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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Back to zero … let’s see if there will be one more chance later or the clever man would now go to his room and make the girl BLUE BALLS TO DEATH 😂😂
  2. I hope the now heard “ NO “ isn’t an indication that he is blamed for raping her …
  3. Let’s see soon the blowjob coming if Anthony and … can catch them live 😅🤣
  4. I enjoy RLC 2.0 .. it is like you do when a girl masturbates ..
  5. No teasing games and blue balls , people get horny , they flirt and if they want more they simply do like these two and not joking or fooling around like small children ..
  6. I can’t wait to have my good friend @ed2 back at eh forum with the most popular and famous quote …😎😎😎
  7. Simple things , people being horny , a bit of drinks , laughs and good atmosphere and this one s THE NATURAL HAPPENING … finally 😇
  8. It’s official , RLC finally woke up by adding exactly what’s needed .. fun , unpredictable and ready to enjoy everything people … AND … I hate when ddhm is right so very fast 😂🤣😂🤣🤪😜😝 about a girl by watching her only 5 minutes ..😏😉
  9. It was all fun and enjoying their first day , then they eat and normally will get a bit tired but Anthony’s presence brought everyone cooling down and changing mood .. there’s no more annoying thing than when not speaking the language , the others don’t try to make at least a couple of dialogues in English.. Anthony stood up and at once Dylan and … enjoy 😎🤩🥳
  10. And the best thing is that they set the standards high for the others , either they will follow even 50% being also active or choose a boring Zhanna / Serafima life and inevitably all lights will be on these row fantastic women … let’s see .. And Dylan , pff , if he goes out clubbing and flirts , prepare for some visitors in the summer .. RLC seems to be slightly back on track with these 3 ..
  11. These two girls will be the “ must see “ of the summer if Mama and Papa allow them to be as of their first marvelous day . Finally a refreshment , two beautiful , crazy , full of energy and smiles , appetite to be seen and show on cameras , no hesitations , exactly as two girls should be in such a place .. enjoy the maximum their “ holidays “ while working , making money and living their young lives at maximum joy … RLC hits finally jackpot .
  12. It is also absolutely great that Dylan speaks English which will make the whole experience even more great to watch .. a very big well done to these 3 additions ( B7 resurrecting .. 😁 )
  13. We kind of have a new Tesla and Eilan and Samson 😇😇 And it is great fun to watch people who simply came to enjoy and FINALLY BE ON HOLIDAYS .. and the curse of the bedroom seems to break .. let’s hope that it will be also outsiders and not the fun only amongst them… Friendly reminder of yesterday and the type of girl was expected Gloria to be ( I would have been so naive having not seen that right 😂🤣😛 )
  14. I will always believe that she has not an official “ bigger “ role but I believe in a way she’s in contact with the “ managers “ let’s say . I believe she suggests possible “ candidates “ , due to her easy socializing as a character , I could easily think she participates in RLC “ asking of her opinion “ times . Obviously it is a personal way of seeing her visiting so frequently Barcelona since the first year of Covid ( 2020 ) when she wasn’t doing so the previous years . And obviously your approach on the subject has way more “ reasonable thinking “ 😇 but I also think that she’s more ( unofficial ) in an extended role than a simple RLC employee .
  15. Pff ..how right .. and this was the reason I think that they left , it was kind of a “ mental “ issue .
  16. Many possibilities that this is the new names for the couple who will be joining the empty apartment perhaps of the soon ( ? ) to depart Linda and Tibor . I don’t think they assign just names to tenants without the tenants know , so , it might be a hint for already new tenants or a possibility opening even a new apartment soon . Let’s see .
  17. Adela and Axel were strange for me , it felt like something was holding them back to make this new life “ permanent “ let’s say . For example , the last day before living they made the most open lets sunset since they joined , if they had issues with that , they wouldn’t do I guess . Vera was nice to watch her but this was an apartment that these two girls didn’t even speak so as to make an opinion , I think as an RLC decision to have these two in an apartment , it didn’t work at all . Anyway , it is a more than 50% new RLC now , it will have the good and for sure bad ones , but above all , let’s hope that the majority will respect the opportunity they get and some of them will become popular and create much of “ buzz “‘.
  18. Nice to see you appreciating the efforts of the site , let’s hope that they made the right decisions and choices and we will be enjoying a nice summer .
  19. Sweet little Ulyana showing her appreciation of being back, thanking her fans already for being popular and taking one more chance .. This run finally with her own room will be the greatest , after Russia she finally gets her own place … and a private Ulyana is money guarantee and viewership exploding .. Yes , she’s back and ready for her best run ..
  20. Many others care because we might finally understand much more like we did with Taylor plus he might be finally one guy who interacts with locals and we might see outsiders and not all the time the people getting involved with one another in the villas .. time will tell .
  21. It seems that Dantez becomes a big asset for RLC , after recruiting Venera and Lion , he brings one more couple on cameras .. Let’s see if it will be the same success ..
  22. The Dylan guy seems to speak English and nit Russian but he isn’t also a British .. I can only speculate that RLC analyzed Taylor’s massive success with the English language and they decided to have a guy this time in B7 so many of us viewers can finally understand more .. and the guy looks that he is there for some fun ..
  23. Welcome to the jealousy world , you can’t even believe how RLC survived once more ..go and watch some porn in VH.TV to relax yourself a bit .. and let the ones who like what we see exaggerate , post , get enthusiastic today .. but of course , what can be expected of miserable people extending their personal things here.. if you hate what you see , stop bothering posting , get a life and do things that please you .
  24. Fiora seems to be in Malta , no signs of Vamp as he must be a Barcelona resident .. Olivia seems having recorded a rap tune , we know that she’s decent in this music and she has been rhyming excellently .. I think we will see them in the future .
  25. Harley soonest loose time bringing her private life inside the apartment , finally tenants whi understand , respect and appreciate the concept , the viewers , their employer , tenants who show what RLC should be . It seema that the guy is Harley’s boyfriend and he doesn’t seem to agree with Harley’s “new job “ , but obviously , we men , we always surrender .. let’s see how fast Harley will persuade him to get accustomed and used to the cameras as this is now the place that he will be spending time when Harley isn’t most probably at his place … of course , curious to see if this guy is one more “ toy “ for Harley like she used to have when we first met her 😊😇😉😏 … and waiting for the one and only little Ulyana to bring on cameras her own private life ..
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