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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. On the other hand , it is once again a pity for Lavika as she’s doomed not being to have real pleasure , at least on a level that she would feel thrilled … It is now Anthony who isn’t famous for his performances , to be honest , I think the only guy who really gave her quite a lot of satisfaction of the around 9-10 that she had , it was the recent bald one , he could offer her pleasure but he also wasn’t the best fucking her .. and supporting the male side now , it might be that also Lavika isn’t the easiest of girls with sex , it can’t be a coincidence that nearly all guys had difficulties with her … nevertheless , luckily we had Marlene , Anya and Tani the last months so as enjoying some really fun adult entertainment times , but the guys who have been with these girls had really poor performances .. Karina is rising slowly to keep the legacy of Angel Marlene alive , but again , her partner also seems just performing because he has to … the girl is dressed sexy , her body is wonderful and her guy simply does things because he has to and is never coming out like he “ feels “ to … Which proves how fun and great Thor was , the guy knew what he was doing , even Samson and everybody who made fun of his facial expressions , the guy provided .. personally and as I have said , he is the only one who managed to fuck the brains out of Loraine .. Only for this , he won the respect of performing … let’s see for how long B2 will remain the center of attention when and as we know , in the summer it is automatically the place to be with the stunning view to the sea from the roof …
  2. Experience is presented today ( Anthony ) , colliding with pure amazing Lavika who after Marlene continues her legacy and it is what it is … The best is watching Wednesday , I think the majority of viewers would love to see a LOOOOOOOT by her … and Tereza obviously.. .. but the comment is right , B2 is where Anthony really transforms as so many things have happened in this apartment .. and his biggest failure which was - personal opinion - the start of the downfall between him and Loraine as Loraine didn’t allow it and for him it remained a lost challenge … B2 reminds once again today why it is the most on fire place since many months ..
  3. Let’s see the new girl and if she manages to stay away of the influence of Serafima ..
  4. C'est le choix de Leora qu'il soit là, elle connaît son moins et son plus. Je n'ai rien à dire que Paul fait mal, il est qui il est et il fait les choses comme il le fait, c'est tout à fait correct pour moi sauf une chose qui est totalement inacceptable et à mes yeux montre que le problème de Leora est une personne faible. Paul a agressé Leora, une fois que vous pouvez dire pardonner, mais il l'a fait - comme il a été rapporté - même à Prague et Leora a commencé à pleurer. Dans mes livres, si quelque chose s'est produit une fois, cela se reproduira. Si Leora accepte parfois ce comportement, je n'ai rien à ajouter ou à dire, évidemment un tel comportement rapporte toujours de l'argent à la maison, après tout, il a également été signalé qu'elle lui envoyait toujours de l'argent en Russie. Par conséquent, ce sont tous ses choix et j'apprécie personnellement qu'elle fasse ce qu'elle pense être la bonne chose sans écouter personne, mais il est mathématiquement sûr que cette vie n'a besoin de nulle part, l'argent rend simplement la vie plus confortable mais ce n'est pas la raison qui apporte le bonheur dans la vie.
  5. Nous ne faisons que regarder, des gens raisonnables qui ont une vie quotidienne aussi normale que possible, je ne pense pas qu'ils soient d'accord sur la façon dont cette relation est. Un mec qui a agressé sa copine à plusieurs reprises, un couple qui ne peut pas avoir d'amis ou de parents dans son appartement (ce qui veut dire qu'il n'est pas à l'aise avec la décision pour pouvoir la communiquer aux autres), un couple qui n'a pas la passion (ce qui est normal après tant d'années passées ensemble / même quand ils ont tous les deux noué d'autres relations, il semble que cela ne les ait pas améliorées) mais c'est juste une routine de choses, un couple sans passe-temps, créativité, intérêts, spontanéité et imagination pour accomplir des choses, un couple qui augmente simplement son compte bancaire en étant devant des caméras, eh bien, si c'est une définition que Paul est parfois un gagnant et Leora une gagnante aussi à d'autres, imaginez comment ils pourraient être s'ils pouvaient partir en vacances ensemble, partagez un verre de vin et de bière en regardant un film en vous étreignant et en vous tenant la main, en vous embrassant et en vous touchant. Ahh bien, les gens sont contents de regarder la vie de ces deux personnes comme le confirment les replays...
