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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. If my eyes don’t deceive me , the one and only Mari , one of the most amazing guests we have seen , is back .. but the dining room camera isn’t providing the right proof for this ..
  2. The best massage worldwide happens from men , they are stronger and better use of fingers and hands .. If anyone wishes to have a “ real “ massage , a man is needed .. the women - for the men - is mostly a fantasy , however there are some really great professionals .. but in order to relax and “ feel massaged “ , a man should be trusted .
  3. Let’s see when she understands that she’s quite popular .. At the moment she’s just participating and acting trying to do her obligations for the cameras .. we will see how it develops , to get a job , he needs to grow up and I don’t mean he should stop playing PlayStation or Xbox 😂 but look into also other things , take care of the girl , be more active in other things as well .. but the kiwny flows so much , he is in paradise 😄 he is getting paid being on cameras , making some pleasure duties and playing nearly the shoe day games , who of his age wouldn’t want that when in the nearby country , you can’t know what to expect ..
  4. Another girl that looks like she wishes so many things but feels limited in her actions … the money for these young people is way too much to start “ easy “ let’s say the first life obligations , that’s why - being also an amateur with just some months with RLC - it won’t be anything extreme and perhaps risking her RLC presence . The privilege of this couple is that they are the first ever residents in a new “market” than possibly RLC wants to establish apartments and I am talking about Poland . She also seems very chilled like taking this as a job to make easy money , but …. I am sure if RLC allows her to stay for a very long time ( Leora , Linda , Martina , Masha type of residents ) , the potential of this girls seems to me incredible … I would love seeing her becoming the new “ next thing “ for long time participants , RLC needs desperately I believe a person so as to invest for the next years , the clock is already ticking for Leora , Masha and Linda , new “ blood “ is needed .. As long as Ulyana was lost , I would have liked to see her being the next girl for RLC ..
  5. Marketing is one part of the story , the other part would say that even the best of marketing can’t have results if the things offered are not representing the main idea of the people behind the site , the owners and investors . I believe that there are tenants signing prefixed time contracts and there are others with open / unlimited time ones .. I think the requests from the tenants when they want to leave the project are granted ( for example Serafima asked her release during her last stay - completely my personal opinion ) while there are others offered perhaps more money to stay . As a conclusion , I would say that the opening of the new apartments shows that RLC invested money for this and it was an idea already decided since the closing of the Russian apartments but Covid held the idea back .. As a result , more apartments and the money invested there while I believe the tenants in Barcelona are getting paid significantly less than their predecessors who were inhabiting the Barcelona apartments while the Russian apartments were still live and online .
  6. There’s no doubt that RLC needs to cover all type of perverts , but the logo says “ the private life of other people 24/7 “ … I don’t thing then that this is the private life of Serafima because she’s laying down naked .. of course I tune in at times out of curiosity to check how she moves and behaves ( obviously not when she lays down and with her favorite tool during all of her stays 😂 ) , but in general , for my personal taste as you very rightfully mention , she and a couple of other tenants offer absolutely nothing to the “ logo meaning “ of this site .
