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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think in my whole 7 years being CamCaps member and 3 a very active poster , I have never ever wished for a tenant to go , this girl was a really BAD BAD BAD choice and decision , if I could ask for compensation , it would be for her … personally , the worst tenant in RLC history in Barcelona .
  2. Bogdan is more than a tenant as WE ALL know , he is also helping RLC in other roles ..now , they have been rumors that also Nelly has another ( minor than him ) role , there you have the answer for N&B.. Aziza is one of the biggest mysteries but kind of solved when we saw her with Bogdan even for those famous brief seconds .. It was first rumored that she was brought by Tani but it doesn’t look as this being the case .. BUT .. I can only remember Tweety getting this luxury room as a newcomer and now her ( and tweety was/is a best friend in a way of one of the most fan favorites , Holly , so it can be let’s say justified ) , Aziza did absolutely nothing during her first 4-5 weeks and now suddenly she is befriended by Bogdan and Nelly in whatever reasons viewing .. We will see how it goes with her .
  3. I was blamed that I had the opinion that RLC is “ cleaning “ because of the non good results and of what it is shared here from many , in a way it reflects to what they are doing .. I challenge then anyone to bring an example when it has been such a MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE “ cleaning” , obviously RLC understood that they are doing something really wrong , how else they could remove 9 ( nine ) tenants in this fast time ? But , for some people the observations here is nonsense 😂😂😂🤣 … like when Ell is cheating her boyfriend undercover 😂🤣😂🤣🤣 Please , watch and observe ..
  4. I don’t agree with the sex worker term and it is like the majority is using it . I don’t understand what’s the difference watching a naked woman on cameras ( Serafima , Zhanna , Lara , Yana so as to speak only for Barcelona ) than when you visit a nudist beach for example , what is their sex job in this occasion ? Another disagreement i have with many , it is when they say that someone is a bad person ( RLC tenant ) , I agree then with you when you say that she seems like a nice person , I don’t think there are bad people but all these people are young , full of energy and want to be and act in much much craziness at times and obviously because we have the privilege watching them , something that they might do and it isn’t “ nice “ in our “savoir vivre “ , we often categorize them as “bad “ , we maybe need to think how many stupidities and wrong things we did at their current age . BUT … THIS JOB SHE HAS CHOSEN and she’s not there by force or whatever similar reason . And since she chose to do this ( and repeatedly through the years ) , it means that she’s benefitted excellently financially , she enjoys it obviously being watched , so , yes , it is a hard work but the hard work is to find ways to keep an audience attracted you watching you . Serafima’s problem is that she never felt this job as sharing the really interesting as it seems life she has outside , this is what many many people who subscribe to this site want to watch apart from ass / tits / pussy .. we want to see people trying to live an as much normal life as they would do if cameras weren’t there , we want to watch there people trying to live as much as normally WITH cameras and no FOR the cameras .
  5. Only analyzing the facts the last days and some sudden packing we are seeing ..The wishes have been going on ( not only by me but from many others ) for a long time , it is a fact what we are watching ( the packing or as good friend Noldus says “ spring cleaning “ ) , so , yes , the wishes have become truth .
  6. In general , Camcaps forum is way too much negative towards the guys , like it is all their fault on what it is happening when the 90% of tenants in Barcelona are girls and they are in a way running the program .. but we have said again , the jealousy and toxicity towards the guys is at an incredible level at times .. there are for sure guys who have deserved heat but Timur is a pleasant and fun guy and he hasn’t give reasons to be “ indicated “ doing what was said by the forum member .
  7. If you think that RLC isn’t taking into account what’s written here by some few people that happen to be subscribers , you are way too wrong .. careful , not deciding what to do as you say but taking into account what’s being posted here .. it is the same with the tenants , they are very affected at times ( some of them ) the ones that they read posts .. RLC monitors the posts , as someone said , try and post a photo or a video and have your account busted .. so , no decisions ( they would be stupid to do this ) but for sure watching the trends and what’s people opinions are .. Nonsense is believing that there’s zero connection in anything that it is happening on live cameras with posts written here at times ..
  8. The only person that there’s a “ rumor “ that supplies substances is Lilith .. and the other two that were rumors that they were providing substances have been “ Daniel “ and “ Bruno “.. that T&T private bathroom is the palace that maybe they do whatever , it doesn’t prove that he is a supplier .. why should he be risking also the life when he can be making so much money living in an RLC apartment with his girlfriend who makes extra money with photo shoots by the way ?
  9. A singing Zara and Anthony watching from the couch and suddenly Lavika with a quick lips kiss to stunned Anthony ( kind of friendly in a way but also showing that she’s not forgetting their times .. ) and Anthony trying to show that it is nothing as his target seems to be Zara .. now , obviously the friends have talked but it is more Dana who likes Anthony .. so , let’s see 😂🤣 ( with Lavika being possibly on her last days with RLC and if she wants to have him , she will try and seduce 😂 - despite the brother being around .. )
  10. HALLELUJAH 😇😇😇😇🥳🥳🥳 It seems that the Greek Orthodox Easter brings a kind of RLC resurrection as well 😂 .. Easter for us Orthodox on the 16th April , unless it is a delayed April’s 1st Fool’s Day joke , we are FINALLY ( together with the good ones ) have the absolute disappointments and total jokes moving as well … I will only speculate that this incident with Bogdan and Aziza has hurt RLC so much , judging also a bit from the posts here at the forum that many seem to have cancelled or waiting for a drastic change , IT IS REALLY HAPPENING .. And all of a sudden RLC becomes interesting again with an extreme paradox .. not for the people that are currently participating ( at least for a large number .. ) but for the ones who are expected to lead RLC into the new era , the first real after Covid year with life completely as we left it back in February / March 2020 … Fingers crossed 🤞 and let’s hope that they HAVE LISTENED .. also they maybe have listened in Prague as well … 😏😉
  11. It really looks like the ones that at least were offering something different and have been generous are leaving .. we are about to lose Karina , maybe Kimberly and Lavika .. just think who remains 🥶🥶😥😥 …EXCEPT .. If Kimberly moves in B2 ..