  6. La différence est qu'à l'exception d'obtenir/d'avoir/de partager des masturbations pendant 2,5 ans, sa présence lui permet d'avoir des fellations, de manger la chatte et quelques positions sexuelles. Pour les personnes qui ( citant dougiestyle4u ) « Leora a une énorme base de fans inconditionnels. Certains donneraient un bras et une jambe pour l'avoir. Certains la gâteraient avec amour, sexe et argent. Certains la traiteraient comme des rois. Certains utiliseraient sa merde comme dentifrice et sa pisse comme rince-bouche « rien de plus n'est nécessaire. Comme vous pouvez le voir, il n'y a ABSOLUMENT AUCUN des fans inconditionnels qui commente les points négatifs ou les problèmes de cette relation, pour tous, c'est du pur bonheur et aucun problème (bien sûr, certains diraient ne pas dire un mot, c'est la plus grande protection que vous peut donner à Leora qui est très affectée lorsqu'elle lit des commentaires négatifs et ensuite elle punit les téléspectateurs 🤷‍♂️
  7. Ahh , come on , it is BIG LOVE Paul we are talking about here , she is completely happy with him and that’s why she masturbates next to him while asleep , to show her appreciation that he made such a sacrifice and get back to her and keep her company rather than being alone in Prague …
  8. Karina is for sure a wonderful reappearance surprise , it is very few the times that a tenant proves 100% better than their original and first appearance . An excellent low profile , social with the rest of her roommates , a boyfriend or better say sex partner and showing her great skills doing/ having her private moments … I think these types are the tenants that we wish to have the most , no exaggeration , no edge life living , a simply daily life of a normal simple daily life girl .. big kudos and applause to amazing Karina .
  9. Only the very best for the first one entering the 32 years , the one and only Masha , i think It is then Linda , Nelly and Leora at the same age frame .
  10. She wanted to play but I think in this apartment there are rules of what can and what can not , therefore , if I remember correctly , it was just some cuddles and kisses with Tereza .
  11. Lots of good points , I haven’t paid much attention to be honest to the female friend who was brought for the threesome experiences , still , if you are observing Masha’s thread , Elvis hasn’t got many fans let’s say 😁 but in my humble opinion he has improved as a person , maybe spending time and learning from an older woman has really benefited him . I think we can say that by watching the cats , I think everyone remembers that this was a reason that many people disliked him but now the cats around and they even sleep on the bed while he’s there . In any case , we will for sure see how this evolves , it’s always good ( however there has never been any doubt ) that Masha had , has and will always have people following her and being interested on how she makes her life , no matter what and this I believe nobody can doubt , she never gets boring , always things to provide , develop and evolve and not the same wake up / eat / fuck / sleep repeat that we see on quite a lot of other apartments .
  12. Masha is a woman than she simply will do whatever , whenever she feels so . She had no problem to send away Elvis from her life when Sam decided to rejoin and I consider the time she had with him one of her best in post Covid period for her . We might haven’t seen Masha doing things on cameras with others , we can’t know though off cameras and while traveling ( however and I admit she hasn’t done much apart from Barcelona ) . I don’t believe really that Elvis is a guy that she would consider a “ boyfriend “ and that’s why I insist on my previous post . In my opinion , if for example the unforgettable for her Dick reappears , she will have him removed once again . I think the only guy that Masha really has thought as a possible boyfriend has been Hedi , it just didn’t work for her . I can’t think of Masha really settling down with someone at the moment , she still has things to achieve . Elvis is giving her the chance not to be alone and has accepted and adjusted completely to her lifestyle , for example , if it was as serious as you say , she would also spend nights out in his apartment , they are living in hers for also obvious camera reasons ( or perhaps Elvis has been living still with his parents 😎🥸 ) . I think Masha had way too much time alone , she had a really difficult time when she got injured and had the wheelchair , I think she has reconsidered a lot of her life and she just needs company and Elvis provide . As good friend rado though said - a member here who knows I believe better than anyone Masha as he has watched her through the years - , we saw Alessandro yesterday who is one of the closest friends of her and the ex boyfriend of her best friend Dina and he has disappeared from visiting . It isn’t for sure a coincidence that the place that we would see so much interaction , people visiting , parties and events happening , it isn’t as before anymore . Of course Masha is getting older ( even her body has changed ) and maybe she slowly chills of her extreme life , but let’s see what more we can see from her , she’s Masha , RLC’s definition of this project 😊
  13. It is just sex with Elvis and nothing sort of a relationship . This is what she wants at the moment , enjoy good sex and have company at home , she has it and it’s fine for her . They have now as it seems at weekends the company of the female friend for some more sex fantasies and experiences , rest assure , if anyone appears that Masha will think can satisfy her the way Elvis does , she will do without hesitation or second thoughts . Elvis is a nice sex toy for her , let’s see when the need to have someone permanently and not only satisfying her sexually comes ( still and always very important for her , if not the most important ) what she’s gonna do . In a very conspiracy and delusional speculation 😂🤣😂😜😜 , I even believe Masha has brought this female sex partner at weekends so as to compete and in a way feel that she’s the best due to the reappearance of Sasha and Dasha with their friend Tasha . I think seeing them back on cameras and having this apartment must have hurt her ego ( not that she bothers 😆 ) and perhaps she still wants to show who the BOSS really is . Just a wild speculation of the one and only Masha .
