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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Stallion guy for the hairdresser , it will be some insane fucks the next days 😁😁
  2. Just to add , Masha could wake up the hell out of everyone if she wishes ..Depends on her mood ..
  3. Masha ready to spend her time in B6 , getting the favor returned .. A very interesting time for her as she ( Masha ) might introduce Eva and Matvei to the rest of the girls that has the connection with .. Can’t wait to see how Masha will insert herself in the crazy duo of Kylie and Rus 😆😆 even if Kylie manages to maintain exclusivity 😝🙃🙃 But the last two couples ( Hanna / Aaron - Tereza / Timur ) escaped … let’s see with Kylie and Rus … Or if Daniel reappears ..Or if any outside first time lover appears ..The possibilities are endless ..And also see mayen where Elvis stands in Masha’s mind ..or perhaps he surprisingly appears as well 😇
  4. I am always on the same page with you as you know , I will only add and say that in my opinion Radislava is actually “ paying “ her long time presence , this is hurting her image . Of course someone can say why this hasn’t happened with Masha , Leora to name the two longest single tenants also and I honestly I can’t give any answer .Let’s be honest , during her stay she has contributed and showed / done more than Tweety , Holly, Tata , Cleopatra , Alana , Kristy , Esmi to name some of the current roster .. It is strange that she’s perhaps the most controversial tenant .Maybe the obsession with cameras has hurt her image but then why hasn’t Leora’s obsession hurt her image ? Maybe because she has been presented the angel girl that doesn’t party , doesn’t smoke , make drugs or whatever ? Anyway , there are currently other tenants much worse in contributing to entertainment and I think it is not deserved for whatever reasons that Radislava faces this isolation when it was a period that girls like Tweety and Loraine will end up in her room for shows and ratings .
  5. The wild hairdresser is back in action , ready to occupy the apartment and offer the chance of choosing for anyone interested in her crazy actions during Masha’s absence . Ready for wilder things I guess 😁😁
  6. 31/400, 369 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 4 months and 8 days Tik Tok
  7. Talking about privacy and how much RLC has “ fucked up “ the apartments with the current sharing conditions ..Kristy watching porn , getting horny , only to retreat in the LR to enjoy her privacy so as to masturbate ..It’s getting really annoying seeing all this , yes , there’s the variety of girls for anyone to choose what to watch but it is like an “ unwanted gift “ , the girls struggle to enjoy their times by themselves , they are limited in their actions , a whole disaster and fucked up situation . It might be even limiting what they want to do and offer to the audience but first of course to enjoy themselves .It is everywhere the same stupid thing , Kristy and Alana , the sisters in B1 , the sisters in B4 , Harley and Fiora , Tweety and Holly ..And you have Loraine and Tata as singles who face personal problems and issues occupying two single bedrooms , bring these two together since they have no mood with their current personal problems to entertain the audience ..Poor Kristy tonight ..
  8. If I don’t like something , I simply don’t ..And the opposite ..Imroefer expressing myself with words , whoever likes it is fine , whoever not , no bad feelings , it is what it is 😇
  9. It is a sad “ image “ the current huge issue with Radislava in the villa , not pleasant to be watched , let’s hope that “ logic “ will prevail and we can go back to better co-living conditions .
  10. Horny Kristy watching porn 😆🥳🥳😇
  11. At least the “ princess “ returned on time this time 😁
  12. I have never ever marked with an emoji someone’s else post , if it might have happened maximum 1-2 times , it might have been by mistake with the keyboard.. But it is a general personal rule I have since I use social media back in 2007 , I have never “ liked “ any photos for example or put a sad face or whatever .
  13. I am writing a lot since august 2020 i believe , that is 20 months .. you can make it as 1000 posts per month , which is 30-35 posts per day .. which gives my counter question , someone makes maximum 10 posts per day and gives around 20 emojis , isn’t it the same ?
  14. At the same time , the videocalls with Radislava disappeared .. which shows that Loraine and Radislava are in bad terns and Tweety in general is well accepted by most of the girls . And it is clear that we have 3 poles now , Olivia and Co the 1st , Holly/Tweety /Loraine the 2nd and Radislava by herself currently .
  15. It’s a fun hobby 😊 And whenever there’s time to express my mind or something that I watched which impressed me and happened seeing it live , it’s the least to do to show my appreciation for a girl or more who provide for some nice entertainment . Very pleased with your honesty about me commenting , always nice to read the fair criticism .
