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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Anya is learning Lavika’s heavy snoring , happening usually when she’s drunk 😁😆
  2. If that’s the case , then one of the two didn’t respect originally that this is Esmi’s nerd Roma and one should sleep in the LR , however I doubt that Esmi would have a problem to sleep in the LR if she knew her bed would be occupied ..It is all more funny when Marlene and Mathilda are both out and they will “ kill “ once again Alana’s sleep when they are back in B 1 😂🤣😂
  3. I think it might be due to her argument with Anya .. in any case , finally B2 was seen alive in the early morning hours when for the last almost 2 months it had to remain quiet because someone had to sleep on the couch in the LR ( which even now Lavika is doing being “ dead “ 😂🤣😂🤣 ) ..
  4. It seems that Esmi returned unexpectedly and Alana being the “ non official tenant “ anymore , she quit Esmi’s bed so as Esmi sleeps on her bed while patiently , Alana took beddings in order to prepare the couch in B1 ..
  5. I think ( and if the empty bed remains 😆..) , Marlene will be having lots of sleepovers in B2 .. Except of course if she wants her random adventure , then there’s nowhere better than her B1 room 😁
  6. Tensed dialogue between Marlene and Anya most probably about the McDonald’s order 😂🤣..Marlene for nearly 7 months or so has never raised her voice , her close friend arrives and she has an argument 😂🤣 That’s funny real life ..
  7. Lavika , Marlene and Anya in B2 could make wonders and finally make an apartment incredible interesting to watch repeatedly .. With “ The President “ and “ The Vice - President “ having no boundaries on exposing themselves and if Anya isn’t committed emotionally to anyone , we could have guests , parties , events , other tenants visiting the girls in B2 ..Of course , the chemistry in B1 looks fine with the 3 girls there but maybe now with Anya in Barcelona , Marlene will gradually dedicate time and possible sightseeing consuming and learning the city and its secrets to her long time friend ..Let’s see , at least it seems we got a new tenant ( Anya ) that is going to live up to the expectations due to the fact of being a friend to the so far tenant of the year , The President Marlene …
  8. Esmi back home and looking gorgeous as always and especially in this “ dress to impress “ 😋😋 But her nightmare just begins , ger bedroom occupied and can’t sleep there , a hostage in her own room and apartment 😂🤣…which makes me wonder of things didn’t go as scheduled and she had to come back ..and wherever she was , she had nothing to eat 🤣
  9. After a really long time , great and funny atmosphere and mood on this Saturday night at Val’s and July’s place , one of the benefits having friends / visitors at home and breaking the daily routine life , especially really close friends like the ones that are visiting tonight .Well done to everyone 😇👏🏻
  10. The good friends are back visiting the girls , the female visitor as mentioned must be the sister of Val ( or Jul , still haven’t made out who is who 🙄😬 ) .
  11. RLC’s madness continues .. We have B1 inhabited by 3 girls and the ones sleeping are a “ left the project “ officially one and another who was moved to the villa upon her request in my humble opinion . Then we have a guy wondering around in B4 and sleeping in the LR , two girls ( Ailey and Kassandra ) to whom both of them RLC provides a place to sleep and take showers and another villa where there’s a girl belonging to the Ailey and Kassandra category ( Trinity ) and another one ( Leia ) given a bed in a place she doesn’t want to be as her interests are outside of RLC and how to make a life in Barcelona rather than being a “ single “ working mostly for RLC and then taking private things outside in the most attentive way . And we have Marlene and Lavika respecting their RLC contracts and enjoying their lives in Barcelona , two sisters who are balancing themselves in their new life and try each on their own to respect the viewers and take care of their off cameras life , two others , Monica who is providing the least content of all of her appearances so far , most probably because she doesn’t like her placement in the villa or her colleagues and another one ( Lilith ) who is for months sleeping and taking showers and she’s rewarded with the best room after the penthouse master bedroom without anyone understand the reason … As was mentioned , right or wrong , the most entertaining apartment is B5 with two couples who offer moments to watch them , real life issues , reactions and things to be discussed and analyzed here at the forum and the place that most of the rest of tenants like to gather and not in the villas where it should be the attention with the pools and the many rooms to accommodate and so on … Ahhhhhh, yes …..Thers also Nelly , Bogdan and Tim….Barcelona needs a shake , otherwise the winter and with the World Cup on in 2 months time plus the festive days after it , I don’t know how possible will be for new subscribers or for many current ones to remain active …
  12. And we learn that Samson is the guy together with Rus that like ass fingering 😁 from their partners ( I can’t remember other guys to be honest ) ..
  13. Finally .. but I doubt if she wanted to move in the villa as she had better connection I think with the downtown Barcelona girls .. on the other hand , she has the fitness room to practice her dance and teach the others , she has chances for shows with the other girls and who knows , let’s see how it is gong to be with the nearby villa residents , present and future 🙂😉 … BUT .. Finally Kristy will manage to enjoy sleeping peacefully and most of all not worrying for the well being of a close friend and dedicate time to herself and her own pleasure 😇
  14. Well , maybe that’s the best decision she made the last 8 months she was in B2 , in order to have a chance to work something out and succeed , especially if you aren’t wiling or the guy isn’t wiling to be on cameras , you pack , find a place for yourself or you are going to share the guy’s place ( too risky in case break up occurs , which in our occasion looks like they don’t even know one another well if a new flirt is the case ).. In any way , I think Alana was one of the top candidates that viewers wanted to depart RLC , personally and will never stop insisting on my theory , she held Kristy back of things she could share with the viewers .. In addition , the first great results came with the moving of amazing Lavika in the master bedroom , a well deserved move by RLC to the second best most generous tenant together with “ The President “ Marlene .
  15. The best and the one deserved … finally a right move , to be honest , quite impressed by RLC .
  16. Lots of news this week , Alana was so many months here and I think we could have seen more from Kristy , now there’s the chance , let’s see if this trio amongst Monica and Zabava and Kristy what can show .. And still the master bedroom , let’s hope that FINALLY they give it to one tenant like it was with Anna and Lola the last time we saw that .
  17. But good friend Noldus with the info of being Marlene’s friend , nothing to worry about ..The third pole behind her and Lavika just arrived 😋😋😋😈😈😈😈
  18. Lots of things happening late night in Barcelona , will make for some chats on Friday ( during the day ) .
  19. The Vice President covering a bit for the President with another success 😇😉😁.. Need to make a dig into the archives and check the score of Marlene vs Lavika …Both girls on fire since joining , absolutely fantastic 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  20. Esmi listens …first reaction occurred ..let’s see..
  21. Good points recently made both by fans and people who don’t like her or RLC in general .. I will say that history with these two girls ( Esmi and Zabava ) proved that when the criticism ( very fair to be honest ) skyrocketed , both girls did things , Zabava much more of course ..I have no doubt it will be the same now ..And if I wrong , as always , I will be here fro everyone to accept the consequences 😁😆 Esmi will be great again .
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