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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. High heels , sexy outfit , blowjob ….Venera and Champions League go together tonight…Simply ultimate high class Venera …
  2. Pfff …And Monica looking incredible , who can resist her tonight , fantastic dressing choice appearance ..
  3. Meaning great , to make myself better understood , she’s not playing us , she’s not disappearing or being unsocial , she tries to have a life on cameras and if she feels , she will present it on cameras as she has done twice . The other girls like her , I think that she’s just too young and without many experiences or this whole new experience at times she’s confused how she should be … I don’t think any other person , apart from her and Tata , has been affected this much from the ongoing war in Ukraine , this in my opinion cost her really much and her mood at times I still think is being affected from things happening there . It isn’t an excuse but a personal opinion , she’s also I think a bit shy with her dates or maybe not with that much confidence , it might even be that her sister’s popularity( which I believe she’s aware of ) also affects her in a way , not being jealous but kind of “ why her and not me also being thus much praised ? “… As I have said in the past , for these two girls and sisters will try and not say anything negative , Zabava got happier with her sister’s appearance and first months sharing the bedroom but I think if it wasn’t this war , she would be like her first week when we got in just some days both extremely negative ( shower with her panties on ) and positive ( fucking a guy 72 hours later on cameras ) watching her and in general I think she would have been much more “ active” and happier let’s say .
  4. Zabava in one of her most sexy ever appearances , if not the most sexy so far , very nice dress , looking amazing tonight , very nice 👏🏻👏🏻😈😈🔥🔥
  5. Zabava has been great .. it is just for the people who only want adult entertainment that doesn’t fit the “ description “ .. Zabava will always be mentioned no matter what .
  6. At least you explain .. Slipper never explained his post . He could easily have done , couldn’t he ?
  7. The people here continue to be ridiculous .. A forum topic belonging exactly as the apartments residents want , belonging to people who can’t express anything hiding behind emojis and gifs , being lonely 😩 exactly like the life of these two people . Enjoy it 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  8. 😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵🥱🥱🥱🤢🤢🤢👏👏👏👏👏👏😹😹😹😹☠️☠️👽👽
  9. And that’s why this topic has zero to none participation apart from pulo’s repeated 25 posts per day .. Because here you post an opinion and then it comes 😂😝🤪 and whatever other emoji .. ENJOY YOUR TOPIC , ENJOY YOUR ATTITUDE WHICH YOU HAVE DESTROYED IT WITH YOUR REACTIONS .. Because all the rest is stupid here and the usual suspects that have made their dicks a rubber masturbating to Leora don’t have THE SLIGTHEST of balls to come and speak, hiding behind emojis and embarrassing themselves .. That’s why the rest of the forum stays quiet , never participating here .. whatever to say here is treated like a piece of crap and not just as an opinion . Oh well , let’s disappear again because whatever we say here is BULLSHIT 😂🤣😂🤣🤣
  10. She betrayed Paul actually if “ her plan was always to bring Paul in Prague , since the beginning “ , assuming also that it happened . As we are learning slowly and miraculously today , MAYBE LEORA’S BOYFRIEND never existed ( we never saw anything on cameras - live action - to be fair ) and also nobody knows how Paul did with his life since there were no cameras in Russia , who really knows if he had a girlfriend since nobody ever saw anything ..It might all be rumors which just want to destroy the ideal relationship of this two .
  11. Sex was good because finally it wasn’t a cameras show , they fucked for themselves , no prime time for cameras , it was spontaneous and unpredictable , it was two people enjoying . Whatever comes out as real like that , should be praised and that’s what happened and well done to them . The rest is better to stay silent here because writing even things that THE MAJORITY has been discussing about it in the past and admitting that “ SOMETHING “ was occurring in Leora’s personal life and now suddenly as it seems beginning a try of “ ELIMINATING “ Leora’s previous life in Prague before Paul appears , well , “ let people here write things on purpose “ so as the forum stays without anyone participating and leave these two people enjoy their life on cameras without still being able to have relatives , friends , family members , close friends and perhaps colleagues visiting them .. but yes I forgot , it is their choice … with the big question , would they do or will they do like that when they finally try and live without the financial support of RLC ? Ahh , well .. whatever .
  12. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Thank you for your outstanding contribution … Jimbo explained it perfectly a couple of days ago 🙌😇
  13. Lilith I agree that she visits .. but Leia I haven’t seen to be honest , I think she is nearly everyday at Karol’s ..but since B7 is / was watchable for me only when Thor was there and at times when Samson was trying with Loraine and now with the recent departed girl , i will obviously accept the correction 😊☺️ .. still it doesn’t change the fact that the feeling is that B4 isn’t visiting B7 and the opposite to be honest , at least as often as they could ..
