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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think the absence of some “ regular “ posters for this topic ( I think the majority of the CC members know who they are .. ) tells the story of the apartment .. even people who used to comment , bring an opinion for chatting , reading and developing possible speculations , ALL OF THEM , have now disappeared . In a way , it might be not an RLC decision anymore to have the residents of the 3 ( sorry to say but i believe the majority agrees ) boring apartments out of the project but it might be having an open contract , meaning that it is completely up to them when they say “ GOODBYE “ to their employer and most importantly to their loyal fans . I think it is really difficult for RLC to send away 3 couples that helped the site to grow enormously in popularity and actually define this kind of entertainment . 3 couples who were brought in and shined during the Golden Era of RLC , perhaps with contracts that nowadays RLC doesn’t make . Therefore , Linda/Tibor , Martina / Alberto , Leora /Paul , it might be more than what we believe and they are still on cameras . Martina and Alberto seem to have both fixed their lives “ after the cameras “ with both of them having jobs and outside financial income . The temptation of enjoying the benefits of free rental and standard monthly expenses looks to be the biggest reason that these 6 people don’t seem to finally wanting to move on and FINALLY bring themselves LIVE in the real world . Till the time comes , we all try to enjoy their time left , the problem is that the more on cameras , the more the “ wonderful / unique / special “ feeling of what these people have offered us is fading .. It is as we say , you always need to know to quit when you are on top and not when the downfall begins … let’s see who the wisest of the tenants are , leave all of this life behind and start the “ real deal “ … And have RLC find the successors who will lead RLC to the next day , as they managed in a big way to do with the update and reboot in Barcelona and the gradual expanse in other countries .. and they shouldn’t be afraid when - as at least we see in Poland - there are really good people knowing how to choose and cast possible long term tenants ..
  2. Proud I managed to bring you out of your hole so as to post 😇😇😇 But what are you actually having as an opinion ??? 😂🤣😂🤣 Ahh , yes , the absolute nothing 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 … who are you we said ? Ahh yes , the Dumbest if i have it well categorized … 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  3. I have said it in the past , Aziza has been Dylan’s “ hidden desire “ and he got her .. And Aziza I think she was impressed many times by him .. somewhere along the way something happened , Aziza got completely cold with Dylan and she also affected the others and we see the results between Ashley and Dylan the recent days .. For me Aziza is back in the boring mood we got introduced to her in February , I will immediately come back with a repost if i see a change and admit I was wrong .. I also explained that it might has to do with the payments and that maybe isn’t enough for what the girls ( and guys ) believe they provide and that’s why the boredom .. perhaps they are awaiting the June payroll and then we can see how it goes … Once again , for me Aziza and Dylan really liked one another but something happened , Aziza has been seen furious with him at times but then that’s why I have christened her “ the mysterious Aziza “ ..
  4. A really heavy speculation - judging of how much and very fast things in both villas have cooled down and almost nothing is happening , especially after the majority of the tenants have been on short holidays - makes me think that the paychecks have been completely unsatisfactory of the content that the majority of the tenants have provided the first two months since joining and they are in this way expressing their disappointment. It is completely unfair that team Ashley having provided many pleasure moments , Dylan being the center of the posts whenever action was happening for whatever reason , liking or disliking him and we have Tani being 3 days in B4 just to justify her presence and 4 days out to her boyfriend .. Gloria in a complete chill presence apart from some fun with her friend and for sure after her drinking collapse in a very “ careful of everything “ stay … Lacrim balancing in a role that he most probably was asked to join and not that RLC actually would hired him if they had another person waiting , Azura left and RLC got stunned as it happened out of the blue , the two virgins were daily routine till their departure recently , Aziza suddenly is back to her February habits , Wendy likes the opportunity and she’s the only one being friendly with everyone but the sensitivity of her character is a difficult task at times , Ashley and Dylan have cooled like they have discussed of their FWB relationship and therefore not even then cover for missing entertainment .. And we end with Nelly and Bogdan which - being a prejudiced one against them - might be also a reason of this sudden cool down of happenings and even now lack of tenants ( 3 ) in the villas … but the main speculation has me saying that “ NO ( ENOUGH ) MONEY , NO CAMERAS REWARD “ … let’s see how this goes , summer is full throttle in Barcelona and we would expect parties and craziness in the villas and on the contrary , nothing of excitement happens ..
