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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Very tipsy Holly and Tweety describing their night out to Loraine shouting in B4 .. Tweety is off the rails 😂🤣😂🤣
  2. I have said that i enjoy Leora’s masturbations when she used to ride her toys , enjoy penetrations , being creative and innovative with her performances . Many times it was the feeling that she was pleasuring first herself and then doing it for the cameras and therefore passing it to the viewers , now it comes out as an obligation so as to justify the adult offering content . Still , people like it and I respect it and it is great , I have seen it hundreds of time , it was a “ ceremony “ once , it was a great build up that she was doing it for herself to satisfy her lack of pleasure of good quality sex that she has never experienced on cameras . Maybe we see soon if her sex skills have improved by sharing private moments with Leora’s Boyfriend .
  3. I have said publicly that i would embarrass myself and prove a loser or whatever if I was in front of cameras and offered the pussy of any of these gorgeous women 😂🤣😂🤣 , I don’t think the idea of being watched would make me being able to perform, i have no problem admitting it once again .. away of lights , well , then the girls I think could for sure feel lots of south European and Mediterranean madness 😂🤣😂
  4. She’s just having her usual after midnight energy drink , never alcohol.
  5. We have 50,000 vacant jobs in tourism here 😂🤣, maybe the girls could apply and earn a really good income .
  6. For example , how can we say a job is difficult if it is their decision to do it ? If they can’t , they can always quit and go out in the real world .. if this is a difficult job , the people who go under the earth to mine , what are they ? 🤨
  7. The popularity of a tenant is simply shown when people talk about her either way and not being indifferent , when a comment is happening now and the other one next day . With that being said , anyone can easily think who the popular tenants are ..
  8. I disagree with you many times 😝 but we NEVER EVER posted towards one another insults or degraded each other’s personalities . You may now think how a certain topic has been destroyed and is occupied by a maximum of 8-10 people when it should be a popular of opinions place like the Barcelona apartments that so many people here have things to say , no matter agreeing or not .
  9. They are both “ locals “ but I think they got to know one another through their common RLC residency . To go further with the comment , seeing the recent “ distance “ from Kristy and Alana towards Cleopatra , it is good that at least she has an on cameras friend to back her up .. On the other hand , this friend being Radislava… let’s see how it evolves if Radislava even if off cameras stays around her ..
  10. I don’t give a shit how a tenant lives , if she fucks everyday , masturbates everyday , sleeping everyday ..But the way they choose to live in front of cameras , I will criticize them all the way I want according to my personal preferences as a viewer and I use this platform here , a forum that ALL OPINIONS are entitled to be presented ( as long as they are within forum rules and not insult members and tenants ) ..Therefore , to use an example , I don’t care if Kitty argues everyday or gets fucked everyday but I will definitely judge her , criticize her either positive or negative according to my own way of thinking of how I see RLC as a viewer , what I expect and what my preferences are . The problem here is that they tell me that I “ influence “ opinions or I want things my way and i get angry or frustrated when I don’t have it the way I prefer it or how it should be , but the truth is that I am only expressing here a personal opinion , nothing more , nothing less .If people agree or disagree , it is absolutely not my problem , I simply comment on what I watch . Going with the flow and popularity and praising , results being a “ good guy “ , being a “ rebel “ and go against the flow , makes you a hater 😂🤣 ..The truth is , going against the flow is simply formatting and having your own personal way of thinking which actually makes you an educated person , ready to criticize and be criticized 😇
  11. It isn’t in my nature 😁 , I am just stubborn , I have my own way of thinking , my own personal tastes and preferences and always justify my thoughts , agreeing or not it is the best thing that anyone can have here as long as it is not like “ Bullshit “ or insulting and so on 😁 But there are many here who just say this without explaining but anyway , it is what it is .When you want and aren’t bored , you always contribute in a great way here but many times when you also become stubborn , you get frustrated and you think that an opinion is a direct attack on you of sorts ..which it isn’t 😇
  12. Many things with Dantez sex preferences are a mystery for me .l don’t think he is any special sex partner , Mirukawa for example was a volcano woman with sex , she begged for it , she would blow job him as a champion and still he wasn’t showing any serious interest ..Gyana likes Dantez really much , I think she would surrender to all of his requests , I do think he enjoys the sessions with Gyana 100% double more and they are more sensual and emotional as they have a real “ relationship feeling “ but still , I don’t believe he gives her exactly what she wants although she enjoys it .I think they can only both of them get better as the relationship is genuinely great but I have some “ crazy hidden thoughts “ that Gyana will slowly prove a really big cameras fan and start some solo pleasuring ..let’s see .
