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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I have missed seeing the “ great quality “ sex skills of Tani .. the most important is always that when a new “ outside “ face enters , maybe we can see sole of his friends also infiltrating the apartments .. something that I am waiting to see from Alsu for example , why not from two girls who both desperately need sex , Kimberly and Yana … The Ice Queen and the ridiculous Zhanna , they only serve the “ watch naked girls “ concept ..
  2. I don’t remember him , so , thanks for the reminder… I hope this guy is a “ new “ interest in Tani’ life , as I said , more outsiders , much much better of what we can see ..
  3. First step of Tani introducing an outsider , one of the nest proving slowly how big asset she is for RLC .. Finally free of Tim’s influence , working slowly herself , everyday better and more and more free , a small introduction today and hopefully this guy will be seen in the villa very soon .. RLC DESPERATELY NEEDS FROM EVERYONE ( both girls and guys ) to bring some of the whatever outside life on cameras .. Tani makes a step , let’s hope for the others as well … Tani is fantastic since she joined .
  4. At least the joke between Alsu and Grisha seems over 😂🤣 ..
  5. Adela and Axel with a “ gift “ to the viewers , their best let’s say and most open / not shy on cameras session .. except if they move to Katie and Adam’s ? Very strange providing the best sex on the last night .
  6. It would all much better if finally they move them in the Adela and Axel’s apartment .. unless this happens , it means ( personal speculation ) that there’s an agreement between this couple and RLC for their current apartment , I can’t see a reason why they shouldn’t move in this luxury one in comparison of the “ hole “ they are living .
  7. As always , time will make us know , the information will be revealed , it is exactly the same that will happen with Bogdan and Aziza .. for sure it was ( in my opinion it is still ) very serious .
  8. Well , the nice “ make up “ sex happens with 24 hours of delay 😂 … Wednesday is weak to her man , one more proof that she does loves him very much .. and I still believe he controls all 😁
  9. You are right , I just haven’t got the feeling that Wednesday is the type of a “ bitch “ and she would do the stupidities , she has shown deep devotion to him , on the contrary , I have seen him not the same “ interested “ let’s say and many times I am of the opinion supporting the males , the majority in this forum know what the women are capable of ( sorry ladies 😂🤣 ) … let’s see .
  10. Let’s say that it is for sure not a minor reason to see a couple part ways full packing out of the apartment , so it is for sure serious. Now , I will risk and speculate and say that seeing Wayne in the villa , it is like it is his mistake and he went to find her . BUT … it is really difficult to have a glass intact again when it has broken in a way that one of the two decides to leave , it will take much time that these two find a solution ( if they find ) , it is for sure nice that maybe one of the two understood whatever mistake but also with the cameras on them , no privacy in their lives , I don’t think it will be a good result ( despite I think everyone here has seen that Wednesday really loves her man , maybe it is him that has this famous as we said “ the one who controls the relation , loves/cares the least “ ) … so let’s see what’s going to be in one of the most realistic crisis we have seen between a “ temporary couple “ … except of course RLC has contacted Wayne and advised him to do as much as possible so as to have the girl back in the apartment .
  11. Even if she was , Sasha isn’t easy “ for long sessions “ like they had with the “ tool “ he carries 😂🤣
  12. I never felt ( as of course with Esenia and Dima ) that they liked it . I can say that they “ tried “ to adjust , they wanted to do things but it was never “ freedom “ for them , that’s how I interpret their stay .. but they saw / were promised also the money and that was their major reason of joining and not as I say “ money obviously the main reason but also enjoy the idea of sharing their lives “ which I never felt it .. Let’s say that the “ project Prague “ isn’t so easily working like the “ project Russia “ when they opened there , maybe because there is different culture and way of living , jobs , salaries and atmosphere in Europe than how it was in Russia when RLC opened . Let’s see what happens ( anyone can easily bring the more than successful couple of Venera and Lion as a counter example ) .
  13. I think we are ready to lose one more apartment , full packing by the couple I believe .. It was clear that RLC wasn’t for them , not ready for this .
