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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. And he doesn’t seem to speak good English , so his communication with him will be EU languages of Spanish , Italian and European with the few English knowledge ..
  2. Lacrim looks like a child next to Dylan , all of his “ charm “ is gone as soon as he arrived .. and Ashley , pff , only she knows if she’s in deep dick need 😂
  3. Lilith lesbian ? It is known that Lilith and Tani were / are friends and the famous “ interrupting incident / rape allegations “ with Taylor present .. they ice cold their relationship , it seems back on track now .. i am sorry to say but for me ( without any proof ) , she appears to refill the substances ( she has been rumored to be a recreational substances refiller 😂🤣😂 ) .. only seeing her with Nelly , well , let’s see also 😂😂 ..
  4. Tenerife is amazing , 3 times there , the highest mountain , nice nature and beach places , overcrowded with tourism , still a nice and great escape .. she seems living there , I think her guy is Italian , I can’t remember the language they were speaking while together ( he looked a cool and relaxed guy ) .. I need to observe more ( as I don’t want to check her IG posts / always fake to express your emotions ) so as to determine if this is clearly doing a favor for RLC called urgently to fill a bed or she asked to be recasted to increase the bank account .. I think the days will show and reveal lots of things ..
  5. And it is unknown if he knows that Azura is about to depart .. Ashley tonight will show what game wants to play😁 ( she will always love some quality fuck from the Master ) .
  6. He looks pluses I think that they moved his things .. but he is happy I think with the room , he has said that in the beginning he didn’t like the room he was assigned , it looks like this room is better and he is upgraded after Anthony .. let’s see how his coexistence with Lacrim will be and if they are / will be on the same page … and .. he said he is going to smoke , usually when he does , his mood afterwards becomes “ ready for all “ 😂🤣😂🤣
  7. THE MASTER IS BACK .. and already interrogation with Mr.S…… ( Lacrim 😂🤣😂🤣 ) … Ashley happy , Lacrim must be damning his luck 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  8. Has the Mama reached rock bottom with money obligations and she’s “ inviting “ the cameras with various actions ( apart from sex ) to get the attention ? Or as she says she has missed the happy , freedom and wonderful life and she wants to Iive it suddenly now ? It is like we are fools and we don’t know her past ? Or what am has happened in her life ? Make no mistake , I NEVER SAY THAT SHE SHOULD NOT LIVE HER LIFE , but where is her guy , what about her first priority being her son ? It is like the two most important things come second on her “ to have /to do “ list and this for me can’t make her presence ideal and comfortable to watch , no matter the good intentions to be an active and nice tenant .
  9. I can just say that Dylan is MIA for 3 days ( holidays as was revealed by Lacrim ) and it is already boring for the girls .. except if I don’t observe well 😂🤣.. looking forward to his return and how he will be welcomed ( especially by Ashley if she wants a nice breakfast ) 😆
  10. It was all explained when she was talking the first night with Nadia , why , how , when and why..I think she will do many things on cameras as long as the time allows .. she seems to like the “ exhibition “ idea .
  11. So …. REVIEW ..Azura seems spending time with Dylan and growing a nice friendship , Dylan enjoying being around her , she likes his style , they end up fucking greatly twice , at the same time she has the ongoing and sad talks , many times all-nighters with a person that posts here suggest that he is a boyfriend .. still , she likes being with Dylan .. Suddenly , 72 hours ago and after endless tears due to talking with someone ( this guy most probably ) she abandons suddenly the villa only to return and with body language revealing and the way she moves ( continuous mobile FaceTime /Skype ) she seems in a hurry to pack and leave for good … we can’t know if this is a result of the actions being away for 3 days ( most probably ) but it looks like RLC wasn’t informed ( that’s why no plane/holidays sign ) and even more , her departure seems happening completely unexpectedly .. It is really rush packing , a bit sad to say that this attitude also might be revealing why she can the under a same roof for a long time as she has multiplied times confessed her sad emotion of not having / feeling she has a place to stay .. let’s see what happens , she was a nice tenant , she could give and show more , excellent English speaker , only the very very best for a really nice girl and tenant .
  12. When you meet a “ stranger “ at a bar and you want some fun and your hormones to relax ( at least both “ expressed “ being horny masturbating the last 24 hours as we saw .. ) , are you asking her for things or you proceed with the whatever attraction and will to fuck ? Except if you are the polite nice guy and you are asking if you can share the bed / sleep with the person flirting .. we have said repeatedly that Ashley has no boundaries and she ENJOYS HER LIFE at the maximum the way she wants and wishes , without hesitations and according to horny mood .. I mean , come on , she even fucked Fior ( who, Fior , the guy that being nearly 40 - I think - he needs instructions on how to fuck - we saw it from Fiora , from Wendy , from Ashley ) … Ashley is a top RLC employee for the villas , she just lives and enjoys the dream having it all and at the same time BEING completely REWARDING and generous to the people who like watching her .. most of the times , she’s the number 1 funniest and smiliest / happiest girl , no issues or sadness or drama , this is the life that a girl or her age and having this luxury should do .. Gloria was the same but after her drinking issues , she has chilled a lot ..