  13. Radislava is a 50-50 situation at the moment , I believe the viewers are split to those who want a return and the ones who believe that it has been enough . I go with the opinion that it is better for everyone and mostly her to stay away for a rather big amount of time ( whole summer perhaps ) and return again middle of autumn , wiser , more mature and possible more “ educated “ of how she should be with her second stay .. I hope she learned a lot the last nearly 17 months , first about herself , then about people , colleagues , friendships and the biggest of it , life itself and with all of this knowledge to use it so as she can be back and be a decent tenant rather than all of this drama or the behaviors that good friend ash1 presented and we like it or not , has been the bitter truth …
  14. I would be bored if it was all masturbations and sex as I would also be bored if it was only as Esmi and Zabava live in B1 ..Balance is needed , for whatever concerns me as a viewer ,the B1 life in the apartment and the way things happen is ideal for my taste watching . It isn’t a coincidence that B1 is currently and since a couple of weeks the most talked apartment of them all , either for the controversies or the content offered , this means a lot I think . Compare it to the Divas in B4 who have their own agenda or the B2 repeated boredom and there you have it .As always it is a matter of personal taste what and who to watch , I rather wait for the whole summer maybe to catch an unexpected Esmi moment rather than watching ice cold Loraine backstabbing or laying on her bed , isolated and lonely without real friends .
  15. A more than “calculated “ appearance by Radislava , passing many indirect messages to her fans and people who don’t like her also with the appropriate T-shirt 😁..Still , I doubt that it is like the T-shirt indicates if she’s not coming back but I definitely believe it is exactly as her T-shirt shows if she knows she is due to reappear anytime soon .. let’s see if nudity will make things clear , as usually this gesture hints ,although Radislava is a category by herself 😁
  16. Radislava is teasing for a return , let’s see if any nudity will be an even bigger “ tip “ of things to happen ..
  17. Another great asset for Marlene is that her masturbations are first personal pleasure for herself and she just shares on cameras and definitely not a show rather than the majority of the girls who just pose for the cameras to present a show first for the viewers and then pleasure themselves ..and that’s the secret that she’s not getting any bored , lights off when she could have them on to ensure more views , as said , Marlene is the current best GOV RLC tenant by far from the second .
  18. Say whatever , but if anyone wants to watch great quality , amazingly sensual and fantastic emotional sex , Eva and Matvei provide the best by far than anyone else , as good friend @JenniferMomhas said , these two are fantastic in any of their interactions . It will always be interesting waiting of any possible insertion of a third person as they have both hinted that don’t have boundaries … Martina can you echo this post ? 😂🤣😂🤣
  19. Another great girl who I believe can show really much much more , I have said that I believe she started enjoying being watched and be on cameras , even if they are a less “ loud “ couple than Katie and Adam for example with the many guests and comfort of the people visiting , they still have a great social life also as we have seen and for sure I enjoy watching these two and expect as you say even more ..hopefully Dantez will stop fucking with a condom ….
  20. Let’s hope we get rid of this overcrowding stupidity that RLC introduced in 2022 and has for sure “ killed “ many private moments across all of Barcelona apartments and in my opinion has also created an unnecessary heat even amongst the girls since they can’t have many times their own space . I even believe that the problems in B4 would have at least been less if not so many girls were around and at times the girls enjoyed being in their own private room .
  21. As long as the room is shared , I doubt that we see more than showers and perhaps some teasing .. my wishes are Tweety finally by herself and of course Esmi , let’s hope .
  22. I don’t know if this could be so helpful , not meaning not having the master bedroom in the villa , but the girl wants to have fun , go out in bars and clubs in Barcelona and living there ( B4 ) , I doubt if she could be so active like now living in B1 . Of course , she might have met people who could drive her or similar things , but in case for the fun to be as we have seen in B1 , i think she would need also one more girl minimum to be like her and not being so easy like now that she can decide by herself to go out . Nevertheless , I do hope one day when she becomes a really experienced one , maybe find a standard guy ( partner , boyfriend ) to get a room in the villa and enjoy the luxury of the place although she has clearly avoided visiting it even if she had the chance . I think she prefers her own way , we see if she soon gets tanned by visiting the beach , I would for now prefer that she remains a B1 tenant and be in the centre and simply always expect the unexpected from her 😇😋😋
  23. Esmi’s potential is incredible , I think she has one of the best GOV’s ass , still , her personality is one of the most interesting , very clever and active , people can complain but I think if she decides to completely let go and loosen up of everything , she could be an amazing tenant to get attached and watch .
  24. All I want to say once again is just to PRAISE Marlene being the most genuine , authentic , real and unpredictable pure GOV term newcomer we have seen for a very very very long time and I hope she stays indefinitely , I really can’t think at the moment how anyone could be bored from her as she clearly satisfies all type of people who want to see different things .. Plus , her passion to speak in English is an additional extra for the viewers . Angel Marlene for a great summer in Barcelona it is then 😎😎😈😈😈
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