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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Music , dancing and drinking at this time as later the police can be a danger , this is why we get this now 😂🤣 Or they want to have the night easy for the 2 girls who are the B1 tenants 😜
  2. Very very true and wanted to actually mention earlier but i thought that it wasn’t needed 😁 but apart from the few hours of sleep of the “ main protagonists “ , it has this aura 😉… AND FOR SURE , it is more more more naughty with Kimberly being in a completely fantastic level , this is how I always have in my mind that these people who are there for “ job/holidays / fun “ should be behaving ( not always but every now and then that’s what I am expecting to watch and like to watch )
  3. Let’s hope that the villa girls will watch the big success - since it is now nearly 15 hours - that the girls and the guys have by simply enjoying a crazy fun / drinking / teasing night and will become more active with events now that the summer is nearly beginning .. otherwise , the memories of Daniela , Diane , Olya , Holly , Megan , Taylor ( to name a few ) will be coming in the mind very often ..
  4. Camera reasons or not , I get the feeling that Kimberly appreciates the attitude of Anthony at night .. This can only have a happy ending as per my estimation 😉😉Except if it is a really deeply money issue which at the moment Kimberly seems enjoying the whole concept as she found people to express herself and be herself .
  5. At night it looked like she had a tampon and this I think “ cooled “ a lot the things as she was also completely off after a certain point .. but a BJ could have been given , let’s see what we can have from her , i don’t think we will be bored from this woman in comparison to the Ice Queen and Disappearing Princess ..
  6. It is ridiculous something you can’t watch , you aren’t currently watching and you just simply say what it is transmitted to you through the chat here 😂😂😂🤣 you are a funny guy ..
  7. It simply shows that Zhanna and Serafima should be moved for punishment in the villa and Kimberly and Alsu move to B1 and become the type of Marlene and Lavika 😉😉😉😋😋
  8. I simply LOOOOOOOOOOVE that they have destroyed the whatever “ peace “ of Zhanna and Serafima in their own place 😈😈😈😈😈😈 .. Because in order to balance their terrible RLC stay and justify their presence , they are using other tenants so as their place has movement and now it is a party place with both of them isolated and withdrawn in the bathroom 😂😂 Most probably it won’t ever happen again , but Karma is a Bitch and their totally disrespectful for the viewers stay is simply get paid today by not “ having “ and “ feeling “ the sleep and the beds 😜😜😜😆😆😆
  9. The “ sad “ thing is that the original tenants ( Yana I don’t judge yet .. ) can’t provide any fun and they had to bring the two wildest and craziest ( Alsu and Kimberly ) and as for the boys , they seem to go wherever they are called… personally , it is great that at least the 2 villas have 1+1 girls so we can watch , comment , criticize and discuss the happenings .. personal opinion , Kimberly wants desperately to be fucked ..
  10. He has always been fine on cameras , he was always a “puppet” of Loraine as he was always obeying to her commands .. outside of cameras he made a stupidity ..
  11. The way that Anthony handled the situation last night was really great , despite not liking him , he was doing all right .. he could have taken advantage of the situation especially when Kimberly was touching his dick in the bathroom and in general teasing him the whole evening .. Now , lots of the actions ( as Anthony is a veteran repeater ) might have a big of reflection due to the incident with Miron and this might have affected some actions taken , but it didn’t look like that .. And with his behavior , it is up now to Kimberly and we can see how she will feel that he was a gentleman in front of her , didn’t make fun of her and he really took care till the last minute ( also Yana helped very much when she was completely done ) , we might see kind of flirting now in the villa ( of course the discussions will be made .. ) and a possible happy ending between the two or nothing happens and we will be waiting the next “ tease “ by Kimberly and Anthony finding his next target .. but , to be honest , I think that things will happen between Kimberly and Anthony ..
  12. The end … Goodnight all , the replay when Alsu arrives and how the beds will be shared for sleeping will reveal what happened ..
  13. Very possible we suddenly see Kimberly start crying ..
  14. Music got better , Kimberly maybe felt that it was finally time but the visit to the bathroom , maybe her having a tampon plus Antony turned off of seeing her drank despite playing his dick ( he might asked for a blowjob and he didn’t get it which worsened the things ) , all these lead to this result .. at least WE SAW SOMETHING DIFFERENT .. Lavika , Karina and the W’s regarded us earlier ..
  15. This clickbait i will take again and again and again not knowing what to expect than having Serafima or Leora with legs open to the camera for the milionth time ..
  16. On the other hand , we need to be fair and admit that Anthony hasn’t taken advantage of the situation .. maybe the Miron incident is hunting the thoughts ..
  17. Ulyana’s couch is the last ultimate chance .. if nothing occurs in one of RLC’s wildest camera locations , then nothing to be expected ..
  18. Broken glass .. Serafima will explode with the incident .. possible turn off and it remains a tease .. but let’s see ..
  19. Anthony is winning due to his patience .. now it is up to him if he wants to go to a dranken Kimberly and not her anymore ..
  20. The music is a complete turn off but Kimberly knows where her target is ..
  21. It’s now or never .. let’s see …
  22. Yana still CAN’T UNDERSTAND that she needs to go … especially now that it is hotter than ever between the two ..
  23. B1 back in the glory teasing days of Irma who knew exactly what to do .. it is official , the place is cursed to teasing tenants , it goes invisible tenant to tenant .. Kimberly bringing back the glorious Irma teasing days ..
  24. Yana is the negativity here and the reason that Kimberly doesn’t let go of what she wishes .. this is how I see things despite the shower having been orchestrated by Kimberly ..
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