  13. Let’s hope Dylan appears and we gonna get a fun moment in case anything will be happening in the LR 😁
  14. Let’s see if Lacrim will be christened tonight and score girl number 1 with super horney always Ashley ..
  15. The Nr.1 TOP AND BEST RLC swallower rewards immediately the audience with another great session , the first one perhaps as a married couple .. amazing and wonderful couple , only THE VERY BEST for them .
  16. One more proof of my personal feeling since a long time that the two couples have few to none things in common and they have made their choices on with who and when to share .. It is a rather “ obligatory “ due to “ rabota “ symbiosis , not a coincidence I would say that the Ws’ go and the Ts’ arrive soon after .. BUT .. we also see the so called “ tiny cock “ Tani’s guy reappearing with her , which also shows personally to me that Tani is a very emotional and fragile person and can’t be alone , she really enjoyed Tim and was a “ puppy “ for him and now with this guy she looks like she can’t be without him ( it just lasted 4-5 days or maybe he was on holidays ) .. in any case , the so amazing Tani is back to procedures that don’t please the majority of us , but her happiness , her choices .. Another from night to sunrise moment in B5 …
  17. If some of these guys we currently see in C&Y’s place could somehow get mixed with the Russian speaking , invited as guests during a BBQ perhaps at one of the villas and then practice / show them some of the Latin dances , well , this would be making the Barcelona apartments gradually enjoying tons of viewership , the mixture of the local Spanish and the girls , pff , incredible on how much RLC is forbidding this ( INCREDIBLE HOW THEY ALLOWED NELLY TO COME IN CONTACT WITH MARTINA AND ALBERTO AND WITNESS WHAT WE SAW FOR SUCH A LONG PERIOD ) ..
  18. Azura returns and high possibilities that she starts packing 😔
  19. Ahh well , the thoughts lasted for 5 minutes as it needed for the mama to appear ( she will most probably giving her BEST advices how it is to have a child and raising to the Ws’ and future to be mama Megan .. 😂🤣 ) .
  20. Welcome back to the best couple 😊
  21. Leora is cleaning the apartment so as it is ready to accept the friends she has made in Prague the last 4 years and show/present finally her “ big love Paul “ who made such a sacrifice to abandon his comfort zone in Russia and come and find his girlfriend and continue by distance having business control in Russia , Leora was seen cleaning so we finally have the revelation of her ( and hopefully by now also some of them Paul’s ) friends discovering where she lives , how her place looks and get some nice , warm , welcoming Russian hospitality 😏😏😏😏🤓🤓🤩😂
  22. I think it would have been great and many many people would like seeing a “ blast from the past Megan “ when she would have her ex Rocco participating in “ job obligations “ with other girls .. this time she could be in the opposite side and take the “ position “ of the red hair girl we saw with the Ws’ and they would have the couple sharing .. whoever says that wouldn’t like to see Megan and Wednesday in action perhaps 🤩 , I think it would be considered a blasphemy 😂 Serious talking now , it is nice to see this friendship and Megan seems like she found this couple as two good people to communicate and enjoy her evenings / days in Barcelona away of her roommates .
  23. I have hardly ever problems watching an ex tenant being aroid and visiting but watching Lilith getting the privileges , acting the way she does and so on , I can easily say that she is one of the few I totally disgrace seeing on cameras , I consider her one of the ultimate opportunists and that she took advantage of this job so much , she offered nearly anything , she clearly had an agenda as we can see with her living in Barcelona and I can’t understand how everyone has been fooled by her .. It is so fresh the talks on how her relationship with Tani and the famous “ Tim appearing to save/destroy the moment “ evolved , the incident with Miron , pff , where to start and where to stop .. I do hope she stays away in terms of causing moments and misunderstandings , i am even surprised with myself not having a good feeling and thoughts for an ex tenant 🤪 that stayed for such a long time as an employee .
  24. At the moment , we can say that it is Ashley vs Sambuka ( in Barcelona ) on who of the two will make the most unpredictable and unthinkable .. Ashley now at the terrace of B7 , no words on “ I don’t give a shit or fuck , I am horny and want to relax “ .. Ashley , top 👏👏👏👏
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