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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. This is one of the most beautiful guest girls we have ever seen in any apartment , very very nice looking .
  2. Let’s be a bit “ realistic “ now that the apartment is removed from the list … THE BITTER AND SAD TRUTH ( UNFORTUNATELY ) is that incidents like this happen daily MILLIONS IN THE WOLRD . Domestic violence , men beating their women is a daily thing , whoever believes we witnessed something that isn’t happening , well , I think we should all wake up or simply we should wonder HOW AND WHY a woman who is treated like this continues being with her guy .. Now , we obviously don’t know anything of the past of these two , the few days they were in the apartment , ALL OF THEIR actions seemed to be normal having a relationship , from their sex habit to the excessive alcohol consumption by both of them .. in my humble opinion , this is one of the hundred times that such an incident between the two has happened … THE DIFFERENCE ? Unfortunately this now happened on cameras , I don’t know what the person who recruited them promised and told them , but IT WAS MORE THAN CLEAR that this is a habit thing in their relationship .. The problem is why a woman when is treated like this she never goes away .. the answer ? YES , call me insane , but FIRST and MAIN reason is “ TRUE LOVE “ , addiction for whatever reason .. Or , not so many chances , the financial stability and social secure that the relationship provides ( maybe the girl has no one except the guy , such things ) …. We saw it with Kitty and Smith and Leora and Paul ( of course that was “ NOTHING “ in comparison to this extreme ) , the girls simply can’t abandon , can’t leave their guys .. A sanity and well healthy mental woman - ON THE VERY FIRST VIOLENT ATTEMPT - should simply pack and go … it has happened again , we would have seen it happening again .. as long as the person involved doesn’t state the facts to the police or pack , sorry , she’s also partially guilty … That’s my thoughts on that .
  3. Finally … Peater is back , let’s see how it will all be in the new apartment .. Still , it might need a bit more work effort to identify if they moved in another polish city or still the same .
  4. Sambuka has become easily the top tenant across the Barcelona apartments ( Harley Ana Ulyana don’t count ) .. she is the one that has no limits and whatever interactions don’t seem to affect her daily presence . Unfortunately , it seems things have happened with Ashley and she has changed a bit her approach , but we will see . At the moment , Sambuka rules 😊
  5. I will greatly speculate and say that today’s camera feed issues might be a “ change “ of RLC “ live feed “ , they might want now to give the “ live feed “ with a 5 minutes delay so they never gonna have to face such issues . It won’t be the same of course but it might help them in similar extreme situations , therefore we might be facing some software cameras upgrade , let’s see .
  6. Wrong GIF mister 😂😜 John Cena Five Knuckle Shuffle GIF – John Cena Five Knuckle Shuffle Elias – discover and share GIFs TENOR.COM Click to view the GIF
  7. I was in sleeping mode and it helped sleeping faster and easier after that post 😂😛
  8. I didn’t see what happened and that’s why I can’t have an opinion…. But many trustworthy fellow viewers and CC members have managed to describe this terrible incident .. Checking the bigger image here , I think RLC should really have a SERIOUS TALK with the person that have assigned him/ her to recruit in Czech Republic … the last recent period it one HUMONGOUS failure after the other , absolutely disastrous recruitments , i thought that finally they found a couple that could be fun but the FAILURES continue .. Therefore , maybe they should think about changing this person before bringing online apartments .. we had the porn actress , the girl whinwas named Psyche if i remember correctly , another one recently that didn’t like the RLC idea , of course what can you expect bringing back stunning Kitty and her guy when they sent them away originally for abuse ? And they have also Leora and Paul when Paul has abused also Leora in the past , in general , Prague hub has really big problems , luckily we have the great two couples of Venera/Lion and Gyana/Dantez and it is at least some great times with the daily routine at Leora’s / Paul and the improved so far Eliska and Pepik .. as I mentioned , they should really learn from Poland when they have 2 out of 2 success with the couples they found and either send the Polish RLC recruiter in Czech Republic to help or maybe some “ serious supervisors “ from main Barcelona hub and make the place there work way much better than having people who don’t know how to do their job as we see ..