  5. 😂🤣😂🤣 I don’t subscribe for this apartment but it is part of the RLC business and i accept and respect the ones that still watch it .. There are other places that please me as a viewer and I concentrate myself watching mostly those ones ..Being a member in this forum doesn’t prevent me from having a public opinion and characterizing / judging this apartment as boring .. others think differently but just pulo shares his different opinion expressing his gratitude of these two tenants daily and in a passionate way with his posts and he has my respect .. others who believe that this place is magnificent and they are overwhelmed of what we see , well , i don’t know where they are to express their admiration in this forum ..
  6. Real life things on cameras never bothered me … when I posted , she was just having taken a shower , she came out and then i didn’t see more … I also didn’t see the happenings before my post .. We have seen Eliska in tremendous disastrous drunk situation …
  7. Main lover Nr.2 back in action ( The Bold Guy ) … Sambuka plays the men like a game of chess 😁😁😆 … Still , I believe , at least The Bloodsucker , know of her fun and adventures with others ..
  8. WOW WOW WOW .. Anal trial from Megan , personally haven’t seen that before , ahh , fantastic ..
  9. More and more boredom daily .. at the moment , it is a big competition which of the 3 apartments is the most boring of them all , Leora /Paul , Linda/Tibor , Martina / Alberto .. All with a major common element … TOO MANY MANY YEARS ON CAMERAS AND NORMAL TO BE “ WASHED UP “ .. let’s see how all of them can be seeking cameras attraction being real and not “ staged “ ..
  10. Nice and easy going couple so far , part of the Russian speaking community , would have liked a Czech speaking ( local ) couple but let’s say that perhaps Prague has some pulse still with the casting of this couple .. time to check their socializing life and then we can say more .. At least after the fantastic Polish recruitment ( AGAIN ) of Scarlett and Casper , we might have another good decision ..
  11. Very well said and this was actually a true voyeur’s moment , waiting for such a long time for such a moment , waiting for that very second that we see a nip slip , this is how voyeurism is explained at the large scale of the term .
  12. This time he seems “ closer “ to her and more “ joyful “ … still , he is the male Serafima , Ice King 😂🤣😂🤣… not that Megan is any better with her reactions but we know Megan that she’s always like this .
  13. Shantal’s revelation was one of the biggest “ middle fingers “ to anyone speaking about her 😂🤣😂 ( we all know even directly to who she was addressing with what she did no tent 😂🤣 ) …. BUT LOOK how the following comments will be … a) “ If ot wasn’t for me and a couple of others , she would have stayed a “ do nothing “ girl “ b) “ Are we serious ? She had to make 3 months as a tenant to masturbate ? “ c) “ We are on purpose saying she’s a “ do nothing girl “ so as to get finally such a moment “ d ) one moment doesn’t change the fact that she’s still a “ do nothing girl “ LET’S SEE HOW QUICKLY ALL OF THE ABOVE STATEMENTS WILL BE MENTIONED SOONER OR LATER 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 this was one of the biggest middle fingers to corvette who has been blaming this girl eternally , let’s see which one of the a/b/c/d comments his post will reflect 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  14. Many ups and downs in this apartment , there are periods that the place can be entertaining and others like boring … Both foots try individually to please themselves lately , as a summery , they try more to please themselves than having sex during all the time they are within RLC … The apartment for me has great potential , we saw friends , adult games , drinking nights but then when it is about to get fun and interesting with unpredictability , it goes back to hibernation .. it is like that the girls prevent others from visiting , for whatever we have seen , all of the guests have been enjoying being there and share times .. let’s see .
