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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The fact that the friend is a guest and not a paying tenant it makes it worth for all of the boring last weeks and the complains that have been daily .. Big applause and respect to those 3…
  2. Wednesday at a completely another level , what a turn of events …
  3. Let’s see if this becomes the “ Alexandra / Lucian / Kim “ of 2023 , the fact that the friend is simply a “ guest “ residing in Barcelona , can make this fantastic to watch .. the guest is so horny but clearly there are limits for the first time .. I couldn’t see this coming in such way , despite minor hints , but it’s the most promising adult entertainment we have seen since Martina / Alberto / Marta and boyfriend on new year’s followed with the pure threesome at Masha’s ( which though it has been seen repeatedly with other partners ) …W&W on fire and the guest is purely amazing looking ..
  4. At least W&W keep on the legacy of Holly and Thor who would do all anywhere 😂 , the couple is for sure one of the best appearing in B5 .. and Wednesday , what can be said for this woman ? A “ class “ definition ..
  5. Nearly the majority of the girls of all of the Barcelona apartments , unfortunately there aren’t single guys around so we could a bit of flirting , approaches , body language games and so on in order for possible things to happen … Anthony by himself can’t do all , Miron is simply the “ good guy “ and “ amazing friend “ for the girls and both Timur and Wayne ( and of course Bogdan ) aren’t sharing or wiling to engage in any crazy things wit the fun and the booze being wild on this quite entertaining Saturday night .. The absence of guys like Thor , Samson and even Tim is more than obvious today , all these 3 guys were really good players and could attract easily the girls .. the lack also of local outsiders makes it a strict party only for the Barcelona tenants with the wonderful surprise being the presence of Wednesday’s female friend … long are the times that the majority of the villa girls wouldn’t hesitate to have male or female local friends invited , without of course forgetting that this is Miron’s party and it is absolutely his own evening with all people being there , being actually his own choice and preference and this we need to respect and appreciate ..
  6. Well said … People speaking negative for a guy only because they would give everything at where he is tonight… it isn’t a coincidence that so many people joined , think about how Serafima’s birthday was some days ago that NOT EVEN ONE TENANT was either invited or passed by to wish her and in my opinion , the guy proves that he is always respects and they like him … But this is the world we are living unfortunately , degrading others in order to hide our own ENORMOUS problems and insecurity .
  7. I won’t stop enjoying Kimberley and expecting to unleash the things that she wishes to share with the viewers .. BUT … I can criticize very very negative the direction of the lifestyle she has chosen .. This isolation , her not willing to participate for whatever reasons with some of the other tenants , the privilege she has with the best room in B7 , her private bathroom , double bed , balcony and despite all this luxury she’s not willing to attach , get involved , interact with the others , it is really hurting A LOT her image … Of course , we need to observe that it is more than obvious that she has been affected of the - as it seems - notification she received from RLC ( who knows , even Bogdan himself .. ) that she should stop the camera talking and constant sharing , she has also stop drinking the last 2-3 days , for sure she’s in a rollercoaster of emotions … Still , she needs to realize and understand what she really wants with her participation with RLC , if it is the money , she will make a lot but the fans will not have much to remember from her , if she’s there to make money and enjoy , she needs to change drastically much of her lifestyle , i believe she has understood that she created a rather big fanbase quite fast but the cameras world is cruel , you can be at the top and at the bottom within hours .. I hope she realizes the dynamic she has as a tenant and we are going to be winners , exactly as she will be if she decides to live her life without so many insecurities … Go Kimberly 😎
  8. Very well said about her skills , the things that this woman knows doing pleasing a man is fantastic , credit to him as he has really enjoyed the company of some really nice girls during this stay and being the boyfriend when he was first introduced .. Tani’s potential is endless , she surprised us all with her talent in painting , for sure she could and can offer way more , I personally have really high hopes that it only needs to free her kind of small but certain things as it seems that look to hold her back , otherwise , she will have the viewers entertained during the spring and summer in Barcelona .. and we can see how she’s getting her beautiful tan by the pool 😉
  9. I think it is the first time that I can remember after Tweety that we see a newcomer inhabiting immediately the best room in the villa , it is also a room that goes to experienced repeater ones . It might be that there are high expectations from this girl or hopefully she gets it as the first addition on the new era that coming , the spring / summer arrivals for 2023 . Personally , it is a very risky move , let’s see if she’s local or brought from Eastern Europe or also related to anyone who is / has been with RLC . Good luck and let’s hope she lives up the place with her presence , something like Eilan / Tesla it is urgently needed to shake things up for a couple of weeks , exactly also as Elettra and Taylor did some months ago , let’s see .