  9. I don’t know if it was / is / will always be genuine love , I only know ( and others ) that Paul had another girlfriend for a certain period and Leora a boyfriend for 1,5 years .. I thought genuine love would be NEVER EVER abandon the other at good and bad times ( yet Leora abandoned Paul and the security of the Russian business ) , never ever proceed in other relationships which will last and not just ONS out of curiosity which indeed mean nothing .. if this is genuine love , why Leora stayed 1,5 year with someone else in Prague ? Why she was crying / exploding / getting frustrated / happy / smiley for a guy who MEANT NOTHING while the “ genuine love “ was in Russia ? Just simple questions . Edit ; said it in the past , once again .. Leora was lonely in Prague , Covid hit , insecurity , lack of trust to others due to not knowing how to trust and get socialize with others since she doesn’t know how to do it , isolation due to lack of daily routine things out of the apartment ( many will say that she was going to a beauty salon , which is even worse that she might have stopped since Paul’s arrival ) , therefore , WHO YOU GONNA CALL and try hard to bring back and not be lonely ? Exactly , the one and only who you feel secure and you can have the way you want . The other simple question is the following , WHO WOULD EVER ACCEPT THIS KIND OF LIFE THAT LEORA has apart from Paul ( I don’t mean living in an apartment with cameras , this we have seen nearly all tenants managing people to accept them ) , who would like a girl that doesn’t like to travel , interact with others , go out and the list goes on and on and on .. But Paul has absolutely no problem with all that , genuine love then because he has accepted her daily routine life and she likes this daily routine life that she leads ( still trying to figure out what she gains / earns except of increasing the bank account … )
  10. Ahh come on , she’s the love of her life … STILL , nobody knows what Leora is for Paul 😂😂
  11. Any reference in the human race reflecting to monkeys , it is a racism comment .. In Europe it is very very sensitive this subject , but i don’t want to go into confrontation with either you or anyone else in this forum about this subject , we are all adults and some things have to do on how people have been educated and values and so on . Whatever then and since you believe it is as you say , let it be with your thoughts .
  12. It is as you say , but then they have been great with parties and gatherings and it will be difficult for others to replace them in this success .. W&W have learned also great and if they didn’t have problems of cosharing the apartment , it would be way more fun to watch like when it was with Thor and Holly being their other couple roommates ..
  13. Again you are saying “monkeys “ , these are the most racist comments here at the forum like the Australopithecus and these with the monkeys , pff , what to say , all of us are better then 😔
  14. I will disagree with you - as also with other forum members who say that he’s a “ 2 minutes guy “ - and simply say that Ashley was seen REPEATEDLY going to his room and taking time with him because she simply liked the “ breakfast sessions “ ( as she was saying ) or the moments that they would fuck anywhere .. no woman will fuck with another in the company if the guy can’t provide . She had two threesomes with him , she enjoyed .. The disagreement with the “ 2 minutes guy “ characterization comes with the “ ETERNAL “ debate amongst many of us men and what we think … Dylan indeed cums fast but THE MAJORITY that criticizes him as the 2 minutes guy forget to mention that he dedicates an endless amount of time to please his partner . I belong also to the category that I prefer to give first pleasure till the end to the woman ( then I can get double the pleasure from her as well - it is a tactic 😂🤣😂 - ) than simply go for the hole and fuck .. most men - we also it within RLC - ignore the warm up , the presex moments , the kisses , the licking , the sucking and as soon as naked , they will go to just put the cock in the pussy and that’s it , 5 minutes , 10 minutes , 20 minutes later the story is over .. One of the secrets will always be not to pretend that you are a “ full knowledge Kamasutra “ individual . You always need to do what you know you do best and what makes the women please them as you learn by experience . Dylan knows that they love when he licks them , he then goes to have his dick sucked ( that’s why he didn’t like with Wendy , she wasn’t blowjobing him ) and then he will go to make them squirt before fucking them for ( and yes that’s true ) 2-3 minutes .. but this whole has also been sex , which lasts the ideal 20-30 minutes and it isn’t just penetration .. and good sex is an overall experience and not put in - put out and off we go … As a last notice , I think he also wants the second round so as he can fuck more time ( the guy has no stamina issues or getting tired as he is young and well fit with his body ) but the girls are usually exhausted of the previous treatment ( sucking big dick , usually squirting and orgasms due to them being licked ) that they won’t follow and that’s why he has the “ stamp “ of the two minutes guy … A guy who has fucked 8 women in 2,5 months , he knows EXACTLY what to say and what to do .. especially when we saw the girls repeatedly fuck with him ( except Wendy ) ..
