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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Maybe now he will wonder how it ALL WORKED by becoming A MAN today and leaving nehid The Child .. Still , SABINA , WOW ..
  2. WOW … He is in heaven with Sabina who MAKES AN INCREDIBLE DEBUTE , what the fuck 😂🤣😂🤣
  3. Pfff … They still play with him , some things won’t change 😂🤣😂
  4. I have been really really strict with all of my posts towards him but today I recognize the effort ( stylish at least , we will see the behavioral side 😁 )
  5. I hope Ulyana joins the gathering or at least we see “ surprising “ tenants or guests appear , Wolf and Margo will be on fire as it seems again and ready for all 😁
  6. This will be wild today , I am expecting from Cecilia to shine 😋😋😋 … AGAIN … AND .. Finally , The Child decided to appear and look serious and someone that CAN BE NOTICED and have a nice presence . I hope also his behavior is more adult today and for sure , a positive change with all those silly / goofy / childish on cameras behaviors and showings.
  7. Always a BIG FAN of Esmi and that will never change BUT , this is now the 2nd stay and she should have stepped up her game and despite her really cooler approach on cameras this time with more nudity , her artistic skills being great to watch , I HAVE TO SAY after watching Zabava taking her shower and THE WAY SHE WAS her last period with RLC , THE WRONG SISTER is currently with RLC , Zabava has changed so much her body and knowing also that she stopped having any issues with the cameras , ZABAVA SHOULD BE ON CAMERAS ( or let’s say again both but in different apartments ) , Zabava was always great to watch but currently ? 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Pff , super super sexy . In a really wild RLC and with the content being much more improved , it is time for Zabava and not Esmi ..
  8. And it happens also with them … Eliska and Pepik also have a guest , welcome 😇
  9. I really appreciate your posts many times , they have arguments supporting them and this I always like the most when I read a post . Now , why i disagree with what you say .. “ Try and impress woman “ … When a man has a nice body , why should he not show it as a way to boost his ego ? Aren’t the women like this ? Why don’t we complain when the girls wear the tiniest bikini leaving just a little bit to the fantasy ? Why are we applauding the girls when they wear a Brazilian bikini or their boobs are ready to explode hiding behind the biggest cleavage that exists ? Simply boosting their ego so all men can watch them , KNOWING of course that they are watching them . What does he then do differently than the women ? Or is it us the viewers that most of us feel jealous because we can’t stand a guy with a nice body when our beer belly is covering so much while taking a shower that we can’t see our dick ? 😂 “ Low self-esteem weak women “ .. Why ? Because they like a nice guy ? Who they should like ? Us , the subscribers that we have the safety typing behind any keyboard , virtual or practical , that most of us are way much older than them and we are fantasizing ourselves fucking their brains out “ because we are better than the men of RLC “ ? Weak women because they are ( the majority of them ) young , living and enjoying and having fun EXACTLY as their age indicates or are we looking ourselves in the mirror and we say “ why I got married on my 24-25 , had children and buried with obligations the best years of my life “ ? Weren’t we low self esteem when we believed that being young we had the world only to realize the difficulties the more we were growing up ? Which low self esteem ? That MOST OF THEM took such a BIG / DIFFICULT/RISKY / DANGEROUS decision to abandon their families , friends , apartments and an environment that knew how to behave , speak the language and the culture they grew up to pursue ( THE MAJORITY OF THEM ) a better future ? Which low self esteem then ? WOULD YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO ABANDON YOUR COUNTRY AND MOVE TO ANOTHER ONE , knowing no one , not speaking the language and MOST OF ALL , in a completely different culture that the western world offers if you were born in countries of eastern mentality , conservatism and till a bit plus than 30 years communist ? How doesn’t he have respect for them WHEN ALL OF THEM like his company and enjoy being around him ? Sara , she fucked with him , obviously she likes his company , Lali was easy going next to him , Neytiri looks like he brought her there , Margo and Cecilia , what more to add , then Karma also felt comfortable next to him and Sabina we don’t know her .. It is then Wolf or Nelly and Bogdan who live in a luxury villa and nobody wants to have any relationships with them but they just need to coexist with the bosses .. And last , how does he manipulate them ? You are telling me that JUST ONE GUY has so much more power than all women together that they can sit down , speak. , analyze and judge / criticize him and simply decide what they want and what they don’t want or accept and not accept anything … AND … IF THEY ARE ALL THAT which you described them and I counter argued you , WHY LACRIM CAN’T MAKE THE SAME ACHIEVEMENTS like this guy ? I simply want to say that if it wasn’t the guys , the villas would be EXACTLY as a forum member said it , girls on their mobiles browsing , laptops to watch movies and series and every now and then the satisfaction of WHAT THE AUDIENCE wants ( not me .. ) , that is to watch the girls masturbate .. What is it that we want then ? The only problem that these girls have is just one thing .. THEY DON’T expand their social life with locals like it was in the past , which is rather impressive as the majority of them are now Barcelona locals . They don’t invite outsiders , they don’t bring female or male friends ( yes it happens but very very rare in comparison to the past ) .. On the other hand , when they bring , they are called escorts , prostitutes , whores and I don’t know what else .
