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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think your subscription remains active till your renewal was supposed to happen , then it’s finishing .
  2. With Serafima around , it will need lots of guts and personality ( unless it is a persuaded / determined repeater ) to have things running in B1 as the majority of the viewers wish … Of course , it can be that Zhanna brought her partner home and it’s not allowed to be shared 😅🤣
  3. Are you HONESTLY waiting an answer in all that ? They will tell you that these things never happened or even if they did , what’s the problem having split for a while ? What matters the most ( therefore erasing the past like never occurred , invisible .. ) is that they are together again , like they both wanted since Leora left the love of her life , determined for a new life in Europe … Question … why Paul continues the job he has in Russia when money isn’t an issue as they have more than enough of their current job and why Paul continues since Leora’s plan is to stay in Europe ? 😎😉😕
  4. Load RLC at another browser than the one you are using , it won’t have stored your username and password .. or log out of your account , then you are a “ wondering user “ 😆 and you can see the free cameras .
  5. I only want to say - as i have done in the past - that Leora DID INDEED try to change her lifestyle and i believe her future… this is all according to posts who have been repeatedly justified and confirmed while Leora was living by herself or with Malia .. I also can judge better now seeing her having this boring dejavu / Groundhog daily routine life with the love of her life , no wonder or surprise that it is all how it used to be in Russia . A couple without friends , being afraid to expose themselves to others , a couple with ZERO social life ( on cameras ) , friends , relatives , a life that 9 out of 10 people in this life and planet don’t have , still people support and like it because ( look now how strange ) , people seem to live the same way like them ( how can you support then something if you aren’t at the same lifestyle ? ) … people dream then here a life without holidays , without being able to visit others or have others visit them , people who can’t see their family , people who prefer to wake up at midday, take their pets out to walk and then home in front of portable devices , no hobbies , no interests to evolve as personalities .. Leora ( as it has been justified by posts ) tried to learn things at a beauty salon , she had a boyfriend for 1,5 years , for camera reasons or friendly gestures , she would allow a friend to sleep over her place , she was seen practicing on her gym machine ( which now has disappeared as she feels in shape ) , going out for private talks which were lasting even more than hours at times ( she was speaking to Paul off cameras or to friends advising them when they were trusting her of personal issues that - because everyone in this site speaks Russian - couldn’t be discussed or chatted on camera ) , she was seen crying , yelling , being pissed off , she would be seen smiling and being absent overnighting elsewhere from her apartment … Leora tried ( even though personally i hated that she did all off cameras and hid her life when it has always been the “ private life of other people “ ) , finally she felt alone or maybe sensitive , abandoned and isolated as soon as her life didn’t work the way she perhaps dreamt and Plan A was once again established , that is to have Paul and go back to a life that in my humble opinion doesn’t give her ANYTHING to improve herself , i honestly ask what’s the difference of Leora from 2013 -2019 Russia and the 2019 - 2023 Leora in Czech Republic .. in what terms has she evolved ? In what is she different ? In what things has her life become better ? I can only say FOR SURE that the money ( must be ) more than what it was . Leora tried to adjust and change , she failed and she is back to an easy going life , with a guy next to her , doing her cameras obligations , living the dream ( which personally I try to understand what her dream and aim in life is … )
  6. I don’t like Anthony for a shit thing he did to Loraine ( and this will always hunt him and the personal disgrace opinion i have for him ) but honestly , i don’t understand what he does wrong .. He doesn’t promise anything , he fucks what he moves exactly like he should do being single … I don’t think that the girls don’t know his past , I don’t think that the girls don’t like him , find him unattractive or annoying .. he takes care his body , his quite athletic and yes he fucks whoever 😂🤣😂 This is how men of his age should think being single , the more the better and he is not hurting anyone … Lavika has fucked nearly 10 , Marlene fucked around the same number … BUT AGAIN , when men are successful with women , the hate towards them is U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-A-B-L-E … let’s start , Paul , what Leora finds on him ? Alberto , how Martina can still be with him ? And then , Timur and why he can’t proceed in more free sexual things with Tereza and have threesomes or whatever , pff , what a protective guy not letting Tereza free .. And then , even more , Samson and his facial expressions , Thor who fucked like only Cesar / Bruno did the “ everyone loves Holly “ , Tim who was banging an absolute sex expert , incredible Tani . And who can forget the “ war “ that Hakeem was facing because per week he was fucking 1-2 women …For me , we should accept that all of these guys simply live a single’s life , it is the greatness of being mid 20s or 30s and all of experiences in life are offered easily if you want to enjoy it .. and ALL of these guys are trying to .. it isn’t their mistake if the majority here is married 20-40, 45 years with someone , divorced , alone or single and far from society … What they should do , go to a monastery or marry their first big love ?
