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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Lubna working for all of the money of Milena 😂🤣😂🤣
  2. I remember the looks of Milena in B4 when Olya and Diana had the fuckfest that august day and how it is all now for her .. Pfff ..
  3. Milena is celebrating her “ gained “ Euros by having the “ young “ and crazy doing the job for her .. and Nadia also I think confirms my theory that she has nothing serious with the guy despite so many years together , it is just a relationship of habits ..
  4. Curious to see if Lubna will make what she described the first day to Nadia , that means a massage with a happy ending … ( no blowjob , just jerking off .. ) .
  5. They chose the wrong timing though , prime time Europe this would have been red hot viewership ( it is still but many people at work in Europe or waking up in the USA .. )
  6. It is ideal for the dislike I personally I have got for Milena to grow ..
  7. I think after 10 years , I would like to see more from Leora as a person and not the “ exhibitionist “ that we have been watching since she started discovering this world .. i used to watch at her prime when many things were “ first timers / initializations “ , at the moment RLC for Leora is “ cam show “ and it’s mostly in the GR or the bedroom positioning herself … we see no real life , it is all hidden and an unknown secrecy of actions … even if it isn’t nice to make comparisons , it seems that many people nowadays watch Leora as a habit and not because she brings new things on the table , to be honest , it is really sad watching a woman who doesn’t get pleasure and satisfaction of her completely lifeless sex life due to her partner’s inability trying to find ways to please herself firstly for the cameras and the fans ( which I believe this is what makes her horny ) and then to enjoy sessions for herself as a person of 32 years of age .. she strategically avoids confrontation whenever in other apartments things happen and she always has her prime time “ open window “ ( after checking the site ) to perform .. I suggest that you make a simultaneous view of her “ things “ vs. Ulyana and then you can say your opinion on what and how means performing .. at least elsewhere , most of the girls have no standard relationships and they choose to put a show and please themselves and their female needs .. it is really sad that Leora pleases herself and her boyfriend is unable to provide .
  8. A very positive and “ concentrated “ couple during these first introductory days , after Elli and Vencel RLC seems to have “ hired “ a couple worth the apartment .. waiting to see their social life ..
  9. Welcome back to the one and only , welcome back to the best of all , Masha … in another great massive reunion with her two ex and her best friend and the boyfriend .. I find it really nice if they could invite Dina , that would be amazing .. and to be honest , I would have really liked to see Elvis somehow in Montenegro and let all REAL LIFE unfold ..
  10. It isn’t their job to be “ mama and papa “, they are the same tenants like the rest of the people living there , their only “ superiority “ is that they are many years with this company , but they ALL work for the same company and get paid by the same boss .. Gays , lesbians , whoever , i don’t understand , they can have anyone there , if there are rules , they can communicate them when they enter the villas , i haven’t seen Nelly and Bogdan speak even a word with someone who is a resident there the last week or so , total ignorance like this place is their palace and all the rest are peasants and abominations . I guess you are forgetting that Bogdan was “ playing “ off rules when he shut down the power to go into Aziza’s room . There’s a dog there wondering around , do we know if any of the rest isn’t comfortable with it being there , inside the villa and so on ? Lacrim is local and obviously he knows the local rules , i don’t say that it was wise with the music but we also don’t know how loud it was , it was just some weeks ago that Elettra and Dylan came in very early in the morning with outsider and they had the music loud and i didn’t see cussing any issues ( don’t forget that loud can be for us due to the microphones of the cameras and not this much in reality ) . Anyway , my point is that seeing these two acting and behaving like this place BELONGS to them and they OWN it , I simply laugh , they are typical tenants like the rest and that’s how they should behave . Nelly was upset in my opinion because they were disturbing her evening and that they had fun , they have been more loud when they had BBQ evenings and many people till after or near midnight and it was all fine . In any case , it is exactly this behavior which has the majority of the tenants in both villas rather afraid of inviting others , doing kind of crazy and random unexpected things as their age of these people dictates , of course they will happen things that sometimes aren’t right but it was just the way which triggered me to post . For many years we had incidents and events when it was only one villa and there were no issues , RLC was managing to communicate to the tenants certain rules . Having now two tenants to make the rules vocal to the rest , it’s just funny .