  10. And let’s hope next time just the underwear ( or of course naked ) for both of them 😁😆
  11. Let’s hope then that even after this first experience of the new guy , we will see him returning , his ways on Vladellia seem to work so as she doesn’t resist ( you can’t say no to your guy trying to kiss you 😂 )
  12. Ahh , totally impressed with Vladellia allowing all that 😇
  13. Well . We see how it was supposed to go but with Elli’s door open and all possibilities that could have been , it is really great that at least we get this moment of Vladellia and boyfriend , I am glad I was wrong and they didn’t only sleep but they kiss and hug a bit 😇👏
  14. So , I believe if sent kissing or hugs or under the covers things , it needs that they feel “ SURE “ that Elli’s sleeping or when they wake up in the morning and silence in the apartment with Elli and her guy sleeping .
  15. Well , Vladellia’s guy makes the obvious as normal people do while going to sleep 😄
  16. Vladellia and guy shy ( for starters ) as they both with clothes on the couch and under the covers ( and not everyone is “ a Peater “ 😂 )
  17. It was funny that Elli was panties bottomless when she was cleaning the mattress and Vladellia’s guy was next to her . Vladellia gave her the panty , her ass was stunning to watch ( devil’s maid 😂🤣 )
  18. The more I observed Elli’s guy ( the drunk one ) , I think he is the one she had sex with in this apartment . The other is clearly a boyfriend ( I can’t say a recent or since quite some time ) of Vladellia . For me , it is great because when we get answers , it is always good so as to avoid speculations . Of course Elli’s apartment has some of the biggest questions that exist , the mystery surrounding it has made me trying to solve the riddle but it is one of the few times that I can’t think what’s going on since Elli joined ( Peater and whatever sex teasing , why she left her previous bigger and more comfortable apartment for this one , who and what was in the end Vencel for her , why after the RLC/CamCaps police protested of the boys not to be seen in the apartment again they both disappeared ? ) . I personally love the intrigue of this place and of course ( together with The General Ulyana ) , Elli is my favorite to watch her life .
  19. Elli .. don’t listen anyone little girl , proceed with what you think it is better and right for you ☺️
  20. Poor Elli… The problem is that it could have been a “ nice and slow relaxing “ adjustment for Vladellia to “ fight her shyness “ but these incidents prevent her from more . It is great watching PURE REAL LIFE moments , from the voyeurs view it is a step backwards as it turns a bad first boys experience on cameras for Vladellia . It is what it is , Elli wil fix all 😇
  21. You haven’t ( sorry for you ) seen Elli who does all on camera . They weren’t hiding , they were in the bathroom as the guy ( Elli’s )was completely “ stoned “ from the alcohol . I guess you haven’t been ever in your life in such condition and others trying to take care of you ( which is of course great 🙂 ) .
  22. Let’s see if Vladellia will DARE some undercover things 😊 … She takes the couch as it seems , Elli’s guy collapsed as he was “ swallowing “ the whiskey earlier . So much uncertainty from Vladellia , I believe she’s older than Elli but it is Elli who guides her , advises her and of course encourages her . Let’s see .
  23. And watching this guy , like Sweet Little Ulyana , sometimes watching the choices of so nice girls , I mean , COME ON .. No offense to the guy who MIGHT BE the best person in the world , BUT PLEASE , Elli deserves better ( in looks at least .. ) .
