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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I leave it to the guy he gave the answer 😏😏.. the actions spoke louder than words earlier .. I think it is the second time Lubna gets kind of posts attention this much ( the first was her show in milena’s room ) and occasionally she “ bothers “ the site with her eating disorders .
  2. I am glad you are my official interpreter , I think I will hire you to give explanations of my posts .. in the meantime , I am enjoying your extreme jealousy till you get the official “ interpretation “ diploma till I could finally hire you 😂🤣😂🤣 For someone you hate EVERYTHING YOU SEE , I am stunned 😳 that you post and comment and check all topics here this much … YOU HAVE NEVER ANSWERED what is it that you are doing , searching , watching of this site .. at least , as per you my official interpreter , I am here to watch big cocks , do you have any issues with this ??? You can now go back to class and master the diploma 😂🤣
  3. The guy knew / knows how to lick , definitely how to fuck his half size than him girl . And they have done this quite some times , creampie ending suggesting that Lubna has her pills or spiral ..
  4. Let’s repeat once again … Lubna acts like the “ money maker “ for mama milena .. she uses her room ( no living room or floor ) but Mama’s room exactly like the time she was having the show some weeks ago , helping her for camera views .. let’s see how the apartment will look like when her two “ roommates “ return from Greece .. that would be interesting alongside how the mama’s room will look like .. Lubna once stayed at home and justified in a way her free rental ..
  5. At least now Dylan could have a competitor 😆 … The problem is that whoever decides to argue with this guy , well , he should know how to argue , otherwise … It seemed like Lubna was consolidating the guy before who might have been beaten heavily from this one 😂🤣😂🤣 … and in between , there’s always a woman …. Well , she might had overcome Sambuka , but she didn’t have sex with the first one , so …
  6. I need to sleep a couple of hours before heading back to work after a 15 hours shift 😂🤣… just sone responsive thoughts and my point of view on current Barcelona situation , badboylovesgirls had some really good arguments to debate .
  7. The villas are a completely mess and mystery lately .. Ashley for example has transformed to a nun , who ,? The woman that LOVED clearly this opportunity and has been rewarding at any moment , at any place . If you see Ashley behaving like a nun , then something serious goes on .. even Dylan is chilled at the moment and spends many evenings till late morning hours away from the villa ..
  8. If we lose Sambuka , RLC is better to close all Barcelona apartments .. she’s away but when she decides to sleep “ inside “ she’s the most “ must see / fun “ to watch tenant .. endless passionate repertoire , a second Masha , she’s just local and has her life but come on , the least person we can complain is Sambuka the seducer .
  9. The easiest thing/task at the moment is to find girls from Ukraine to join RLC .. it is good money ( under the circumstances ) , especially if they find out tips and tricks ( shantal style or current Tani or Dana and Zara recently and Aya and Oks currently) , they could have a great financial Barcelona stay ..EU has open the borders freely for millions Ukrainians , they have given benefits ( 3 years free stay ) , honestly , finding beautiful Ukrainian girls is nowadays the easiest task . I agree with you that RLC seems to have massive difficulties though finding tenants , it is more than obvious for example that since middle of June ( mostly , however it started earlier ) SOMETHING CRUCIAL has happened which halted the first two amazing months we witnessed in both villas after the April update . I can’t determine what that has been , my explanation is that the participants have been talking about their salaries and don’t agree with what RLC gives them and have decided to simply do the basics ( nudity / masturbations ) apart from some tenants WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK and to me they simply love and enjoy their lives with the cameras just being a part of their routine ( this is at the moment the top Barcelona tenant who is Sambuka , then “ X-Factor “ Harley and Megan who does things a bit more experienced than the rest and she guarantees for entertainment as she’s sharing her private life with her guy when she visits / she has persuaded him for the cameras ) . RLC has suffered losses that - in my opinion - didn’t expect , this is the sudden departure of Ulyana ( it is more than clear that this has hurt MASSIVELY the viewership ) , Azura was also a girl that gathered quite lots of viewership and I think also the Ws’ have been really good to be watched . I think all 3 of them , RLC granted them their release upon their request , I don’t think RLC wanted them to leave . In any case , what started as a really incredible promising summer , at the moment isn’t interesting to watch , we have schedules and programized shows from girls who take advantage of their stay when they clearly want to have a life outside but the money is always “ A MUST “ ( Tani ) , we have girls who enjoy mostly their times than being with their child at the sweetest age they can have / see him/her grow up ( Milena ) , a kind of anorexic girl that she’s is so young that doesn’t have a clue about life ( Lubna ) and tenants that simply wonder around just to fill beds and parade so as for everyone to wonder if anything happens . RLC isn’t at a good “ shape “ currently , people took great decisions and fixed the “ program “ back in April but at the moment it is free fall and they NEED DESPERATELY to find solutions ( for me it is simply increase the money they give to more than appreciated and respected money ) . Let’s see , but it doesn’t look promising .
