do as well ? After L&T who are the happiest and most original / true couple of them all ( at least in front of cameras ) and their marriage proves this , this one , M&A , are the immediate next one with being extremely happy . We just got another view on how they can spend their lives , a view that few expected ( Martina having sex with another woman , Alberto socializing , singing , dancing and having another man take care of his beloved dogs for some hours ) and it needs some time for anyone to accept also this side of their happy life as a couple .
  20. The real question is if this guy is being referred to Paul as “ male friend “ or “ boyfriend “ ... Like this the “ current “ friend zone that Paul has Leora and the opposite is proved or despite both moving on with their personal lives , the contact is maintained as two people who deeply loved one another and still do but in different terms and not emotional anymore .
  21. They are on holidays .. but it is the only place witnessed that the people who are stated as “ on holidays “ can hop in out of nowhere for a minute or two and then go out again .... Science fiction ..
  22. I hope now everyone can understand why , despite liking the girls which is a totally different thing and story , so many of us are so “ hard “ with the criticism towards the girls , nobody requires that the girls are 24/7 at home , obviously they will be out for hours and hours , imagine then the complains that have been made to the admins of RLC so the holidays sign appear a day before for Leora and 2 before Malia are back at home .. And I don’t believe that anyone here doesn’t accept that both the girls knew when they are back home when they left on the 31st .. Nothing can be proved of course and the blame will go to ( as always ) RLC and that the girls informed but the administrators “ forgot “ or they “were nowhere to be found “ so as to let users know for how long the girls will be out of the apartment . I am sorry , but this is a total disrespect to everyone who is paying and yes , we are poor fellas for criticizing ( for one more time the last several months ) negative the girls behavior towards the people who offer them the life they have . As I have said , all the happiness of the girls is situated outside the apartment walls and it is a pity that they are depending this happy life on each and every one of us who pay so they can have it . It is proved even more that without our contribution , neither Leora nor Malia could make it there by themselves , after all , Malia was a close step to destroy the “ holidays sign “ but then , the lack of alternatives as it seems and spending it alone at home , made her have a 3 hours back and forth messaging session so for the tears to vanish , relax and continue with her adventures out of this apartment . I would expect as a paying member a more respectful behavior and relation between RLC and its customers , which in this apartment RLC is represented by L&M . Having two girls living at a place that it is just for them the working center and not what RLC suggests as the place that is “ the private life of other people 24/7 “ , is one more slap to anyone that pays to watch what RLC indicates . As a last comment and conclusion , hardcore fans will always tune in for one more bate , for one more synchro bate , for one more dildo show , for one more sunchro dildo show but all the rest of us who see this apartment as 1 out of the 10 , we would expect the same respect that also all the other remaining 9 ( actually 8 as E&P is out of the equation to be honest ) provide towards the people that pay and that is a look of the life of the girls and not a life consisted only of posing naked and with open legs towards the cameras , bating , massaging , shisha smoking and IPAD watching .
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