  24. For me , COMPLETELY MY OPINION , these two are together BECAUSE they HAVE NO IDEA about life , what it is , how it is , when it is . That’s why they can’t have friends , that’s why their lives is at a dead end NOT KNOWING what they want or better say , BOTH NOT BEING ON THE SAME PAGE . Leora CLEARLY wants ( wanted ) the western way of life and habits while Paul is stuck to the eastern mentality . That’s why he keeps on ( or better say both of them ) the things back in Russia WHEN actually there’s no need since Leora desperately tries to change her life . She really tried , she even succeeded but WHEN YOU FEEL ALONE because YOU HAVE NO IDEA how to treat life , LIFE WILL ALSO ABANDON YOU . So , choosing between being alone in Prague and ONLY HER FANS protecting her , advising her , supporting her , encouraging her , BUT ALSO , criticizing her temporary boyfriend as LB ( Leora’s boyfriend ) as douchbag , stupid , asshole , A GUY WE NEVER SAW LIVE to judge but because he was buying her flowers , he was phoning her showing interest , Leora sleeping again and again and again at his place , THIS GUY , THE ONLY ONE that we know who could CHANGE LEORA’S LIFE to a better future , he was suddenly lost … SUDDENLY .. These 2 are together because THEY HAVE NOONE ELSE in life , especially Paul . He is there 1,5 years and NO CLUE what the European life is . Leora tries but she’s on a crossroads . She will either LIVE HER LIFE with him and accept the good and the bad things ( I ALSO BELIEVE SHE WILL FEEL SAD TO ABANDON HIM AND LEAVE HIM ALONE ) OR , abandon him and make a new life like she tried . RLC will always be there for her to support her , give her ANYTHING she needs FOR as long as she needs . It is simply Leora’s decision WHAT SHE WANTS IN LIFE and not Paul’s . If she chooses a boring future and the potential that SHE KNOWS she has is lost by remaining with Paul ( and safety / security of the fear the unknown ) OR she completely changes her life AS SHE TRIED to do and DISCOVER the world , with her whatever friends she made in Prague , traveling , dating , flirting , exploring and discovering HER OWN SELF , discovering WHO LEORA IS AND WHAT LEORA wants . Because LEORA HAS NO IDEA what she wants in life ( EXCEPT IF PEOPLE HERE BELIEVE that SHE LOVES waking up late , sleeping late , BEING ALONE with no friends ) .
  25. So … There are 2 quotes .. 1) Good friend moos said it excellently repeatedly , “ RLC isn’t a sprint , it is a marathon “ 2 ) Die Hard 3 , “ Simon Says “ So , ALL THIS TIME 3 ) ddhm says 😂🤣😂🤣 a ) patience is a virtue , whoever has it , sooner or later , much sooner or much later , late sooner or late later 😂 , will be rewarded b ) what we learn today ? But simply all the talks of the last 2-3 weeks and WHATEVER the doubters couldn’t see that MASTERMIND , THE FUTURE OF RLC , The One and Only , sweet Elli has been preparing . It all then leads to FINALLY meet and greet the boyfriends of the girls , the guys with drinks so as to manage their FIRST EXPOSURE ON CAMERAS ( I can’t remember now if this is the guy that fucked Elli when she moved in this apartment , hope other members remember ) , Elli has been all this time TEACHING Vladellia to accept this new life , yes , she’s shy , yes , she has shown no adult content , BUT , we now know what’s going on . Now , Elli will do ANY TIME , ANY PLACE , even with Vladellia next door . Vladellia is a first step to show us , prepare us , give us expectations . Elli and Vladellia IS NOT Barcelona . So , NOBODY should expect the Barcelona shows , orgies or whatever . These 2 girls ARE REAL LIFE AT ITS BEST . Normal lives , going out , flirting , dating , ULTIMATELY , the guys in their apartment . So simple as that . We saw Vladellia’s first kiss on cameras , Elli’s guy seems like he crashed somewhere or he got a punch on the eye . Elli and Vladellia drinking water , obviously not wanting to lose control like earlier ( when they were preparing drinking to go out on a Friday night 😁😉😈😈 ) . Vladellia CONTINUOUSLY staring and looking her CAMERAS MENTOR Elli , so easy to tell that Elli has been brainwashing her to accept the cameras . Patience guys , we will reach the time that Vladellia will FINALLY feel relaxed so as to reward ANYONE who will be patient with that apartment . DDHM SAYS , welcome to The Future , Welcome to Elli’s rules 😁😁😁😆😆 Elli knows , she watches RLC , she reads CamCaps . So , through this place we can say , THANK YOU ELLI on sharing your life on cameras 😇😇😊☺️😌
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