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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. If you “ dig “ even deeper and see where these people are mostly from and also their ages , you can extract even more conclusions 😱
  2. It is funny to read his opinion so many times .. The country that advertises itself as the place for everyone , they STILL have people who attack black skin people , who enter anywhere at anytime with guns and execute anyone and they support the gun industry as the nation with the most of population carrying a gun legally 🤣 and of course , the country that “ supports “ the diversity but when it is a neighbor next door , they won’t even say “ good morning “ because the other neighbor will see them speaking to the “ abomination “ and will consider them “ anomaly “ as well … The country at the other side of the Atlantic , if they are complaining for “ fake shows “ here , I can’t think how more equally fake things and people exist there 😂🤣😂🤣
  3. Of course , personally , the next email from RLC introducing “ who Daytona is “ is expected massively , how and what will have to say . I think I haven’t been more curious of receiving an email from RLC since they had The Purge 4,5 years ago ..
  4. This person will create much controversy and anticipation here , many posts won’t be nice or fair , it won’t be so entertaining to read and focus . It is sad to read someone calling another human being “ IT “ that if he had the same issue , he would be in Bangla Road in Phuket , trying to make a living . I think you remember how the forum was for the few days that Miron was a tenant and how it was the posts and comments here . It will be really difficult with whatever is going to be written for Daytona . That’s what I think at least .
  5. What should I get over ? That you have the safety hiding behind a keyboard and the ability to degrade anyone , a person you have no idea and calling this person “ IT “ ? And you aren’t you an “ IT “ ? You wouldn’t even have the balls to stand next to her , look her in the eyes and call her this . On the contrary , if you were seeing her out , you would FOR SURE observe her and make your thoughts on masturbating ..
  6. Maybe being more respectful to a person that does what you COULDN’T even do even for a second is more appropriate . We all have our opinion but Daytona is a human being like you , me and ALL of us here , calling her “ IT “ , is an homophobic comment for me .
  7. On the other hand , I need to express my ABSOLUTE RESPECT , APPLAUSE AND SIMPLY ADMIRE the courage of this person ( Daytona ) , who would have such personal confidence knowing that she is a UNIQUE person , different and for sure someone that must have gone through lots and lots and lots of experiences in life ( IT ISN’T A WORLD made for these people no matter how it has changed and the acceptance of difference ) so as to appear in front of thousand of people and expose herself ? Only for this , this person DESERVES my 👏👏 , amazing and unbelievable , she is a LIVING EXAMPLE of anyone being a hesitant person , people who have lack of self confidence and personality . All praise for that , the rest , sorry , but I think as a voyeur , I prefer to skip .
  8. I think Daytona is one of the most weird persons we have ever been introduced . We have seen a lot but for sure she’s a unique character . Maybe for this reason , it will be possible to watch and “ decode “ her .. For sure RLC’s biggest challenge ever , why they went into this choice is beyond thoughts .
  9. And also , a strange way to undress ( Daytona ) checked it yesterday when she was about to take the shower before the surprise ..
  10. Well , it is Halloween for RLC today 😂🤣 … Spooky and weird .. Amalia and Mati earlier , Harley now in B2 , the WHOLE evening Sara . Karma and Daytona ( ? ) , weird in many aspects ..
  11. The question is , if you got the chance , would you reject her and think of the way you made your post or you would fuck her till you both collapse ? Find me a man that when the time comes that put “ limits “ , Margo has good job done , her ass is Devil’s Call watching 😋😋
  12. Come on , she knows what she needs to do , BUT SHE’S SCARED TO MAXIMUM . This place needs “ renovation “ , an X Factor , something else . She brought Malia and like this she managed to LIVE A LIFE she always dreamed of for nearly 1,5 years , having a guy off cameras , friends off cameras , a life she wanted to have and that’s why i believe she left Russia ( also the money of course / otherwise she WOULD NEVER EVER abandoned Stone Cold 😂 Her Love Of Her Life , who we said again ?? 😂🤣😂🤣 ) , Malia was covering for her so as the absences don’t become frustrating for the ETERNAL DEDICATED AND LOYAL FANS / SUBSCRIBERS and she inserted the JOKING ( for my taste , I respect anyone else enjoying them ) shows with Malia , we could at times see the male friend coming over , HELL , she ( when the LOYAL FANS lost their brain as they could never see it coming , as they were saying , it was AGAINST ALL THAT SHE WAS SAYING before happening ) brought a complete stranger inside her apartment to become her new roommate but we never saw it .. The apartment misses LIFE , SOCIALIZING , PASSION , UNPREDICTABILITY AND CRAZINESS . It is same ole same ola and every she’s getting older , no matter being lucky with her metabolism and genes , Father Time nobody won and their way of life will make its presence sooner or later ( no hygiene life , no hobbies , NOTHING ) , her body , her clothes , then what ? How much it will all change if we could see others , a fake cameras flirt , Paul looking goofy in the presence of others and then to comment here , LIFE is going out for a walk, to the cinema , to eat in a restaurant every now and then , sit on the couch with The Love Of Your Life and have some drinks , laugh till the stomach pains , get drunk and FUCK LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW . Where is all that ? Where are the “ INVISIBLE” outside friends ? It is A Dead Apartment , the chats here remind that .. it is in my humble belief the “ being used to watch “ routine that still makes this place viewable , there are other girls currently with RLC much better than Leora but when you are used to something you love ( because people here LOVE Leora as being their family .. ) , how can you leave behind / abandon your love ? That , it is a privilege 😂 that only Leora does ( Paul behind 😬 )
  13. In addition to all that , we even lost Cecilia tonight as well , not the same interest like when she moved in the villa , fix her things , the annoying lighting that she INSTANTLY fixed after our complains , the nice and unique patent of water next to her bed and so many other tiny details showing that she LOVED being there ( immediately a first show later on )… yes , in the morning she had a great GOODBYE VILLA anal session ( she really knows how to fuck this woman ) , but it is all today really weird .. It becomes way so much questionable , considering that the majority FINALLY AGREED that we had in the villas FINALLY ( except the disastrous Child ) tenants to satisfy all needs . Super hit women , skinny ( Sara ) , more curves ( Lali ) , nice body anatomy ( Karma ) , model type ( Margo ) plus the amazing Cecilia and totally horny top blowjobber newcomer Sabina .. We finally got “ promised “ entering a month to Christmas with anything being posssible with all girls BEING BISEXUAL , nice chemistry amongst the majority of them , ALL LOOKED PERFECTLY GREAT .. But then , it is like RLC said , NOT SO FAST , there should always be controversy , otherwise even the forum will get quiet 😂🤣😂 ( look what happens at the perfect happening apartments like Venera and Lion / Gyana and Dantez / Barbie and Ken ) , it is like RLC WANTS TO CHECK VOICED REACTIONS HERE and that’s why they did / are doing what they do .
