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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I don’t follow all discussions obviously as I don’t watch 24/7 or waiting to see when they talk to listen to phonecalls or the replays , but I have no reason not to believe what you say since you are Italian and can catch all details .. I don’t “ dig “ reasons why certain things happen when I am enthusiastic and appreciate what’s happening .. it fulfills one of my reasons for paying RLC and I am totally fine with that … I only dig and try to understand when the program isn’t satisfying me or I feel that my IQ is violated when they try to think that i am stupid . If you don’t like what’s happening , i can’t understand why you are watching and what you want to achieve in the forum as you are always speaking negative for RLC and some members here who happen to have different opinion than yours .
  2. It seems Shantal knows Claire and Carlos …we will see how it evolves and what we will be seeing .
  3. I have no doubt that this is real life because i actually have done what Dylan is doing .. it doesn’t seem any fake show , these people came for the fun and they know that they can combine their young , full active and enthusiastic life by living it to the maximum and getting paid for whatever they will be showing . The fact that Dylan speaks English and Italian helps me much much much more to justify what I am telling you , wait till the first results of the people who search the social media of tenants come and everyone here will be more than surprised . I have been enjoying boring real life , we get the chance to see endless scenarios now with tenants fucking one another , this with Aziza really opens other dimensions of what to expect as we simply DON’T KNOW or we can’t even think of or speculate anything . Finally RLC got variety , if you don’t like extreme action, you can take a look at Harley and Ulyana , if it is boring , you can slowly observe and get to know the new couples in Prague .. we have the mystery with Elli , we just saw Masha and Dasha reviving their epic lesbian encounters , i personally expect her to go back in Rome and see what her future hold with Elvis and of course , what’s gonna be with the 5th longest current tenants ( actually 4th only behind Leora , Masha and Martina as Nelly and Bogdan haven’t been on cameras continuously like them , i speak of course about Linda and Tibor ) . The conclusion is that the B7 villa has interesting tenants who came to have fun and respect the subscribers . I have been tired seeing girls with sad faces , tears , loneliness and isolations . I don’t say that such things shouldn’t be but we also want the fun and the relaxing times . Very satisfied currently and I believe it gets even better as soon as the rest of the newcomers will be slowly daring for more 😎😉
  4. Hmmm… this is because he fucks the girls and you won’t get the chance to see them masturbating or one more jealously because one more guy gets to fuck women who simply the majority here would love to do half of what the guys do to them ? I am “ dying “ for the moment that one guy for you is “ cool “ and gets your appreciation and respect .. except , it might be that you are disappointed that all the do nothings according to you seem not to be anymore and you need to moan so as to maximum degrade - this time the turn goes to men - 😂🤣😂🤣
  5. I think that this is the second major chance / opportunity that RLC gives to Ulyana ( mostly ) and Harley ( she was a newcomer ) in Barcelona , this shows that they really count on them , their popularity was always at the maximum and unfortunately the luck wasn’t by their side with whatever was happening … for me , Harley also gets the chance because she was treated like shit from the RLC management and perhaps they gave her the chance as a kind of “ apologies “ on the way we treated you ( the girl was the least responsible and she paid the major price ) . Ulyana - will always say it - has always been the girl that RLC could invest for the next 10 years but it is like a curse , 1st the closing of the Russian apartments when she was at her best period , then the first tenant transferred from Russia in Prague so as RLC gives the chance to the audience not to lose her and then Barcelona which was unfortunately the least successful and much problematic stay .. nevertheless , she still gave us some unforgettable moments , highlight was her solo at the penthouse’s bathroom , that was a classic . As per Harley , endless potential , I named her X-Factor because for me she remains an endless mystery . A strange boyfriend / sex partner with who she seemed ok till she one day introduced us to this one who at the moment , it all looks weird . As a conclusion , only 72 hours and the girls brought outsiders ( even the one being the X ( ? ) boyfriend of Harley ) , they both look much more beautiful than their previous stay , less kilos , more body caring and I think that the best is yet to come with them .. We should be ready when Ulyana decides to start enjoying , she already plays with the cameras with some deadly staring , this woman is simply MUST SEE .
  6. Well who knows … maybe ,just recent idea 😂 , RLC relocates them as this apartment comes to an end contractually ? I mean , obviously the right thing to do ( according to what we see the last 1 year and so ) would be for this couple to move on with their lives and try the real life outside the cameras world .. some more days of patience as it seems … Since this will be the first major long time couple that we might be losing , I am expecting from either Linda or both a message on cameras or an indication in any form , in which they would recognize that it was also us the viewers who made them being one of the most enjoyable and loving couples we enjoyed watching .. and also expecting many appreciation messages here at the forum even from members who haven’t posted for years , i think they deserve it .
  7. Always justifying my posts that’s why bla bla bla .. I don’t throw a comment here because I simply feel like it .. I will always explain and that’s why the long posts .