  15. We need to wait few more days but there are some indications that the “ mysterious Aziza “ has brought again on cameras her boring alter ego of the first two months when everyone was wondering what she’s doing in the master bedroom so as to deserve it .. let’s see her “ moves “ till the weekend ..
  16. He might have asked her to fuck the “ culo “ but she denied … I think it was again the start of her period as the guy was checking constantly his dick .. well , to put the lovers in order maybe we can christen him as of today as “ The Bloodsucker “ 😂🤣😂🤣.. then we have “ The Bold Guy “ and the other two , we will see .. any suggestions easily to be debated 😬
  17. And it might be that she just said to her main lover about her disappointing experience of the “ cinqos minutos “ guy yesterday night …
  18. Sambuka’s main sex partner and the guy who was the second that she had sex with reappears ( aka the bloody mess partner ) … at the moment , with his reappearance , he goes first in the list of her lovers , second place currently for the bold guy … let’s see 😋😋😋
  19. Very proud today 👽👽👽🤡🤡 once ddhm decides to simply post a ( personal ) opinion , suddenly the topic becomes active , even “shadow/hidden “ posters appear , wondering always why and when the apartment suffers boredom , repeat and even more , the topic chats aren’t in favor of the girl named Leora and the love of her life , Paul … EVEN MORE , we have “ THE BULLSHITTER “ making his guest appearance just posting it … WHY ?? BECAUSE HE SAYS SO 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡👻👻👻 Welcome to the chat room of the woman who dominates the cameras after 10 years and NOBODY posting here sees her as a human being after this long time but a CONTINUOUS SEX WORKER …WHAT ??? OH YES , BULLSHIT 👺👺👺👺👹👹🤡🤡👽👽👽
  20. Ahh .. always good to read people who support such a theory 👏👏
  21. Make up sex in the making , the most normal reaction of them all 😊😊
  22. There are better than Leora - in my humble opinion - and in a way can be judged when and if they reach the 10 years milestone … Ulyana is much better looking than Leora and a better performer , she’s just not cameras addicted , but she is a sex skills expert and she’s also loving the cameras ( NOT EVEN LEORA can stare the cameras the way Ulyana does ) but she’s not addicted and she also has a parallel life by LIVING HER LIFE publicly in comparison to Leora .. AND … We now have Elli who is a Leora clone if i may so , she has a boyfriend that the majority hates , she does things when she feels that excite the voyeurs ( for example , she will jerk off a male friend and visitor while her boyfriend is asleep in their bedroom ) …in plain conclusion / explanation , she won’t masturbate as addicted Leora but she will masturbate a mysterious guy when he visits her place ( under the covers , hiding ) , in a way Leora does the same but not with flesh , she masturbates herself with toys when her guy is between on/off 😂🤣 , the real difference is that the one is around 22-23 and the other 32-33 ….
  23. It looks like the “ polish RLC recruiter “ helped his Czech Republic colleague to cast this couple judging of what it is currently happening in the apartment 😂🤣 this looks the most “promising “ beginning of a couple ( apart from the ideal Venera / Lion ) since RLC expanded in Prague .. let’s see and hope for a great stay , the start is indeed fun and entertainment 😇
  24. I have said many times that people watch Leora because for them is their “ hidden girlfriend / wife / lover “, the girl next door that can fantasize , masturbate , dream , she‘s the woman that covers their “ missed life goals “, Paul isn’t a thread as everyone is better than him so they think that they could be her lover / husband / boyfriend / job colleague .. to prove my point , I will only tell you that her audience is the vast majority older people , she hasn’t got younger generation loyal followers .. She could be much much more if she was bringing her whatever social life on cameras but she’s called the Queen for a reason … NOBODY can infiltrate her kingdom , better alone and repeating than people around grabbing the attention of what she loves the most , THE CAMERAS concentrated on her .
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