  15. Ashley has gone into hibernation for a couple of weeks now , especially after the incident of Gloria who after returning back and since that day has stopped being the early days “ crazy “ girl we got introduced to , she has also been “quiet “ lately …I still believe she likes Dylan and enjoys being around him but i think there have been talks between them ( and also Aziza ) and that’s why she “ tries “ really hard to be a bit “ cold “ with him .. The reality is that Ashley is a woman who in the end , if she wants , she won’t hesitate .. She did things with Fior , she obviously didn’t like or regret and never again.. therefore , Lacrim has he chances but to be honest , his last two interactions ( the guy both times had to masturbate so as to come to both Harley and the friend he had in his room ) were disappointing , however he can perform as we saw in the previous apartment when he was fucking Harley , maybe now being a tenant he “feels” stressed in comparison to being a simple visor in the past .. let’s see .
  16. The apartment is in a continuous free fall , it has never been in this “ who cares “ state ever in the past .. so much has changed to the lives of these two people , both of them are trying to balance in the real lives they have outside of the cameras while at the same time trying to “ offer “ and “ participate “ in a world that isn’t exciting them anymore as it causes them issues ( they need to behave , act accordingly , have limits ) since the cameras are rolling and anything they will do will be criticized .. I can never understand how much dependency of money all these people have when they can’t simply trust and believe in themselves and take the big decision and go FINALLY outside in the real world and be strong and make it .. We are just now watching two people wondering in front of 24/7 live cameras while for both of them all of their REAL LIFE is happening outside .. they are simply hurting their image as one of the greatest couples even on cameras by keeping on .. It is the same with Leora who her stay has become a misery trying to find ways to justify a free rental place and her boyfriend who has moved to a country that he isn’t feeling nice and comfortable and he is CLEARLY away of his comfort zone .. In a way , the long cameras staying , the financial stability and reward that all of these people have enjoyed through the years , it has now come back to them as a boomerang causing issues in their REAL LIVES and in a way they are like imprisoned of their choice as they can’t find a way to make it safely and without being afraid to risk trying the next step ..
  17. He loves and enjoys his life and what his life ( the way at he has chosen to live it - his decision and not yours - ) has brought / brings him… all I see , it is a smiley and easy going person with his routines like any of us and trying to do the best for himself and respecting the others around him ..he hasn’t provoked anyone , he hasn’t caused problems , if the girls have issues with him because he fucks around and they prefer staying home instead of going out to flirt and enjoy , possibly meet people and go their apartments or invite them to the villas , it is their problems .. He brought two outsiders , he fucked them both , he has fucked almost 50% from the girls who entered with him back in April and he is not even 3 months there . You are comparing the top cameras reward of a guy who has lived and done in his life SO VERY INCREDIBLY MUCH ( imagine away if cameras how this guy enjoys when he has the “ limits “ now because of them ) that what Leora hasn’t even experienced in her 32 years of her life . A woman that doesn’t know what means to socialize , being with people , get proper and good fuck , being around people and opening your apartment to show them , laugh with them , enjoy their company .. a professional camera girls who is preferring to be the object of desire for thousands than try and make a nice and healthy relationship with a guy who doesn’t know what means to be with people and sharing .. But then , it can’t surprise me that you also support this instead of the normality of Dylan’s life .. Tani is an insecure , amazing skillful girl for whoever knows what REAL pleasure of a woman means . But , HER NEED to be accepted and appreciated by a guy it is more in her mind , most probably past incidents have made her want to have someone next to her and get attached to him , we saw it with Tim that she liked very very much and we are experiencing it now .. as nice as she was last year by sharing the majority , the same boring she has become and disrespectful to the viewers by being a part timer and show girl for RLC residency justification .. And this comes from a guy who LOVES watching Tani but her life and the way she chooses to make it away of her obligations being on cameras world , it is unacceptable … if people want different ( like she does ) , they should pack and go and live the real life away of the annoying cameras .. but they are all afraid and they can’t survive without the easy income , look how Milena has thrown herself so low in order to survive .. Last but not least , you are saying “ trash of the villas “ , the REAL QUESTION is then , why and what are you paying to watch ? How WOULD YOU LIVE in front of cameras in 2 luxury villas ? What would you do ? Sleep , wake up , pool and sun bath swim and then in your room while the whole day beautiful girls will be parading / laying down next to you naked or will you be trying to each and every day live and experience something unique ? There’s a reason that people criticize and comment negative here and this is the ENDLESS jealousy of a life happening in front of their eyes and can’t have it … and the jealousy becomes more when some posters here describe some of their similar experiences and these jealous people are wondering why they lost this chance in their life and how did this happen …
  18. Nah , Elvira was more “ curvy “ … she’s new , she deserves a chance .. and she has been told for sure about Thor and things happening , we will see how “ generous “ will be and if she manages to stay the whole summer 😏
  19. Come on … are you answering to a person who complains daily of something that he is addicted to watch ? He is just one more of the deniers and negatives , people who can’t have what all these people have without - as he believes - being better than him … Still , he knows insane details of the past , the present and he can tell / criticize what he wants to watch in the future despite hating it .. go figure out ..