  14. Leora happy ? Because her “ love of her life is there “ ? And she going away from the life she slowly and gradually managed to build for nearly 2,5 years before her boyfriend reappears ? The one she decided to leave behind and move on to another country ? Trying to learn a foreign language , making off camera friends , trying to have a relationship with another guy , managing to have a roomate for over a year and almost another one who suddenly disappeared when she was about to become a tenant , managing to go on holidays in Germany , learning and practicing outside of the apartment in other fields except being a professional cameras girl , honestly , apart from company that so desperate has been seeking , in what terms Leora has been benefited so as to look and be happier ? Because you see the cameras and she can easily “ pretend “ in front of them like it is all fine , to be honest , the real , unpredictable , finally out of her comfort zone Leora was the one who , when she tried to move on with her life , we saw her crying , getting pissed off , receive flowers , disappearing for months nearly twice per week for overnights , this was Leora trying to make and build and create another future , a new life in Europe . But… Back to easy Plan B as the difficult Plan A failed .. If you call happiness a girl who sleeps half a day , she’s out of her home 2-3 hours per day , she has no other hobbies or interests in front of her on cameras working environment apart from sucking dick , opening her legs for camera views to fulfil her addiction on being viewed , then yes , Leora is the happiest than ever ..Because her bank account is becoming bigger and her Love Of Her Life won’t face any issues in the future … Have you really wonder if this couple has so much money in stash ( they don’t spend nearly anything , they don’t go out for parties , fancy restaurants , house decoration or expensive lifestyle in general ) , why is Paul maintaining a job from distance and remotely , working overnights instead of finally cuddle his girlfriend , be with her , take her out , change the Russian lifestyle and interact more with the European ways like his girlfriend tried to do before making his way back ? If you call the lifestyle of this couple who have no real friends ( real and honest friends would never bother to appear on cameras , they simply accept your decisions and want actually to see your working environment .. ) , no hobbies but to walk the dog outside , a couple who does absolutely nothing together apart from playing with the dog some times , well , if this is how a couple’s life is defined and it is characterized as “ happiness like never before “ , well , I am sorry , I must have interpreted the way that the majority of this planet lives as a mistake and Leora and her lifestyle / sharing / working is the right and exact example of what happiness and REAL life is .
  15. It looks like a really bad chemistry amongst B7 and B4 , it all feels like they” have “ to get along .. Tani has isolated herself after Tim’s departure , Raniya since Elletra’s departure she’s there because she just seems to have a contract , Anya and Britney seem to have been called urgently by RLC to fill empty villa beds , Alsu has been seen with extreme ups and downs ( friend of Serafima , sex with Anthony , all nighters away ending in tears , break downs , her being sick ) and last but definitely not least , lovely Kimberly who seems to be in the centre of all of those people simply because she doesn’t seem to compromise or accepting things .. Add the presence of Nelly and Bogdan who are just living the dream , making money and nobody seems to give a shit ( viewers ) about them while the tenants simply seem to respect their seniority and experience being for so many years with the company and in this job , add two guys who , the one , isn’t at the caliber of the male and female presences that RLC wants to have on cameras and the other one who has been a man moving at the backstage while his ex model girlfriend was arranging shows and he was there to participate like a dog watching or attending and there you have a tremendous and in my opinion disasterous mix of characters who simply don’t seem to have anything in common . RLC made incredible mistakes when it had the insane opportunity of being able to have around 3 girls who simply knew how to run , behave , enjoy and respect their presence and participation , of course it was Olivia , fantastic little Ulyana and stunning Harley ..Add Fiora who for sure enjoyed also this job as she proved repeatedly and there you have it with an insane lost opportunity to establish tenants that could mix with locals , fellow Russian speaking people and more … It looks like a chaotic situation with the villas and things out of control on many things , let’s see how it evolves because I don’t think this will be successful for the upcoming spring and summer period .