  16. I don’t give emojis , I write 4-5 long posts when others write 9-10 shorter ones .. summing up all , it is the same more or less . I don’t mind who reads me or not , whoever is interested or not , I have my style on expressing myself , it is too easy and fast writing for me and whatever overwhelms my mind whenever I take the decision to write , I do it , no limits 😊 You are honest and you say how you treat my posts , but i don’t seek anything here as it is a free place of expression . It’s absolutely of not my concern ( very friendly saying this as well 😇☺️ ) how people think of what I say , the way I say it and the length of my posts , everyone can do as you say you do , simply ignore . But I never change my approach to this forum or my style , then it wouldn’t be me . Pleased to read your opinion .
  17. 30/400, 370 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 4 months and 9 days Tik Tok
  18. Comment made 😂😁😆😛 …What we get the last two days was mostly what was a daily routine in the villa in the past , it was just also visitors and friends who ( still ) aren’t on the scene yet 😏😏 ..But , this reunion shows the potential and how B1 would have been , even though the sisters had also to share the bedroom there ..But I think the differences of what we see vs what we were seeing are obvious ..Everything is needed well served , shows , private things , sex , real life , boredom and watching TV .Whoever provides to the audience equally , whoever gives it to the audience with pleasure , with good feelings and not because they have to ( there have been tenants that you would see doing this mechanically as part of their obligations ) , it easily makes the place watchable . Given the time and if the girls decide ( because it is their decision I think ) to have guys in the apartment also , it could be getting wild in the villa with these 4 only ..Unfortunately the penthouse room and ultimately the jacuzzi isn’t part of the sisters anymore and despite being able to use it ( usually when Holly and Tweety are away ) at certain times , imagine now with the weather and the pool open being offered as an alternative place many good “ observing “ 😂🤣😈😈 times are upon us ..Yes , it is a show , but they aren’t giggling and fooling around ones , we have buttplugs , we have licking pussies , it is nice funny adult games , they just need to be clever and provide with good rhythm , otherwise it might become “ forced shows “ and this won’t be nice ..But this has been missed , so , welcome to the girls who know how the job is done , glory B2 days of the past 😁😆
  19. 🆘🆘 It is a wild return and reunion of the 4 Musketeers who are determined to take over the villa and provide ..It’s been a VEEEEEERY long time that current and earlier content of amazing Harley was not the rare occasion but the daily happenings in B4 by nearly everyone living there .Yes , it isn’t needed everyday but occasionally such providing shows give the wild , adventurous and crazy GOV feeling.. Bonus and basic detail , things are happening off prime time , both earlier and now as well …Olivia and Co on fire …
  20. X-Factor Harley gets to shine more and more day by day , especially since she moved to a normal human conditions living apartment , her glory presence unfolds gradually like when we were first introduced to her back in B1 days . An amazing afternoon treatment with the good old traditional way and with her now routine procedure of the buttplug toy .Well done Harley , the best is yet to come if she ever both her and Ulyana get the recognition they deserve by giving them their own rooms ..RLc has the nuclear weapons holding them tight in their hands and they don’t know how to get advantage of them and they have Loraine laying down on her bed the whole day doing nothing ..What more to say and add ?
  21. You still don’t get it …Why I want to make someone feel bad or put her down ? What nonsense are you talking about ? Pff.. You take all personal .. End of talking , it doesn’t worth it , it is always anytime by anyone the belief that expressing an opinion about a tenant it is a personal attack to them for whatever reason ..Wake up all and don’t see it personal, we are just talking here ..Pfff…
  22. As long as the apartment is so crowded , I expect not much except if it is a bit more drinking night out and the results will be as we saw a couple of weeks ago .But I am sure that this apartment will keep on shining ..
  23. Marlene’s adventures seem to have last only for some days , let’s see if there’s a new one in the waiting list of possible dates 😁😋 judging from tonight’s treatment and recent evenings at home .
  24. Nothing is wrong with me 😂 It was nice to see Holly liking something I like as well and just mentioned it , who says that everyone has to dance to a particular tune or music ? I just loved seeing Holly dancing for seconds .
  25. They should block me because I have an opinion that isn’t pleased for your preferences ? I should only come here and say “ Kitty , BRAVO “ , “ Smith , FUCK OFF “ , “ Leora , bow down to the Queen “ so I am liked and get the heart emojis or the upvote ones .This a place so as opinions are posted , whether you like them or not , long posts , small posts , books , pages , there’s re no rules about that . I can start now and finish in the morning writing if I want , what is your problem with that ? You will simply ignore the post I guess .The problem is that you seem to bother yourself with me while you can’t simply ignore me here , which you don’t do as I see that you notice what I write . We are here to comment , everyone has its own way , since you aren’t pleased with my expressed opinions and don’t satisfy your preferences , why are you negative referring as “ bloke you “ or “ broken machine “ ..My life , my rules , I live it the way I wish , do I disturb or affect your life with me expressing and putting my thoughts in an order ? Do I harm you ? Do I insult you ? Do I make you feel bad ?
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