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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think this is the most “ busy “ and “ engaging “ chats day here at CamCaps … many many posts like it hasn’t been seen for a long long long time ..
  2. Marlene and Tesla .. together with Diane , Olya and Daniela , no need to worry anymore ( plus the “ certain “ and “ guaranteed “ fun having sweet little Ulyana and X-Factor Harley back ) .
  3. Gina is Taylor / Elettra level , even much much better .. the right tenant to shake things up and “ WAKE UP “ the rest ..
  4. Kimberly gone , I can only say that it happened due to the “ sick “ chemistry existing in the villas .. it has been many mistakes by her side but she has been a fun and smiley / crazy ( in the sweet meaning ) girl to watch .. this is really insane today what RLC makes , NEVER EVER before such a “ cleaning “ ..
  5. Let’s hope that there’s an explanation for this decision , otherwise , prepare for another extreme moaning ( rightfully coming by the viewers ) .
  6. Funny .. they didn’t even interact as Lara hardly ever did something with both Karina and Lavika , still Lavika showing her greatness by saying goodbye despite the “ tourism behavior “ Lara who compared to her makes money without contributing a 5% in the viewership of this apartment .
  7. This is a possible explanation .. but at least she can justify her presence .. Otherwise , it will remain a mystery of what RLC is looking for at her and what they have invested ..
  8. There will always be a debate of which apartment has offered the most in the history of this site .. B2 has offered more “ memorable “ moments while B1 has always been the place that anything can happen by anyone .. I consider B2 more special and a “ must be “ place for the tenants ( the roof and the endless summer nights with the sunsets and sunrises watching the endless Mediterranean blue sea ) but less attractive for us viewers as many things have happened off cameras , B1 has hosted tenants who are an “ RLC living history “ .. All this connection has only to do with the explanation I am trying to give to myself if what the hell has Lara done so as to deserve not only being an RLC tenant but ( as it all looks ) also getting the B2 master bedroom ? Seriously ? From the one and only Lavika and being one in many years getting the room by herself and PROVING that she deserved it to a person that only cares to come home , take a shower and work in her outside of the RLC job and apartment projects at her laptop ? Please RLC , give us a fucking ridiculous break .. EXCEPT … if ( like it has been happening before Lavika ) she gets someone to share the master bedroom and she proves ideal while Lara will be doing her business outside the apartment .. this is the only logical and reasonable explanation so we can also have 2 tenants in the single rooms that will respect the viewers and the subscriptions .
  9. Free luxury place to live in wonderful Barcelona , literally just next to the beach , what more to ask ? Who would say no to this tremendous opportunity ? Free rent while managing her real life outside of the apartment and just popping up occasionally to justify her name on the list of the current participants .. I really start thinking that maybe all these girls who can be categorized as “ do nothing “ , they have an agreement with RLC so they aren’t getting ( much ) money , simply some basic and of course the reward of not renting paying more than 1,000€ as this apartment can possible be costed at this current place in Barcelona.. trying to think and put thoughts in order of what RLC really has/ had in mind when they hired her / keeping her active as a tenant ..
  10. And I thought that this was a “ woman’s privilege “ 😂🤣😂🤣 ( usually when big changes happen , women change their hairstyle , clear indications ) .. and now Bogdan .
  11. I can’t understand the reasons for keeping Lara apart of not wanting to have one more apartment completely empty .. I think after Zhanna , Lara is the second one acting like a tourist ( Zhanna of course was the worst ) and she clearly doesn’t belong or deserve being an employee for this company .. let’s see .
  12. Another challenge is if they will be announcing the departure at the top of the site ( news section ) or they will put the new arrivals first .. they alway play this game so as to show that they have all beds filled… Unbelievable and historical RLC day , also many B7 cameras UM … someone could say that all of this is like June 2019 and the “ Russian apartments termination “ but only now happening in Barcelona .
  13. Ahh … Lavika … one of the best ever .. All the best to a “ true and live “ person who simply lived her life and shared all .. all the very best .. This makes it the 5th departure of the day , clearly they have it organized as it is all happening exactly after Easter is over .. A very big big challenge for RLC , if they fail with the new tenants ( obviously they will be also some not suitable but let’s hope the majority is even 60-70% of Lavika and Marlene and Karina and Tani ) , it will be really bad for them .. But it all looks very well organized and synchronized so it seems like a very well “ operational day “ working just fine .
  14. It so for sure one of the biggest “ purge “ days , like RLC is “ closing all open cases “ and moving to the new era . Let’s hope that they have planned all in a good way , otherwise the product will be struggling and could be dangerous for them as a business .. I don’t think personally it can be any worse than what we saw during this winter and especially after Kristy’s and Taylor’s departure , it is insane that the wildest and nicest moments I. 2023 ( adult entertainment moments ) it has been - obviously apart from Lavika and Karina - the incident on New Year’s Day at Martina’s and Alberto’s and the threesome of the Ws’ and the amazing red hair girl 😊 This says it all about all of the cataclysmic changes of today .
  15. Harley or Ulyana ( or both 😋 ) and I am happy 😊
  16. They seem to have a really good friendship , these two could just like “ The Snap Of Thanos “ rebirth Barcelona ..
  17. This would be a total disrespect to anybody who would be a site member at that time ..
  18. Zhanna must be feeling relieved that she doesn’t have to be anymore in this obligatory for her place .. B1 emptied as fast as when they “ terminated “ the 4 Musketeers , Olivia / Ulyana / Harley / Fiora … And Noldus fun fact about Serafima , it makes you wonder how much of a coincidence it has been or more like a “ mutual “ agreement between RLC and Serafima for a certain period of time like this and the previous stay .
  19. I think this then might be solved from our dear English native language speaking fellow site members 😌
  20. I am wrong in many many many things , also many posts are not in the right direction at times but NEVER EVER I am posting anything without explaining/ justifying my thoughts / opinions … AND , I NEVER EVER criticize someone else’s opinion in a negative or disrespectful way because I don’t agree with it .. I accept it but obviously I think differently .. and I NEVER EVER use slang language or whatever vocabulary to another forum member here .. I have learned to respect everyone’s opinion here but i obviously have my own theories and beliefs and this is very difficult for people to change my mind 😂🤣 For the amount of posts I have contributed in this forum and the way I have seen things written about myself or the way I contribute and analyze my thinking , i consider myself ( very selfish I know 😂🤣) one of the most polite and humble people here … I could name dozens of people here who , if I was reporting their posts at times and the words / language they use , they should be expelled .. but there’s no point and i have learned to live with this here at the site .
  21. He wasn’t present whenever anything happened between the two of them , i thought a cuck is a guy approving this being present watching his other half ..
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