  10. Britney opens another bottle of wine … as mentioned , Kimberly and Gina in B7 would be doing wonders .. BUT .. one of the best posts has been recently posted by a forum member about the ongoing attitude of Kimberly that if it continues like this , whatever right or thoughts about the others she has , it might get in the long run against her , I adore her , but she also needs to try a code of communication .. and Gina can then mentor both Britney and her of what is to become the 2nd most long stay tenant in front of cameras 😇😉
  11. Finally a reasonable posting , as we said , the hate towards the male tenants has grown insanely ..
  12. Pff … Tereza getting more fantastic and amazing each and everyday .. the transformation and maturity from a “ girl “ to a gorgeous “ woman “ makes a huge difference .. two sex bomb ladies under the same roof , let’s enjoy for as long as it lasts …
  13. Say whatever , the facts speaks by themselves … The “ Queen “ Gina is back , the fun , the unpredictability , the “ must see “ and “ what’s next “ moments are happening once again … it is insane that it takes outsiders to get involved for the viewership to increase and the normal tenants can’t provide the content that the subscribers wish … After B1 some days ago , Gina takes care of business in B4 as well .. and as it took her much much time till she finally get herself liberated for the cameras and DO ALL in front , it might be the same for Britney .. after all , the show master Anthony is there for back up 😂🤣😂
  14. I think you forget that once Leora said that she was tired of having her around and it would be better if she would go … spring it was said 4-5 months later she left ..
  15. We disagree but that’s the good times of the forum , Curly was guaranteed entertainment , fun , unpredictability , drama , real life stories and issues… If Smith came back , who knows with Curly 😉
  16. One of the biggest “ mistakes “ has been the “ forbid “ on cameras of Curly , the guy , either by himself or with his friends , they have managed for years to be around the villa girls and be “ responsible of some of the best moments we have seen .. in general , this “ invisible “ rule of trying to avoid messing with the locals ( only angel Marlene was trying to have also other kind of guys around apart from only Russian speaking ) has hurt the product even more . It is a pity we don’t see locals being around the girls ..
  17. Tani , Gina , Kimberley , Britney , it can be fun again 😉
  18. Seeing Gina interacting with Kimberley and these two finding a friendship code , that could make and give some amazing entertainment .. in all aspects 😈😈
  19. I think if it was serious , they would have found ways to be together quite fast , we have the example of Thor and Holly and how it proceeded and now they look really happy , finally away from the camera obligation times ( which though has given them the possibility to make this life they are currently doing ) … I also see a different Tani the last 3-4 days , more social and doing things , she painted , she spends time with Raniya , we didn’t see this as soon as he had left . I think it only needs a good flirting by someone so as she chills even more like she’s doing the last days .. I will love to see Tani in the summer , she arrived in the villa already from a place with lots of sun as her skin indicated , she and Karol had / have the best Brazilian bikinis outfit according to their still visible tan 😉😈
  20. Leora was cheated , Leora was physically abused , she still wants to be with Paul … It is indeed LOVE .. At the same time , Paul has a quite nice “reasonable” income as his girlfriend continues satisfying the audience , he keeps on working his business which the majority of the days of the week results on not sharing the day and time with his girlfriend , he obviously needs most of the times to either masturbate himself ( however his girlfriend does the same .. ) in order to finish and he has - sorry to say but this is what it’s shown - erection issues ( after so many years his girlfriend isn’t a person for him to be many times excited and in the mood to fulfill boyfriend sexual duties ) , at the end of the day , Leora wishes to spend her life with him and he is all settled and no worries . Everyone can make his/her own conclusions then regarding this relationship and obviously the outcome it is going to have when the camera lights will be off one day , when the responsibilities and the common decisions and life will be needed to be prioritized . And that’s all .
  21. And of course , as real life dictates , after a heavy argument , good and quality sex is always the best medicine 😇😇😊🥳
  22. Even now Masha proves her value … pure authentic , real , emotional , tears , crying and not hiding , not a robot or a person that because people watch needs to hide for her on cameras presence .. this is why she was , is and will be the definition of how RLC has always thought of this site .. The participant who has been the most respected in this site and the tasks needed to be done 24/7 for this job .
  23. It looks like Masha said something to him and he went furious … he spoke about being called Elvis and then he said “ WTF , I am not Elvis , I am ( his name ) “ , he looked mad with that… Masha said that it is just things written and she reads , it looks then that Camcaps is also affecting Masha , this I didn’t expect personally , I believe that mostly she doesn’t care .. The tears look mostly as Masha speak about her being very sensitive and really wanting have him around her , just now they are talking about RLC and Camcaps , Masha telling him that he should never enter this site ( I believe she means CamCaps ) and read what it is written … She just told him how much he has changed in such a positive way since they started all this , she expressed in a way her proud of how he has evolved … again words about the site … and now I think we get the idea , he must have gone mad discovering the site and things written about / for him … ahh , he will accept and learn … and that’s all for now … Masha crying , that’s the news ..
  24. We have seen Masha years and years , she’s one tough incredible individual , so many challenges and difficulties , but I CAN’T NEVER REMEMBER her crying next to a guy … yes , in her bathtub at times and by herself but next to someone , WTF ? This is one of the saddest moments I can remember of her , hope it isn’t anything insanely serious , need to check the Italian talks ..
  25. Tereza and Wednesday in this apartment , their looks and the way they are ( half ) being dressed , it is like the devil surrounds us to sin even if we want to be “ good people “ … these two women are simply a definition i believe of how the majority here would wish women around them …
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