  14. Ehh ? Haven’t you been the one for months and months and months expressing your disappointment and calling him names ? Haven’t you been the one who christened him LB ( Leora’s Boyfriend ) ? Haven’t you been the one saying again and again and again that this man is making so much bad to Leora’s life that she should leave him ? That she made her go mad , hysterical , shout , lose it and throw her phone with anger ? Haven’t LB repeatedly mentioned here with his name and sometimes Leora showing us him on cameras on her mobile ? Or she was receiving flowers from her female friends ? Or was she for a whole summer disappearing twice per week when her friend Malia was there to a person that never existed ? Isn’t you the one when it was said here that both had relationships with other people and you gave the answer “ so what ? Does this mean anything so they can be together again ? ( this is what you meant at least with your post which quite impressed me ) … And now suddenly you say that this person never existed 😂😂 Like the flashing tits of Leora and being completely naked in august 2021 to a person that can’t visit her anymore because big love Paul is in the house now and he doesn’t like him .. oh well , how was that , “ if he ever existed that is “ . Hear ye hear ye , Leora had never anyone in Prague 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  15. It might be that also Alana didn’t want to share the bed with ( snoring many times 😂😂 ) Lavika as they might have been told that a new tenant arrives for the current empty room and she couldn’t at least use it .. of course she could take ( Alana ) the couch in the LR but Alana sleeping in B2’s living room ? Please 😆
  16. They should wonder why they were ignored 😁.. or why the B4 girls hardly ever go to B7 ..
  17. Then it shows that Lavika wasn’t happy with Alana in the apartment ( personally I can’t say I saw any indications on that ) ..
  18. I don’t think Lavika has anything to do with that , it is an RLC decision or most probably Alana’s to quit or her contract expired .. I think the tenants would request things and it is up to RLC if they accept or not .. I don’t think Lavika said kick Alana out and give me the master bedroom , I think she was asked if she wanted to move there or she asked if she could move there . Esmi has always been the Good Samaritan but even if she doesn’t show , I don’t think that there are moments that she would have liked so much her bed only for herself and her privacy .
  19. There are girls who actually show interest even if they don’t show or do much but they really like to make new friends , try and be on cameras , adjust and adapt to this new environment .. It isn’t necessary to masturbate or fuck but at least for example you saw instantly Anya visiting other places , trying to learn the other tenants .. Mathilda even being a weird person in my humble opinion , she has been to B5 , if i remember correctly in the villa also .. compare them to total indifference from Ailey and Kassandra for example who are offering shelter to guys like the two we recently saw .. anyway , we speak the bad and negative things of RLC here and still some people say that we “ work “ for RLC or we are its agents 😆😁😆🤣😂
  20. She could stay in B2 , what’s the difference being now in B1 ? Couldn’t be in B2 under Lavika’s / Anya’s active contract and sleep on the couch or at the guest room ? Or it would make for a joke different than what it is now in B1 when all rooms are occupied ? Or she could go in the villas when her friend Kristy could give her space on her single now room or use it since Kristy now becomes besty with Monica gradually 😆🤣.. Anyway , we had Tweety , Loraine and now Alana with same incidents recently , therefore , it is what it is .. and I don’t really believe that the rest of the girls aren’t - at least even one - disturbed having a visitor in their apartment .. they should wonder if they would be allowed in case they are in the same position in the future at other on camera places ..
  21. I accept the correction and my bad , not paying attention this much or not time to watch enough so as to remember this moment .. It is a pity then because I also didn’t manage to see if she was interacting or having a nice time , being social or isolated with her phone .. in any case , one incident doesn’t change my overall opinion about her .. to me she’s just free rental and salary .. and even more ? Free food and drinks while at Karol’s birthday 😂 ( sorry that I am mean referring to her but honestly , I wonder why should I be thrilled with her presence .. )
  22. Whatever RLC is doing or has done is a joke .. they sent a girl who were paying for - what it was ? 8 months ? - such a longtime and she only moved to the apartment some blocks away .. it is beyond graphical that instead of showing her off project and at least allowing her to remain in B2 , they accepted that she moves in B1 and disturb the daily routine of the current in contract girls , to be honest , I don’t understand why I can’t enjoy watching Esmi just because it is her room and i expect to see her by herself and instead seeing a girl who is out of project and even when she was , I don’t even remember a unique moment that we could say “ ahh yes , we can also remember her of this or that … “ , nothing , zero , nada as a tenant and now extending her Barcelona times .. I wonder why she doesn’t go to share a bed in one of the off camera girls who live in Barcelona like Nana , Polya , Gina , Radislava , Pam .. ohh well ..
  23. There are really strict rules since 2 days from anyone coming from Russia , EU became really “ tight “ even with people with active visas of any kind in EU countries .. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of the tenants getting stressed in the following weeks .. and not only in Barcelona .. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_22_5430
  24. Trinity who ? As I have said , Leia has been visiting her closest friend Karol and it is more than weird that she hasn’t brought her once there , even Trinity looks isolated and in her own world while in the villa .. exactly the type of girl I really dislike seeing occupying beds and RLC ( sponsored by us .. ) paying them .. Even if Leia asked to leave her alone , I think a good friend would insist and stand by someone’s side no matter what .. but maybe I see things too romantic 🤷‍♂️
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