  11. As much as Milena brought “ life “ back to this apartment and made the other two feel easy and comfortable and socialize , at the same time she reestablished these “ weird “ shows for whatever reasons that nobody ( or few ? ) I think can understand the meaning .. I would prefer again and again listen to nice stories of Lubna and Nadia and speaking about experiences in life rather than watching Mama Milena “ behaving “ , “ showing “ signs that she’s really lost and like she tries the meaning of life while at the same time she’s “ running “ a life with so many responsibilities and obligations … at this very point , I even doubt if she has talked about her personal life and child and what this means for her .. her actions show a woman that she “ DOESN’T GIVE A FUCK “ and - completely personal for me - it isn’t comfortable to watch knowing what’s going on in her life off cameras .
  12. Mama Nelly “ preaching “ the guys for having the music on … I can only laugh 😂🤣😂🤣, then telling them to go inside and all fine ( police problems and so on ) … and then when few of us say that with Nelly and Bogdan there it is like “ the police is guarding “ , we are the haters .. whatever .. it is simply disastrous that the party place is a “ monastery “ and Nelly and Bogdan help for the “ well being “ … PLEASE 😂🤣😂🤣
  13. Ulyana seems getting away from the sadness slowly and “ feeling “ herself gradually again , let’s see how soon she goes back to her “ Tge General “ standards.. 😋😋
  14. Maybe trying to show to the “ executives “ that she could have a room again ? 😂🤣😂😂
  15. And why is it a problem if they are with their sugar daddies as you are 100% convinced ? Is this wrong ?
  16. A couple that has “ studied “ a lot before going online , however , no matter being educated means that you can provide ( how many couples can’t even be naked on cameras the first days …) What we saw ? Nudity to attract viewership , the nice and usual “ being nervous “ on how things work we see from new couples on cameras , presence showing that they are a “ real “ couple and not recent disaster like Cheryl and Nikolas , great first sex moment ( the condom use can have many interpretations , from being a quite fresh couple like we saw Gyana & Dantez joining to unwilling “ accidents “ with sperm so condoms used ) mostly at prime time that know the benefits , usual NV mode for the first night .. Conclusion , one of the most promising kick offs for a new couple , Poland RLC hub for sure has good people working background , after Elli and Vencel , another active and easy on cameras discovery couple , make now the comparison on how the Prague RLC hub does things and we can in the end valuate the worth of RLC Poland vs RLC Prague ( even the cleaning lady for this apartment watching her doing things online and how she left very greatly the apartment extremely clean , it shows that they take the job in Poland really serious , congratulations ) .
  17. Wednesday proves how much of an incredible tenant could be given the chance being single .. it’s nice that she seems that she has found finally a girl to communicate ( Megan ) , we can’t really think what this woman can provide due to her addiction to Wayne ( which is fantastic seeing this loyalty ) … I can’t prove anything and I am wrong 99% , it just felt that Wednesday wanted an escape of her daily routine with Wayne , extreme speculation says that things have been discussed so as for Wednesday to start using her insane charm in order to provide for the rest of Barcelona downtown apartments .. let’s see .
  18. Are you calling Aziza whore ? Azura ? Ari ? If girls who are sexually active and enjoy their lives like ALL people of that age should do and not pleasuring themselves with dildos , locked in their rooms not knowing what to do and be with their phones 23minutes and 59seconds per day , then , WE MEN , the biggest fucker Casanovas of the world we are the world’s 10th wonder because we have found the meaning of life .. we fuck and we abandon and the girls who do the same are hookers .. Ok ..And then we wake up from our dreamworld…
  19. Very happy that RLC has seen the potential of Elli , it is maybe too much but I can say it is like Leora ➡️Ulyana ➡️Elli .. Elli is the future , Ulyana the present , Leora the past .. And perhaps that’s why it is now examined why they were never announced as “ left the project “ … best news that this wonderful girl is back , we will see how the “ happenings “ in the apartment will be ..
  20. But hope it doesn’t prove we have a “ ghost “ Casper .
  21. And we were just reading 24 hours ago that he is who he is because he can only fuck his colleagues 😂🤣😂🤣 and he can’t have girls outside 😂🤣😂🤣😂 Let’s see today’s narration and hate … if the guy was leaving in the downtown Barcelona apartments , he would have broken the records I believe .. AGAIN , who’s next ??? 😂😂
  22. Seeing Ulyana and performing with her lingerie , her general presence as a person who has a life and is normal ,being happy and sad , smiling and in tears , I can’t really understand how still people keep on worshipping the past and not seeing that this girl is a normal human being and she of course offers entertainment with her shows but she also hasn’t got the cameras as “ must do “ and exclusively her job .. oh well , what do I know of how people think 😆😆 ..
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