  8. One last thing before preparing for the sun, the sea and the S.. At HOME FINALLY AGAIN 😋😋😋😎😎🤩🤩 The chat and people who started participating , new or older members who weren’t posting and have been resurfaced sad reactivated , this means that FINALLY RLC did something and has made it interesting .. so many different opinions , theories , thoughts .. this is how the site here CamCaps should also be in good and respectful chats .. I PERSONALLY EMBRACE this change and I hope it gets even wilder and more crazy .. let’s be active and enjoy and “ COMPLAIN “ for the action and not the stupidity of “ NOTHINGNESS “ and paying for a product who had tenants preferring to be outside the cameras and getting paid .. WELL DONE RLC for the change , well done for anyone who appears again in the forum and becomes enjoyable after a long long long time …WELL DONE.
  9. Well , one cheating from his wife with Martina , he equalized with Aziza ( but we never saw it ) , so they are even .. let’s see how they will behave now that their palace has life and thei will lose their PEACE due to boredom that was existing .
  10. You are talking like you know the script and why things happen .. how can you know all the things you are referring to ? What drives you into this opinion ? The ONLY SURE THING IS WHAT WE SEE … AZIZA HAS DONE NEARLY NOTHING FOR 2 MONTHS AND TODAY SHE GOT FUCKED .. this is what we saw , this is a FACT .. all the rest is just theories .
  11. If you can prove your theory , please proceed .. I have many differences with brokk but whoever watches carefully , what he says makes really good sense .. we disagree , it is fine .
  12. I will go nuts when they will appear the ones and say “ OH , I miss Zhanna , Serafima, Lara , Britney , Vera and Una “ … really , is this the RLC that we wanted or this one that has action and things happening out of the blue ? The stories and what’s going to be can be endless , people who live together have sex , how all this will be affecting them ? How it will be if someone starts developing feelings ? How it will all be if jealousy appears ? Please , sit back , relax and enjoy the consequences .. otherwise , tune in to the goddess , the queen and watch masturbation number 2369 .. or Esenia and Dima in their tiny apartment or whoever can astonish you with their interesting lives …RLC in the villas should be exactly this concept for me , WAKE UP , SWIMMING , FOOD AND DRINKS and expect the unexpected . People are on holidays , they do nothing and get paid .. honestly think how you would behave if you had the chance to be with a 10-15 school mates in a villa , how your days will be daily ? What would you wish ?
  13. You are right with this post , I also mentioned that recently and makes really good sense .
  14. I will say that I HOPE that Tereza can be seduced and see some fun starring Timur and him … this is what I say as for the last comment , in my humble opinion , with this guy around , suddenly everything looks possible … I mean , Aziza ?? Please .. she joined on the 17th February , i challenge anyone to name of what can we remember her apart from the SHITTEST MOMENT we have witnessed with the footage deletion and maybe 1-2 masturbations .. and look today .. so , let’s see whose next to surrender .. the normal happens , it can’t be that people , nice , young , not to be horny and experience such moments and incidents … And Aziza has been one of the hungry ones ..
  15. Place your bets who’s gonna be the next for the Master … Can it be that Zara falls next ??? 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋
  16. I WOULD HAVE NEVER EVER believed that Aziza will be fucked on cameras after what we saw with Bogdan and the footage deletion .. this is beyond any imagination, I totally agree with the comment that the Aziza code is broken 😇😇😎
  17. FINALLY , THE VILLAS BRINGING LIFE AS THINGS SHOULD BE HAPPENING .. the problem has been that NOTHING was happening except boredom and now things happen in lightning range and we are all caught by MASSIVE surprise , RLC managed to make us also sleepy and now we also need to wake up and accept the awaking of the giant of live streaming .. it is new people , the first days might go like this … we will see how all this will be results the next days that mama and papa will see what’s happening inside their church …
  18. I only criticize what I see .. if there are people here who know more for all these people and can actually prove it , I have no problem to say that I was thinking naive … but this is honestly how life is if you are a hunter and know how to approach women.. and this guy knows exactly what he’s doing ..
  19. The facts speak for themselves .. one of the most boring so far surrenders after 24 hours that Dylan meets her … nothing more to add ..
  20. RLC simply found people who came to have fun in luxury villas .. the consequences we will be seeing very soon .. this is the life if you want to have fun
  21. And with who , the most paranoid that could be , the mysterious Aziza …
  22. Say whatever you want , B7 is on fire , Dylan ready to score number 3 …insane things happening.. there are other apartments to enjoy repeated things and boredom .. fun is here 😇
  23. I only have to say one thing … B7 TOPIC HAS NENER BEEN FOR 2 DAYS IN A ROW RED HOT WITH DISCUSSIONS .. all the rest is bla bla bla .. the dynamics have changed by having 3 people who are free spirited and mind .. A project like RLC needs balance , we want the peace , the drama , the real stories , the tears and arguments but we also want ( above all ) the pussy , the tits and the ass … and we get it and it is perfectly fine 😇😇 So much better than watching serafima everyday at her usual position opening her legs or Zhanna on her mobile arranging her next appointment outside … New faces , new mysteries , WELCOME 🥳🥳
  24. Anthony still lives in the world when he was fucking one of the top 5 girls who ever appeared on this site . Let’s not forget that he is also older but sorry to say , the difference is simply one .. the one is a hot seducing Italian guy with his craziness , the language , the style and the other more like a northern machine waiting to be triggered and not with the same spontaneous / aggressive way that he has .. if Dylan continues like this , he can surpass even the guy that could seduce them all before meeting Holly .. Thor that is .
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