  14. This is a very difficult to explain series of events between this couple , I think we can for sure categorize it as one of the really “ toughest “ real life incidents we have ever experienced . W&W is one of the most amazing couple we witnessed with honest and real feelings , personally , I can’t remember ( maybe Taylor and Piper ) having a photo decorating their room and bed , all of their actions have been showing a couple very very very much connected . Yes , we had once again a similar misunderstood and Wednesday was packing again but it ended in wild and great sex , we had out of nowhere this threesome with the gorgeous red hair friend and enough times to be honest , Wayne exploding and shouting . But it was all ending in hugs , kisses , absolutely fantastic sex and a really honest showing of love and affection between the two , Wednesday as we have said , she was really submissive to Wayne , the woman was doing all for him . It isn’t a coincidence that it is nearly a week and perhaps more that this couple didn’t have sex when they would fuck anytime , anywhere if it was possible . It might be a temporary “ egoism fight “ but to lose all this that they had so fast and without even trying apart from a long and serious discussion , the conclusion is that most probably one of the two has “ betrayed “ / “ cheated “ and it is simply too much for the other to forgive . It can’t be any other reason reaching this extreme decision , also out of nowhere Wednesday chooses Aziza who slowly proves to be a very mysterious in connections person … Bogdan , Grisha recently , Britney ok we can understand , Tani also ok as we saw since day 1 … and now Wednesday , this girl has all this aura when she simply seems to only be participating . I can see RLC being in panic of W&W are out of the program , Wednesday obviously seeking shelter in Aziza’s shows that she hasn’t got an alternative in Barcelona , even though both of them have been seen being out till out in Barcelona quite some times by themselves . A truly “ Real Life “ incident , enough to prove to so many that they believe that it is all fake and scripted 😂🤣 . Let’s see how this story develops .
  15. Pff … it looks like irreversible .. Pff , Wednesday out .. 😞
  16. I think that nearly a month or so ago , it was same issues ( crying and serious discussion ) , she was even shown with a suitcase and kind of packing , it ended in nice sex and they got more close than when they had even joined .. let’s see , but if we lose Wednesday , pff .. 😞
  17. It only needs Don so this place becomes a bit interesting again , maybe he is trying to find a new girlfriend , but Marie will always be one of the very best we saw in our screens .
  18. I can see how much you ignore my shit having answered 4 times in the last 10 minutes 😂🤣 Good night and watch some porn to escape the RLC parody you are so much loving to follow and hate , it might make you think clearer of what life and people is 😂🤣
  19. And I have no problem about that 😂🤣
  20. Again ? This we thought they eliminated when they closed the apartment for a short period .. who knows , maybe they are preparing X-Factor Harley to reappear and they give us a hint 😂🤣
  21. People = ddhm get excited watching one of the worst ever tenants having a connection with a guy we have seen in the past and “breaking” the endless boredom of this apartment that once again needs other people to be watchable .. and we had a ice talk that we learned TONS of things about Yana , things that can help more of what we are watching .. As always , you pay incredible attention of something you hate by being around the various topics when you could rent a porn movie and have your entertainment and leave to some people = ddhm enjoy a platform they like to watch for a variety of reasons 😂🤣
  22. The more - I think for the majority also - I watch the sex between Elli and Vencel , the more “obligatory “ for a series of reasons it looks .. there are no hugs , kisses , Elli always waits for him to finish with a handjob apart some times that he cums going out .. in any case , having watched more and more lately the apartment and as more and more viewers tune in to watch this very beautiful girl ( she’s not ready for makeup yet as her natural beauty is exceptional , therefore the lipstick wasn’t important .. ) , we can say that this girl is for way much more than what we see and let’s see where this “ mysterious and strange partnership “ leads ..
  23. And … I need to correct as very well seen , this is Carlos ( gay I think ) brother 😂 .. but still she has someone from outside .. my apologies for the total excitement , it was a shock to see someone opening a bottle of wine in front of her and forgot that this is ( must be for sure ) Carlos’s pilot brother .
  24. ALERT ALERT ALERT !!!!!!!! THIS ISN’T HAPPENING …. THIS IS A MIRACLE … No matter what , Serafima has a male friend visiting … This can be written down in the archives as ONE OF THE MOST SHOCKING THINGS WE HAVE EVER WITNESSED . To be honest , we ALWAYS BLAME HER, we need to give her kudos today for finally and after so many months and repeated isolated and nothing of importance on cameras presence ( APART FROM EASY AND NICE NUDITY ) , she gives as FINALLY a 0,1% of her private life outside ( which we all know is incredible much )
  25. It is another RLC concept , I give my kudos to good friend Noldus who make an incredible excellent observation which is really so simple and truth .. He said that RLC now wants the Barcelona people to act more in “ real life “ terms , this is why now we don’t have anymore the stereo masturbations , the lesbian experimental shows , the sexual cameras attractions games and unpredictability .. every now and then we get some “ crazy “ tenants who simply have no boundaries ( Tesla , the now mama Eilan , Taylor , Elettra and now Alsu ) - I wish I could put Tani who i believe is a crazy and wild girl - but this is RLC now and I can’t see changing anytime soon … well , maybe when Bogdan and Nelly are gone , we can see a “ glance from the past “ 😇
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