  7. The fact is that Masha is a daily life normal kind of woman like the ones you see when you exit your house door at any moment of the day with the difference being that you can’t know who of the people you meet are like Masha because there are no cameras following them . And then there are girls like Serafima who are living a life than maybe not even 5% of the people do …
  8. I think RLC needs to progress with decisions , the decision is either having beds empty till they manage to bring long term tenants or cover them fast with locals … all of these people who live in Barcelona , i believe they are a call away if RLC needs , they are free , have no obligations or plans … the funny thing is that all across Barcelona and generally in Spain , there are tenants who have respected the project , either appearing once or repeated times .. for unknown reasons ( except of course if they don’t want - but who would deny such a great income that RLC provides .. - ) these girls aren’t called and RLC gives beds to people that they know that haven’t actually offered anything but they are just answering yes like loyal employees anytime when it is needed … anyway , with the current circumstances , even if we get a Marlene / Ulyana / Lavika / Harley type of girl in B1 , i can’t see how she would be able bringing friends / lovers / sex partners in the apartment .. i can’t imagine poor Zabava what she would go through if she was having every night her guy like she used to do her last weeks in Barcelona or a Marlene clone with different partners joining over after bar / club nights …
  9. It is just people “ living “ life (Viola ) and people “ pretending “ living life ( Serafima $ … the funny thing is that RLC advertises the “ private life of other people “ , I can understand that Serafima doesn’t want to provide anything sexual on cameras ( her choice and decision and it is respected ) at an adult site but for what “ private life “ are we talking about as the woman hasn’t shared anything else on cameras apart nudity and walking around wearing only the “ essentials “ … The problem is that she’s getting paid an amount of our subscription and W&W’s friend , Viola , she has been outstanding being on cameras for free … go figure out 😡🤬😡🤬
  10. For me it is always being social and making friendships with girls that are your colleagues , so many strong friendships have been seen getting “ created “ within these apartments … Britney indeed looks promising but she kinda of isolating at times , I don’t know if she feels guilty due to what she did in front of the others in the LR … but we will see how it goes .
  11. Tani “wakes up “ after hibernation and kind of depression , she enjoys , I don’t mind if it is also Alsu’s presence , at least there is “ LIFE “ again in B4 .. with the big question remaining “ what’s going on with Britney “ … as for Raniya , the even bigger question of what on earth’s world happened and from being ready to have a marvelous stay she became one of the worst ..
  12. Tani “ alive “ again and enjoying her life more and more each and everyday , a woman that can offer endless entertainment .. maybe Aziza’s participation gives her the fun she seemed to have lost , Tim looks like she messed her head insanely .. which shows of course that his way with women and his bla bla works at the maximum success .
  13. No one , either fans or haters , bothers to write anything here anymore … I can’t think of legendary B1 being in a more indifferent viewership period than the current one since it was first brought at our screens / monitors .. Even these two now live like total strangers , this is exactly the RLC type of place and tenants which “ hurts “ their business .. At least , elsewhere , there are topics and things that we could start a discussion , argue , agree , disagree , whatever … it is PLAIN DEAD for everyone here … who would have thought that a year after Zabava and Marlene joining ( with Karol inhabiting the now empty room ) and the pleasure we got from both of them that we reach this point . And the worst being that there are NO , ZERO indications that anything can change .. these two girls are living rent free ( maybe even renting their current Barcelona apartments for double income despite Barcelona being the most strict anti Airbnb city in the whole world .. ) , getting paid and they don’t even speak .
  14. More clear ☺️ I don’t think Lavika is also this type of girl , I just think she really enjoys her Barcelona times . She makes money , she has friends , she has fun , it’s a good period .. she performs for the cameras her own way and she respects the people who pay to watch her … For me , having multiple sex partners it is more than normal , it is 2023 , this is what life dictates and not getting married since being 22-23 , immature and inexperienced with life like the previous generations have been doing … as of her porn star fantasies , this could suddenly now reflect to Wednesday 🤪🤩🥳 and of what we have seen her doing with Wayne and the new inserted friend in the relationship 😉 Lavika’s sex sessions are totally normal 😊 and I can’t say she has been looking for anything “ weird “ as a fantasy 😁
  15. I disagree … Lavika hasn’t the personality like Masha , most women enjoy themselves for a while till suddenly appears a guy that they fall for him .. it will be like this with Lavika when all of her having fun period starts fading away .. in my estimation , summer could be a period that Lavika falls in love after nearly a year and more of enjoying Barcelona ( and the cameras 😉 ) … in order to become Masha , she needs to start learning Spanish , get social with local Spanish people when as we have seen , she deals only with Russian speaking so far .. I would love for Lavika to be remembered and established as UNIQUE Lavika and not becoming Masha 😉 .. I would like to say in the future Lavika and instantly we all know the references to her 😊
  16. Je dirai seulement que pendant que ce couple était en Russie, tout le monde faisait des commentaires négatifs sur Paul et sur la façon dont il était là-bas. Du coup (et à part jimbo4 qui a lui aussi manifesté sa déception mais accepte et respecte la vie et les choix de Leora), tous les autres qui l'« attaquaient » ont subitement disparu du forum.. soit ils ne veulent pas se montrer ils désapprouvent le choix de Leora ou soudainement ils l'aiment tellement mais parce qu'ils avaient l'habitude de le blâmer dans le passé, ils ne peuvent pas soudainement montrer qu'ils aiment qu'il soit là. Je pense que Paul est un mec tout à fait bien avec sa propre personnalité (que les gens ici n'aiment pas parce que tout le monde se comporterait Leora différemment), je déteste qu'il l'ait abusée et c'est pour moi son seul côté "obscur", tout le reste , c'est le choix de Leora de partager la vie avec lui.
