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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Dylan has just tasted the amazing “ mysterious Aziza “ and the rest don’t know how to play it comfortable .. the always rejected one , the always hiding and holidays maker with a guy that she “ accused “ in cameras that he has a dick smaller of a child of some days … maybe they will grow up one day .. and Tani , she has made me mad , a woman that I simply admire .
  2. YES INDEED , THAT WAS AWESOME 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 LACRIM DIVING TO THE INFINITY … 😂🤣😃🤣😂🤣 Now go to bed please , nothing interesting for you tonight here , you can check the replay if Aya masturbated tomorrow
  3. And now “ the child “ tries to get Aya drunk … pathetic things of low people .
  4. The Master on his THRONE while the children playing games .. please leave them to their misery .. especially Tani ..
  5. Karma is a BITCH … YUHOOOOOOOOO LACRIM 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 FUCK 😂🤣😂🤣😅🤣😂🤣😂😂
  6. THIS IS THE MOST LOSERS EVER …. WHAT THE FUCK …. Jealous everywhere … pfff , I HOPE HE FUCKS THEM ALL AND DESTROYS THEIR VIRGINITY … They are more children than I thought .. and now , all Dylan haters , is is again his fault or is he drunk or what ? If anyone of you were in his position , you woke stand up and start the “ FUCK YOU , ASSHOLE “ and all that .. he kept his calm because the thophy is just in front of him .. loser Lacrim and his jealousy thought they make his lose his temper and control .. psychic games to him and they also lost 😆
  7. WHAT THE FUCK …….😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬
  8. Pfff … these people there don’t know about life … losers and nuns .. they will end up in a monastery … WTF they do ? Other jealous because they have instead of pussy , nothingness to show and throw water .. pff .
  9. Finally it happens again as they know how to please one another .. pity for us and the place it happens , but happy for these two as they don’t give a fuck and a shit for the rest … especially Tani who starts annoying me ..
  10. Let’s hope that “ uninterested “ Tani won’t interfere to destroy the moment of these two .
  11. They have lost the plot since more than a month now , they don’t know what goes on or how to make the program better .
  12. And now whispering because he has no balls to explain loud in front of others .. pff Harley , what have you done in the past ?
  13. “ The child “ is getting educated by Aziza as it seems 🤣 I do hope she defends Dylan and takes his side by explaining to him the stupidities he initiates with anyone .
  14. Tani has left them to solve it out alone when before she was playing the referee Dylan vs the rest … Pfff 😡🤬😡🤬
  15. It’s a pity that Tani’s presence tonight “ destroys “ a full of unpredictably evening with her controlling the actions , mainly Aziza’s … on the other hand , she shows like this that she’s still a tenant but her times are long gone and as she doesn’t care what’s going on most of the times , she should have gone to her room , get naked and play with the cameras ( and her pussy ) ..
  16. The Master rejoins…. He rested , prepare for the consequences and the aftermath 😂🤣
  17. Kris66 , end of story , posts of the day … whoever wants to understand and realize the happenings , observe this guy’s posts , you will learn how things evolved and about the people ..in the end , we didn’t become wiser , the conclusions have already been made , we have “ the child “ Lacrim and the “ uninterested “ resident Tani .. Aziza remains a mystery , Aya shined just because Oks is away but we still can’t figure out her presence , nevertheless , she likes more the RLC idea than the person who brought her there ( Oks ) and she is wiling to socialize .. Dylan is a fellow guy and I support people who are direct and do not play games . He hasn’t promised anything any of these girls , they actually had a good time and they can repeat anytime .. The guy offers stories , moments and real life incidents .. if you think that without him the content would be better , it is a respected opinion but I highly doubt . He is the money in the villas currently and not ANY of the girls .
  18. Tani isn’t good for the villas at the moment .. she only creates more problems than fun to watch entertainment.. AND I WILL ALWAYS BE A BIG FAN of her as a woman , but this stay of hers and being a tenant , IT IS INDEED A JOKE .
  19. I am not addicted to play my dick when masturbations happen like you 😆
  20. Usually when this happens , it is like “ resting “ before locking the target .. Aziza has the guest girl visitor , let’s see if they end up in his room later .
  21. So , Lacrim believes he found his new target .. let’s see how this goes for him and what kind of rejection he gets this time .
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