  16. Alessandro is back , always good for Masha when he’s around .. unknown reasons of why he isn’t visiting more frequently .
  17. She was logging in here for a quite long period , in the beginning we KNEW she was reading the forum , later and very shortly after , we were writing here and she was responding by talking on camera .. It was a back and forth interaction , it ended just like that because it seems that RLC told her to stop doing it .
  18. As a good friend here says and I always try to remember “ RLC isn’t a speed race but a marathon “ . As long as you don’t feel pleased , you have done the right thing . I think for the majority that we subscribe it is just this special moment always , the famous “ expect the unexpected “ . Spring is coming , warm weather , hopefully things improve . I think Britney moving to the villa shows also the thoughts of RLC that they want to have this place ( their flagship ) busy , filled in of tenants and active ( quality is another issue ) .. Let’s see if they have a plan for the king bed in B1 … Serafima is simply there because they can’t find girls , she’s local , that’s what I think at least .
  19. Let’s see the real facts … serafima in B1 , previous stay , she brings and introduces Radislava , not many weeks later , Radislava was about to quit but Serafima meets a boyfriend , she quits RLC and Radislava remains… Current stay , already 2 departures .. A repeater after only 2-2,5 weeks and a newcomer .. Elmira with a degraded presence since she joined B1 … I don’t say that it is all her fault or we can certainly speak about coincidences … I am just trying to think what she has really offered apart from nudity which is like a second nature to her .. An amazing beautiful woman but I would dare to say a narcissist …
  20. Poor Leora … she even now needs to masturbate next to her “ One and Only Real Love in her life “ because he either can’t satisfy her or she can’t be satisfied by him … she’s only satisfied by treating herself the way she feels and wishes … of course this is for the majority here a “ healthy and unbelievable lovable relationship “ … and the question is , how many people here had their girlfriend / wife / lover / sex partner masturbating next to them while sleeping and when they find out they feel proud about it ? Still , direct on cameras show , Leora now has at least faith to the people who never betray her , her beloved and loyal fans ( plus someone needs to really work in this apartment … ) .
  21. This is now safe to say that this now looks one of the RARE times that RLC seems to listen to the viewers , it was since a long time like a public demand ( especially since her LR striptease / dildo show ) that Britney moves in B4 , perhaps we can see now a nice partnership between Kimberly and Britney … but then , we have a bigger question , who inhabits the best bed in B1 ? Can we finally see Gina again ?
  22. If Britney goes , then we can really say that B1 becomes the “ cursed “ apartment , they let the good ones go and the ones who are just sleep , eat , go out , come home , shower , repeat are the ones that RLC has no problem keeping around . I mean Elmira is really impresses me of what’s actually her role in this job . At least Serafima visits every now and then B5 or recently B4 , she does something for whatever reason .. Elmira , what is her presence benefiting RLC apart from filing one more bed ?
  23. I would say that Kassandra was really a “ victim “ of Ailey who clearly had too many issues with her presence on cameras and she was in Barcelona obviously for other reasons … If I can bring a similarity , I would say that both Kassandra and Kimberly had very early sexual interactions with fellow B7 tenants and this might be / have affecting their stay in the long run . Kimberly is , as was excellently mentioned , a new Radislava in many things , but in my eyes , she’s much more positive to watch as she’s completely unpredictable . Radislava stop interacting with the audience as soon as RLC notified her that this should stop , let’s see if the same happens with Kimberly and the confessions she makes on cameras regarding her stay and her colleagues . The conclusion is that the best is yet to come from Kimberly , I think she appreciates the popularity and she will get even more excited when the first Euro enters her pocket and purse …. We will be seeing even more i believe .. I just hope that they won’t play with her or take advantage of her . Let’s see .
  24. It is time for the daily “ meeting “ with Kimberly 😇😎
  25. I agree … you can see some tenants that they even feel that they are “ bored “ being there and some others that I believe they would have liked to stay and RLC had them out .. Spring is coming , let’s hope for changes .
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