  20. Pfff … Milena is the “ new Loraine “ .. with the difference that she won’t participate ( rightfully ) in anything when at least Loraine was daring for a couple of events ( shows ) .. it becomes more annoying with this new mega orchestrator , the way she “ with authority “ asks anyone not touching her or being just by her is remarkable .. it happened just now , it happened during her super mega show in her bedroom recently ..
  21. Mrs Ashley 😏 , there are many guys here who “ DIE “ watching the ladies using tools and toys than what their volcanic and full of crazy everything young age wishes , that is real fun and the real pleasure ( obviously when in the mood , being single and so on , a reality that - let’s be honest - most of these girls have in their daily routine life ) .. on the contrary , the majority - as seen repeatedly - still DIE for one more masturbation from Leora , they will watch numerous replays so as to record accordingly who bated in order to add them in personal archives list and when some of us will praise some male partners that give them partial or excellent pleasure , we are called weirdos of watching this kind of entertainment .. But then , watching or better say reading from a lady that indeed the truth lays in the real life incidents , it is good to have it fro female thoughts , nobody can judge better a woman than another woman , nobody can give the best advices to a man for a woman other than another woman ( and the opposite ) .. therefore , thanks for being here occasionally reminding us what the life of these young people should be having often or occasionally ..
  22. And she has been seen horny the last days .. And glad that I was wrong with her being kind of distant with the others and going back to February /March boring mood .. she’s really looking very nice , beautiful long hair and “ASKING /BEGGING “ kind of “ hey guys , here I am , come and flirt me “ .. But then , she’s the Mysterious Aziza “ , I won’t be surprised if in a couple of hours she will be seen sleeping in her bedroom 🤪
  23. I don’t know What The Fuck has happened in Milena’s life so as chasing a way of living that we either haven’t seen in her previous stays or she simply woke up one day and said “ that’s it , I need to live the life I didn’t before meeting the father of my child and becoming a mama “ … With the speculations spinning my head , I would say that MAYBE she and boyfriend got in financial trouble or just some money need having perhaps bought a house in Tenerife , perhaps financial difficulties with the coming of the child and the real tough world with obligations , accounts , rentals , baby providing material that the symbiotic jobs can’t provide at the super luxury level that Milena got used living during her appearances in Barcelona and making lots of money or ( last one ) , a great need and desperate call from RLC admins to come and join and fill a bed in B2 ( for the summer perhaps ) so as to revive a dying apartment and according to what she would bring on the table , a more than fair reward for her trying .. And to be honest , she’s not doing that bad in comparison to what we were watching for months in B2 and more with the tenants there ( apart from the one and only Ari , previously the wonderful Karina and ABOVE ALL , the UNIQUE Lavika ) … I might be old fashioned or thinking narrow minded but to sell yourself for this life and abandon the daily grow up of your biggest goal and life effort , that is becoming a mama and raising a child , well , it must be something really serious in the background ( however Milena manages so amazingly great hiding it ) … But this is exactly the reason that her current life and stay can’t be taken in real or watch it with terms of entertainment thinking all this .. but well , who am I to judge without having my own children 😬😬😬🧐🧐
  24. An INCREDIBLY surprising move from Mama Milena , trying to bring entertainment and whatever unpredictability in B4 by bringing her male outside friends .. apart from showing them the places where the INSANE FUCKFEST took place some years ago , it seems that there will be some booze and music for the ones willing to attend ( Ashley and Gloria retired ) … let’s see …. AHH YES , i forgot ( till Mama Nelly and Papa Bogdan interfere and ask them to be more quiet due to the neighbors 🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂🤪🤪🤪)
  25. As long as a fellow same sex member enjoys banging a nice lady , it is all great in my books 😂 .. I pay for real life entertainment and not watching daily toys insertion of people who post their unique beauty on instagram trying to find the Shiny Knight and end up daily alone on their beds with their mobiles next to them and watching the RLC feed to see if the cameras are focused on them to earn some more dozens of clickbaits.. Always proud when us men manage to remain hunters and succeed our goals ..
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