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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. 78 / 400, 322 more performances to go in the next 1 year , 11 months and 6 days Tik Tok
  2. Still , we are judging Loraine due to her on cameras presence , it might be that off cameras she’s a really great person , to be honest , through all those years , I don’t think the rest of the girls didn’t like her . Loraine is a high class diva and I think at times this is how she was behaving , seeing Esmi befriending ( or Loraine befriending Esmi ? ) her so much during her last weeks of presence , it might be that there are more than the eye meets for any of us on cameras . The language barrier also is a reason that we can’t perhaps understand how two so different on cameras characters have manages to spend time together .. in any case , Esmi has always been an example of a tenant that needs much much much patience , I will agree with some here that say that we should never forget who this girl was and how she was when she first introduced herself back in March and where she stands now amongst the rest of the girls , how popular she is and most of all , how big of expectations the viewers have from her , this she has managed all by herself and her attitude .. i don’t think we have been fooled by Esmi so as suddenly she’s going to stop respecting the people , us , the ones we contribute for her life she has in Barcelona , just like that .
  3. B4 event could be great but Nelly is missing and it is poor Bogdan trying to entertain the girls respecting him 😏🤓🥸
  4. I don’t make conclusions this easy ( I was doing in the past with fewer successes than failures 😂🤣 ) , after all , with Esmi it was always “ conclusions “ by many proving wrong in the process .. Loraine has done absolutely all on cameras , if Esmi does a 20% then we will all be happy 😊 ( I mean the ones who still don’t appreciate her .. ) , but as we said , 9 out of 10 things that Loraine was doing was a camera feeds show ( which of course isn’t bad but it becomes when it is repeated ) and unfortunately passionless .. I still believe that Loraine’s times with Samson and the way he fucked her were some of her more camera realistic moments .. Esmi is a passionate and incredible sensational woman but of course , I will agree , if her interests increase for outside activities without caring for her on cameras presence , she will face a very reasonable and definitely well deserved criticism … BUT again , from my side as I have said in the past , I never lost faith in Esmi , I won’t do it now also and I will always believe that it is some small details still needed so this woman can become more of a Karol , a Marlene , of Kristy from the past and less a Loraine style girl … let’s see .
  5. I think she only lacks the experience of a woman who has 9 years with RLC 😆 ..other than that , this woman has a NORMAL life in front of cameras with friends visiting , her guy can have his own time on cameras with his friends and I am sure she will have her times with her friends by herself , her boyfriend is accepted by almost everyone ( to be honest I haven’t read any negative comment about him or something that I remember at least except maybe wearing his hat at night while on bed 😁 ) , she’s for sure the 20’s decade discovery of RLC as a permanent tenant , I don’t really think we have seen a woman since the collapse of the Russian apartments that reflects so much to the girls and couples in general that RLC used to discover .
  6. Amazing Venera evolving day by day , a true RLC lucky discovery and the potential is still unlimited of what can be seen by this woman ..
  7. Positive - She can have her kind of ONS as well 😊 Negative - A flirt that if it hasn’t worked , might get her disappointed . Postive - She’s not strict into keeping on and insisting if a flirt looks boring or not as she’s pleased and imagined it . Negative - Her not successful past - for whatever reasons - , if this was not a more than adventure , might get her second thoughts once again about trusting men , she might then want to be by herself which isn’t the nest for as viewers but of course it is her life and it is TOTALLY respected . Let’s see..
  8. I think it will take some time .. if she’s not into this guy so much but still horny with him , maybe we can see her relaxing… if she’s getting pleasure , I heavily doubt we will be compensated .. but let’s see .
  9. Ehh ? Too much negativity slipper .. it is a forum .
  10. I don’t think that free apartment and getting paid per month would make them say no to a possible return 😉
  11. The “ different “ usually feeds the masses 😇
  12. Almost everyone of the girls that we see at RLC they do this , there 2-3 that they also do it for the cameras most of the times as a show , the rest they try / do it as a stress free - relaxing normal female human activity 😁 The more they do , the more of extras ( money ) they get . It is a voyeur’s site , unless it wasn’t any adult entertainment content , there would be many many less people continuing to pay a monthly / 6 months / 12 months fee just to watch chats in a language that few understand , women/men ironing clothes or cleaning an apartment .. It is in the nature of all women wanting to get the attention , one of their wildest desires is to know that men / women watch them , look at them when they go out and their mini skirts or dresses , at the beach with their bikinis , it is an eternal competition how their hair looks in comparison to other women , their nails , their ass .. look at the fashion stores and cosmetics to name a few , the majority is built to satisfy the eternal women needs of “ appearance “ … this is a bit next level 😆 , cameras , a job .. it is what it is , this I don’t complain 😇😉
  13. Alexandra by herself could be great ..I mean , if Loraine could have a bed and her boyfriend Anthony could visit anytime , why not Alexandra and 3-4 items per week Lucian could sleep over 😆😆 just a unthinkable wish of course but as you say , Alexandra always has this “ difference “…
  14. She’s still very “ quiet” having the bed by herself .. But at least one of the “ wishes “ occurs even by luck , that is not having tenants sharing a bed .
  15. I don’t know or can’t think anyone who can disagree with you my good friend , excellent said 😊
  16. 77 / 400, 323 more performances to go in the next 1 year , 11 months and 8 days Tik Tok
  17. Let’s hope …winter is coming , time for fresh participants that at least habe an interest in this job ..
  18. And they aren’t updating Ailey’s absence for a week now 😂🤣😂🤣 they don’t even give a damn I guess …
  19. Let’s see how much time Esmi’s honeymoon period will last ..
  20. You were born a bit earlier than her …still not so far from her place in comparison to us Europeans 😉😏
  21. Sorry for not speaking good English as you speak Russian 🤔 of course , your reaction is always the same since always when questions appear here .. Ehh? Do you have something to say ? Are you going to make a comment or whatever ehh again ? Of course , a typical slipper reaction …and please , don’t quit the forum once again like what ? 3-4 times it has been .. Let me remind you - ehhh ?? Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more Search for a word forum /ˈfɔːrəm/ See definitions in: All Computing Law Roman History noun 1. a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. "we hope these pages act as a forum for debate"
  22. I think Paul is very underestimated … I think he is incredibly smart and he also knows PERFECTLY WHAT he’s doing …..If I have understood correctly , it isn’t him who seeked Leora but Leora seeked him again …In my opinion , apart from financial reasons , it isn’t him that he needs more Leora in his life but it is Leora that needs him more …and this is again in my opinion because Leora can’t / wasn’t able to find anyone to approve her current lifestyle …Like it or not , this is a world that defines Leora , she loves it , she enjoys it , shes addicted to it ( and the financial benefits of course ) ..I maybe be wrong , but what the hell , if leora had found a guy that would have approved her lifestyle and job on cameras , I think Paul would have simply stayed a BEST FRIEND FOREVER .But of course , that’s how I think .
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