  17. I don’t mind having Lavika endlessly , she provides for me exactly what i am expecting from a girl residing in the Barcelona apartments as single 😊 .. she deserves .
  18. I think that - despite being difficult for the viewers to accept this revolutionary thought - maybe Paul isn’t sexually attracted by Leora , at least anymore and at the grade it used to be . Too many years and since youth , the same pussy day in and day out , no other women experiences apart from what was mentioned while they were apart , being in a city that with Budapest is the paradise of incredible how women willing to do all easily anytime , a lifestyle that prevents him on being the times he wishes with his girl , i honestly can’t think why shouldn’t he be bored or not enjoying it , exactly as the decline of interest that Leora shows as some members have expressed.. It is absolutely normal after so many years that boredom has surrounded both of them , especially when their life is a constant routine and doesn’t have or offers them interests so as to make them excited at times . The erection problem that he occasionally has , the need to usually finish only by playing his dick most of the times and hardly ever penetrating Leora , stand as for my judgment and opinion . He might also not being happy anymore that his girl continues being dedicated to this life .. as per the question that arises “ why then keep on doing what he does and having his girl being exposed 10 years later “ , no other answer comes in mind than “ MONEY RULES “ when the payrolls come in , month in month out , in large amounts .. Paul isn’t a viewer so Leora being for him the “ desire’s object “ like it is for the majority here , he can have her whenever he wants and especially when she surrenders to all of his wills and favors he wishes , he has no challenge to claim her as a guy who “ hunts “ his dream life girlfriend ..
  19. Holly and Thor with their life and how they are now that it is working really well , Anthony being an opportunist and having learned from MASTER Loraine - despite later hurting her and harming her - , it wouldn’t make any surprise for me that he tries for a similar scenario .. But I am expecting from Lavika to dump him as soon as she’s ready for her next adventure 😉
  20. The success and how great it was , already with the top replay within just some minutes .. Another indication what the viewers want to watch , that is new things , new people , new experiences and not the same and same and same boredom … Again , big applause to these 3 people .
  21. And going from this to the best woman riding Tereza in B5 , this was late Saturday night massive entertainment…
  22. Big kudos to all 3 , it was genuine and experimenting fun , no cameras driven and that’s why the lights off .. it looks like they tried for the first time , ( the cameras seem to turn the girls on on the other hand ) and there’s not a biggest satisfaction that these 3 have given than already EVERYBODY looking for the next time the guest joins .. It can’t be that it was an once event , the guest completely free on cameras today when we have seen how shy she appeared ( exactly like the couple when they joined - the comments reading now are more than funny 😂🤣😂🤣🤪 ) and the guest gradually letting free and transforming till today …let’s see how it evolves more .
  23. But …Wednesday can share Wayne , let’s see if he does the same with her .. which I couldn’t ( and still can’t ) see happening ( with another guy I mean , she also might not want as she loves him very much , which is very clear ) .
  24. Things escalate and more daring .. pff , what a sequence..
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