  7. I don’t know if Anthony is Ukrainian , maybe some users who know more details can confirm it , this is because we shouldn’t forget that Loraine is Moldovan and they were a couple for many years ..
  8. I will be Paul’s devil’s advocate here now , but , did you also see Leora buy something for him ? Offering him anything at least on cameras ? Because of course it might be that gifts have been given outside , maybe the gift has been eating at a nice restaurant for example , still , FOR SURE this didn’t happen yesterday . Anyway , they love one another the most and this is what they both want according to what many people write here , let each one have his / her own interpretation regarding this relationship .. Especially now that RLC has many apartments again , the thumbnails show lots of how things are and what viewers prefer to watch , even more and specifically yesterday we could see other places how they handled the day . But , it is the love of their life so … ( that’s why they were apart for nearly 3 years and both trying to move on with different partners … )
  9. Pff … Wednesday , what a woman , what an incredible gem for RLC .. I hope we see her in our screens for a very very very long time , a man’s fantasy in so many aspects , beauty , style , , class , a woman satisfying even the wildest fantasies of her guy .. As menti d since Day 1 we saw them , submissive for pleasure and willing to try new things .. A couple showing lots of modern era things with their ideas of sexual games and satisfaction , well done W&W 😊👏👏
  10. It’s safe to say that Gyana and Dantez are perhaps the most improved couple of them all , the more the time spending together , the more attached they get .. it is clear in the majority of their daily sharing moments that they are full in love , especially Gyana who I believe Dantez is for her the very first serious thing ( at least sexually I think she hasn’t done much in the past and with him she is discovering a lot ) … and Dantez a much much more pleasant and easy to entertain guy than the obvious pressure and stress he had while with Mirukawa . Karol and Kos , Guana and Dantez , Venera and Lion , I think at the moment these 3 couples represent a really excellent quality couples apartments …. Edit ; I would still love to see Mirukawa back , the woman was “ way too experienced “ and she know LOOOOOTS of things .. exactly like Katie knows 😉😉 Let’s hope that she’s back and more dedicated this time ..
  11. He did it in the past , easy to do it again … Especially when the girlfriend isn’t questioning anything . Submissive and accepting all , find me a man who wouldn’t enjoy this .. But she has finally back in her life the love of her life , nothing else matters ..
  12. It’s nice to see Tani slowly again back on track being this super amazing girl and of course getting gradual glances of fantastic Britney … On the other hand , I hope that finally the girls “ dare “ and bring new people in front of cameras , maybe now everyone can understand how fantastic Elettra and Taylor have been who had no problems to bring people in the villa .. Elettra made her life and for nearly 2 months the villa was a a place which was gathering attention because you didn’t know what’s next .. let’s hope that a more feeling better Tani and Britney who seems enjoying her presence can make the villa watchable again .. and of course the penthouse tenant being a person that will put things in order 😉
  13. I hope Leora’s boyfriend in Prague for 1,5 years texted her today and messed her mind , wishing her a Happy Valentine’s Day with the person she loves , wishing her the best and just to be happy … showing superiority and appreciation of the time spending with her ..I hope 😊☺️😇
  14. To me , Paul is a sympathetic guy , I actually can’t remember any posting from my side like the ones which for example has been posted through the years by hardcore Leora fans who really degraded him as a person and personality . This is who he is and he isn’t pretending or being fake and this I admire . Obviously , his manners and ways of behavior are totally against the majority of how we wish for a woman to be treated and in general , how a guy should be in an apartment . But at least , HE IS ALWAYS LIKE THIS and he hasn’t been faking , pretending , being different for the cameras and so on. BUT … I will think negative and criticize him very bad for the way he has abused Leora , catching her by the throat and dragging her , seeing in the current apartment making her cry by going off limits , this for me is the worst I can see on a man , I actually consider us men stupid if we show our authority and being “ males “ when we act like this . This is his negative , all the rest , to me he is genuine and real , which makes him unpopular because everyone believes that Leora deserves better . So , people “ shoot “ him and Leora is presented as the girl that doesn’t deserve any of this and she could have better . The eternal question is “ what has she done in order to change all this ? “ and I don’t expect the famous “ she isn’t his mama to make him behave and act differently “ .. is she so weak that can’t even sit down and speak to him of things that she doesn’t like ? Have people here considered that she’s so weak that she can’t even express any personal opinion towards him ? That she has no power at all to tell him things that she doesn’t like and he could improve ? And if it is how things are when you love someone this incredibly much as it is presented , how do you allow yourself to be “ invisible “ for the guy that “ has always been the plan to be together “ ( of course 1,5 years trying to possible do something with someone else has suddenly not existed in Leora’s life according to NON posting about this … ) … So , Paul is who he is , his girlfriend a submissive tool to all his ways and actions , silent , doing always her duties as a woman of 30-40 years ago ( cleaning the house , tidying , cleaning , opening her legs and mouth whenever the guy feels to ) , these are practicals of another era where the man was the head of the table and women had no role … So , the conclusion is , of what manners and attitude are we talking and judging about when the girlfriend is absolutely fine with this and she approves ? Even when abusing her by dragging her from the throat , she loves him even more as we saw …
  15. I was honestly expecting - with all the sincerity I can post now - that he would even have one flower cut from the street or the park , just something , a small appreciation or sweet reaction of a feeling .. I was honestly believing this judging also on how pulo has been describing her mood , the change of sheets and all this … Still , SHE WAS SEEN always on her phone while he was out … I guess checking the news for the miracles of survivors in Turkey and Syria ..