  12. I think the big news is that maybe we found out today who “ runs “ the Prague RLC hub .. And maybe a “ hint “ who will be running Barcelona in the future ( Nelly and Bogdan )
  13. No interest elsewhere for a debate , philosophies are always good to exercise the brain and when get old not to suffer from dementia 😂🤣😛
  14. I didn’t count as 4 because we have the privilege to still enjoy one of the most sensational , Karol 😉, this is why the “ have been “ 😆 .
  15. They are doing absolutely fine and great , they are very very clever obviously and seems that they decided to invest the money that they made with RLC in a new life there . I believe that as individuals they will both succeed , I wish that their relationship also works but I have strong doubts on that despite now all looking perfect ( but that’s my own opinion ). Another former RLC tenant ( Ariana ) has also settled down and she’s doing quite ok in California , many times all 3 of them do things together , but Ariana I think used a lot of her seduction skills to achieve a full year that she’s now there . In general , if you really have a goal in life , if you commit to it and dedicate yourself , with a bit of luck that is also needed , 9 out of 10 times people will succeed . Thor and Holly have taken it seriously and it is working fine for them .
  16. People started posting here simply because elsewhere there’s nothing to contribute . I am sorry to tell you , you are like pulo Filipe in the Leora’s topic , you just started posting and people simply answered to your posts and not of what actually we are seeing in the apartment ( except of course Linda’s boobs ) . I am a human being and I admire these people for the pleasure they offered all these years and I admire them even more when they understand that a circle has come to an end . I am not a savior of anyone , I simply “ boo “ stupid decisions and I “ applaud “ decisions that I consider them the right thing to do . That’s all . I wonder who will be next for you to “ resurrect “ here in the forum , Leora isn’t anymore your interest , Kitty is long gone , will I make the prediction and say you will be the “ Elli and Vencel “ moderator ? Let’s see if my prediction will prove correct .
  17. Guys like Thor and Samson were great , Tim did whatever he did but still he could seduce anyone , Anthony tries to play it nice and Grisha is nothing more than a disappointment for me and too fake .. Miron was a strange addition .. No coincidence that some of the greatest moments the villas were seen happening when was Thor and Samson were there , that’s why Thor now enjoys a good life with Holly in California ( which i don’t believe it will last but that’s not for the time being ) . The problem of Barcelona ( and Prague ) RLC is that they seem to have lost control over their tenants actions .. they have left things completely loose , they literally do whatever they want , whenever they want and RLC simply watches .. RLC’s trust and respect to its viewers was hurt too much with the deleting content during Aziza and Bogdan’s incident , things simply don’t work in Barcelona currently and RLC seems not doing anything trying to fix it ( and it isn’t due to the guys , they are just 2 + 3 husbands / boyfriends and 13 plus 3 wives / girlfriends ) RLc needs to remind all of them what they have signed for , whoever can’t fulfill contracts and terms of work , should be gone .
  18. Karina once again proving that this stay has been a marvelous one … another anal dildo masturbation while showing us that she likes the lesbian porn ( a hint maybe ? ) .. In general , Karina and Lavika helped to keep a good interest for Barcelona when the majority of the other places ( apart from B5 ) have been quite unwatchable ( obviously the employer RLC is heavily struggling on finding girls when once it used to be a queue to join this company ) .
  19. The travesty continues , RLC or Bogdan and Nelly trying to prove that this “ FUCK YOU ALL VIEWERS “ incident with the power off was just a “ bad moment “ . The more they continue , the more tragic and ridiculous they become .. and the more they think we are stupid 😂🤣
  20. And suddenly , Nelly and Aziza are best friends when they didn’t even have a contact for nearly 2 months .. ridiculous ( at least could be justified if we had seen them spending a bit time during some recent gatherings , it all started since the famous WTF in incident between Aziza and Bogdan )
  21. There’s simply one question I want to make to you … how suddenly all this interest about Linda ? Where have you been all those years with posts showing your concern and interest for this apartment ? You claim that “ Some of the guys here since the very beginning will tell you they had regular conversations with Leora and maybe some others. That is strictly forbidden now but it still happens “ .. you have admitted doing this with Kitty ..right ? What I am trying to say is that people will always have their preferences , you have been praising Leora at her prime , Kitty when you could talk to her , suddenly now Linda when it is MORE THAN OBVIOUS that she and Tibor have faced something really extreme in their lives so as to change their behavior and life within the RLC walls . To my knowledge , I can’t think of anyone wanting anything bad for those people , these are all people that we should praise for whatever they have decided to offer us and Linda and Tibor for a period till beginning of 2022 have been amazing … We all , i believe , want the best for these people , one of the good things that we should do is realize ( like the majority has ) when a couple / tenants should abandon this and try to live a normal life like the rest of us .. look how tragic Leora and Paul are ,look how disasterous Nelly and Bogdan are and toxic to the rest of colleagues in the Barcelona villas , tenants should realize when the time to leave this has come no matter the financial benefits at the difficult times Europe faces .. I applaud Linda and Tibor on realizing the time has come , if they still remain i will complain obviously on not understanding how much they will be hurting their image by remaining on cameras when they don’t offer entertainment but sad times ( watching such a gorgeous woman like Linda being sad it is uncomfortable ) .
  22. And this is how it is celebrated in Greece , the most popular Easter place and it is a bless to live 😁😊😇 … It is next week for the Orthodox Church , this is what more or even more what it will be 😉
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