  14. Most probably , Sara has her period .. or just “ playing “ it difficult like the first time ..
  15. There are millions of people like her in the world , it is just weird evening watching this tonight .. I think it is the curiosity mostly that we watch than anything else . I consider myself way too open minded in a level that I am misunderstood , but i think , even this tonight it is too much . I mean we have a human being who doesn’t go the room to arrange things , make himself / herself comfortable , but he/she walks around and with the clothes that was wearing the whole day , even for hygiene reasons , it isn’t the best . Now , whatever viewership and numbers or not even giving the WORLD’S FUCK, I don’t also understand the behavior of Karma and Sara . Really weird even for me wanting and embracing new things ..
  16. Still , this person moved to the now listed “ Daytona “ room … can it be a guest ? I don’t think so , she/he could have slept at Sara’s like yesterday .. OF COURSE .. We should not forget that RECENTLY ( during the big update in April ) they brought Eliska and Pepik back with an EPIC mistake , they gave them other names and they corrected it . For me and humble opinion of course , it is an incredible risky move to have a trans person , as a guy I can’t watch any private moments because I am not interested . Mixing also with other tenants , what to see ? Lacrim , Sabina and Daytona ? It is really a great surprise for me what they are doing .. BUT , they have secured good tenants in Barcelona after such a long time , maybe they believe they can experiment and search for new target group of people .. and let’s be honest , I think only RLC could try the next step , that it is introducing trans , shemales , gays .. But then , personally , pff , I would really like to have a filter so as I can block anything private moment of them even appearing at thumbnails .. It doesn’t fit for me to watch and I couldn’t ..
  17. We have seen a LOOOOOOT , BUT … I think Karma’s nipples are the best WE HAVE EVER SEEN by a tenant , in full light exposure in the bathroom , Karma looks incredible
  18. For sure , PERSONALLY , lots to learn about REAL LIFE of these category of society people , how they act , behave , respond .. other than that , private moments , what to watch ? Karma and Sara are good for that occasionally 😉😉
  19. Well… After posts and posts of doubting , the surprise gets official ( AND OF COURSE I ACCEPT MY MISTAKE AND DOUBT THE WHOLE DAY ) Now , there are for sure many that will watch but in the end , WHO WILL BE INTERESTED OF THE MAJORITY OF THE SITE’S VIEWERS to watch Daytona ? Honestly , Lacrim and now Daytona for Cecilia ? Really ?
  20. Fior also knocked the door before leaving last night , they didn’t answer / heard him and he went through the garage inside the villa only to pick up some toilet paper .. He is the driver but why can’t he simply have helped this friend for transportation upon Sara’s request ?
  21. I know the site and it is MORE than credible .. I just like to compare before conclusions as i said , still a very fair point 😇
  22. Come on … COMMON SENSE .. If she’s Daytona , why doesn’t take her things in her/his room and the other help her ? Come on , common sense . plus , it isn’t only Turkey that Russian people can appear , we also might have another Ukrainian ..
  23. We try to REVIVE a “ Dead Apartment “ 😂🤣😂🤣 We are Leora’s biggest fans , when she can’t provide content , the fans take over and provide for her . I would call it a WIN /WIN situation 😁😆 It is page 22 of this topic , I am challenging EVERYONE to post WHAT THIS APARTMENT has offered the last 22 pages … What have we seen ? What “ REAL LIFE “ and “ PRIVATE LIFE OF OTHER PEOPLE “ ? Dead Apartment . Last night The Slave pleased Her Master . She exhausted him that today she was off apartment and he was sleeping the whole day . Then , she arrived and ( HOW SAD 😢😢) an exhausted Leora ( HOW IMPRESSIVE 😱 ) fell asleep WAAAAAAAAAY too early than her late morning European times , usually watching her phone or tablet or laptop . Who knows ( except the GAG 🥶😳 ) , you have a guy that a ) doesn’t satisfy you b ) sleeps while you are awaken c ) embarrasses you with his manners and way of doing things inside the apartment d ) IS THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE … After all of this , HOPEFULLY the woman known as Leora maybe , MAYBE , she tries to develop once again outside alliances to fight isolation , neglect and boredom .. AND … How a person does this ?? Let’s revive the topic at the Dead Apartment , speculations are what “ drive “ the forums 😇
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