  16. I will only say that the hardcore fans are waiting for Paul to appear with a flowers bouquet or anything indicating Valentine’s Day so as lots of mouths to be silent … Let’s wait for the reactions of the ones who will take a moment and comment of what will be seen 🤓😎
  17. That’s the deepest problem with her , no smiles , no tears , no reactions .. and her constant look with the same sitting position and checking her phone , I can’t think of someone else having this same routine .. the only think that keeps her on top cameras is her absolute ease of nudity , she absolutely loves to show her “ weapons “ … And RLC obviously is satisfied from the algorithms and … she’s a local Barcelona girl .. still , look , she quit RLC all of a sudden last time because she found a boyfriend , it makes you wonder why this can’t happen now once again ..
  18. A woman who is a fantasy and an untouchable imagination for the majority here , it is normal .. even a masturbation will calm things down a bit , this is always the result when a woman who is amazing , can’t be seen performing anything sexual or of course a woman that men here would be insanely happy to accompany them just for 5 minutes for a big entrance anywhere …. BUT … for the ones who we see apart from that , I believe the problem is that she’s a definition of a pure ice cold woman , I don’t even think she might get any feelings while in private moments … show us a smile , a reaction , something …
  19. Interpretation of comments is always subjective , it is always the way that EVERYONE believes watching this apartment and the dozens of things happening daily that lead to people praising the Goddess 😳 .. you made a great comment a couple of days ago ( regarding Leora’s fans ) who couldn’t make me agree less than 1,000% 😉 … considering then this and then the people who gradually appear expressing their thoughts of their subscription ( cancel soon or not .. ) , there isn’t from my side more to add on how people define this apartment while watching it 😊
  20. Vediamo che succederà , prossimamente abbiamo primavera e estate … molte cose cambiano …
  21. The comments are more for Paul because the TRUE fans of this couple have been waiting for 3 LOOOOOOOOONG years for these two love birds to get reunited and show their appreciation and respect , the proof that LOVE is such a strong element that can move mountains and seas and bring people together … Paul with the help of his girlfriend managed ( Leora also ) to step aside all obstacles and finally be together as was the plan since Leora went in Prague … And the comments for Paul are the appreciation ones and that’s why they are mostly for him .. after all , if Paul hadn’t joined , it would be only Jimbo’s videos reminding to anyone that Leora likes to drink milk , masturbate Paul to finish and play with herself to come ..Comments for Paul then showing the big respect and appreciation on having Leora performing sex on cameras again after nearly 30 months that she didn’t have anyone to satisfy her …
  22. At least we have an interesting story in a rather boring RLC period , the big question being what are we going to witness between Elli and the male friend ..at least something that could create excitement 😁
  23. Their love , affection and feelings grow everyday more and more , they are at their happiest , most active , most interesting and most productive stage of their relationship in all of this nearly 8 years we see them on cameras ( we must not forget they had a break for business reasons and due to Covid … ) … In poor translation , this is everyday more exciting to see the love of this two people on cameras grow as never we have witnessed before and it is interesting to see the day that Leora will offer Paul one of the never forgotten massages she was offering to Malia and Paul does the same to his one and only love so as to make her feel as great as their friend Malia used to do while she was living there 😎🥸
  24. EPIC EPIC EPIC funny moment at Katie’s and Adam’s bedroom while having sex .. pure natural and incredible over the top realism … no further comments rather than this should go to top archives selections 😂🤣😂🤣
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