  10. I think that “ RLC Poland Hub “ is working great , this couple is the same nice as we have been watching the magnificent Elli ( now , Vencel is the weak link but let’s see how it will go ) , it makes anyone wonder how they can easily find in this new market couples that understood the project so very fast and they have so many difficulties and problems both in their main hub ( Barcelona ) and secondary ( where it is the really big mess ) in the Czech Republic ( apart from the lovely couples of Venera / Lion - Gyana /Dantez and Eliska/Pepik aren’t bad during this second run ) … Lets see what more we gonna see from this couple .
  11. I can only say that Megan is a “ master “ of cameras with her expertise and she knows how to use them for her benefits .. Now , with that being , despite Dylan doesn’t give a fuck and he isn’t into “ games “ or being “ played “ , i truly believe that Megan has explained him what they could “ show off “ .. perhaps nudity or stupid seduced games and so on … but .. DYLAN FUCKED the most difficult of them all , the one and only Ulyana , so … never underestimate him and what he can do …
  12. Dylan abuse ??? You are a funny guy …
  13. Ahh .. this would be amazing , i so very much hope for them that they do something like that and escapade their routine, even a weekend in Germany or Austria .. 😏
  14. I have said my opinion recently , I think you go back to safety and things you know , you maybe don’t like a lot but in the end you just want to have even the few that make you happy and smiley .. and Leora - I believe - she was feeling lonely and isolated in Prague after a certain point , no trusted friends , people to know and be there for her … OF COURSE , THIS IS THE RESULT OF THE LIFESTYLE SHE HAS LEARNED OR ADAPTED SINCE WE GOT TO KNOW HER BACK 10 YEARS AGO … and that’s why the posts here on how they can manage the real world off cameras when the time comes .
  15. Question …. Longer than that … Why the boyfriend for 1,5 years , tears , smiles , feelings ? Was she playing two guys then ? And ok playing the guy in Czech Republic , but Paul ?? Why ?? And .. HOW MANY WERE THE PHONECALLS TO PAUL during the boyfriend period ? I am sorry but EVERYONE HERE forgets that Leora was sleeping outside of her apartment twice per week back at that times .. and this isn’t dreaming , it is facts .
  16. Perhaps we could see the “ experiment “ of recasting Alexandra and Lucian in this apartment … together with the Ts ? Thoughts ??
  17. This is one of the top WORST ever incidents in the history of this site , guess what ? Bogdan and Nelly orchestrating … This will never be forgotten , especially for Bogdan who has always been a decent person .
  18. I would prefer having in the villa Tereza and Timur instead of Bogdan and Nelly , I think it would make the place more interesting and Tereza obviously being a much prettier woman than Nelly ( currently ) and her hidden desires , Timur always enjoying his long drinking sessions and this couple having proved that are fun of good life , parties , nice atmosphere when they have people in B5 , they could make lots of things … but as nice and amazing chemistry was with Holly and Thor , it was the same disaster the last 2 months with Wednesday and Wayne ..
  19. So .. it is in a way confirmed that something has happened between the couples since quite some time and that’s why they have had zero interaction for more than 2 months now … and we will never know also if this is also a reason that they depart … one of the nicest couples for sure .
  20. She’s is preparing herself to be sent in Barcelona and B2 and get to know Milena and the rest …
  21. The only way for the villas to get back into life , it would be for RLC to pay enough and bring the two friends Marlene and Tesla and allow them to enjoy their lives in Barcelona without boundaries .. otherwise , the villas have gone back to before April changes .. events happen so as to draw attention and that they aren’t abandon from the rest .. We have 2 B2 tenants on holidays and RLC doesn’t even out the planes sign … the Barcelona hub in mess and crisis ..
  22. Clever Megan , she knows that the apartment was in the top of viewing , Dylan is down and she grabs her toy for a “ money reward” .. it is what it is when you miss the real deal .. clever Megan .
  23. Nothing to watch , was just seeing how the interactions were , for example Harley has typical relations with Megan .. Sambuka unfortunately tries to balance all , at least she lives her life without dramas and that’s why she has fun whenever she wishes .. Dylan has decided to give Lacrim the chance to be around Sambuka , it is the same like he had given Anthony the chance to be around Zara .. the results were seen there , now Lacrim believes he can fuck them both , I think they will play him a lot . It’s time to sleep and enjoy the beach day tomorrow with nearly 40 degrees and lots of fires burning in many Greek places which are the real news .
  24. It’s really disappointing that Tani has evolved in this “ Leora “ type girl ( when she had the boyfriend out of cameras in Prague ) .. her private life outside of the cameras and just the obligatory actions so as to keep her bed and monthly salary .. I believe though that this is a decision of the guy not wanting to be on cameras , I would guess that Tani hasn’t tried enough or maybe not at all to even invite him and have him sleep there .. Tani isn’t shy at all so this development with him is really destroying her stay .. The reasons have been analyzed repeatedly ..
  25. Dylan isn’t into games , he allows the child to have them .. he sat down to start a bit of talk with Harley but then the child interfered and they started speaking in Russian , he got pissed off , couch , a bit of bla bla with Megan and couch surfer ( he isn’t there to be a decoration plant and not understanding ) .. let’s see now how the girls ( H&S ) will play Lacrim and if they make him end unconscious like the last time in Harley’s place .. ( but then there was sweet little Ulyana and Dylan ) .. except if Sambuka phones one of her guys to stop over 😏😏😏
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