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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. 29/400, 371 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 4 months and 12 days Tik Tok
  2. One of your best comments 😂🤣😂🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  3. I am not watching currently and I take your words for granted , but I need to say that using a toy isn’t so often if you had the real deal and you were satisfied . Maybe not complete satisfaction the way either she wanted or not at all and she simply slept elsewhere . Other than this , seeing a girl going for it and not caring for prime time , checking to see a bit competition or all of these stupid things , it is a big plus ( + ) for me .. it was the same at night with Cleopatra , horny nature calling and off for the girls to relax and enjoy . I wish for more such incidents .
  4. I start believing that Marlene’s overnights have to do with not feeling so comfortable doing things next door of a 3 girls occupied room . The visitor would need to take a shower , they would need to be quiet , I think if it was only the sisters it would be better . But I think the not so easy current sleeping arrangements keep Marlene’s fun away of sharing with us . And before anyone says that Karol didn’t seem to have a problem , Karol and boyfriend seem to handle the noise and the activities in general much much easier 😁 . Let’s hope that Marlene will remain generous ..
  5. Waiting to see the airplane sign for Tweety and then much more can be said ….But a big suitcase , this is minimum a week , but let’s wait to be fair with negative criticism ….
  6. Tweety early wake up and preparing to leave .. Possible videocall with Holly..
  7. Esmi or Zabava need to take Karol’s room when she departs .. Then I think we can judge Esmi much easier as Zabava has proved herself 😇
  8. I haven’t seen personally an open one like today , touching her tits , being sober , enjoying it ..she usually is half covered and with her underwear ..anyway , it was the first time for me seeing this from her .
  9. It is different at times and always a different thing is fun watching and it isn’t getting bored easily .. If they don’t fall in the same trap like for example Linda and Tibor currently are ( married couple , need to move on with their own private life away from cameras , make children if possible and want ) , they might become a couple that can stay for a long time as well.
  10. But combining good life , fun and at the same time working and earning much money , isn’t the best that anyone wishes ? Being exposed on cameras doing so , it is simply a choice ..Like it is a choice having a 09:00-17:00 daily job and complaining that you hate your job but at least it is a decent one ( according to society standards ) .
  11. Money …And much much money …Easy life , holidays , super wow city ..But , there’s always a catch , a price to pay ..And during this period , more than we have ever seen , we have a fully packed Barcelona with GOV/COV , dozens of others appearing randomly in the apartments , literally not knowing who to expect next ..Look what happened today and how many appeared ..Polya , Riya , Cindy ,Ginger early in the morning .. So , maybe I don’t understand the concept but many times I think everyone forgets some basic subconsciously instincts that the girls have , think of Ulyana , she has no problem with anything but how many times you have seen her trying to play it hide and seek , wanting to masturbate ? So , the privacy they want it is there for them but they can’t have it so as to be able and do their things .. Can you even think Ulyana for example having sex while her sister is sleeping ? Or Holly and Tweety sleeping ? These things simply can’t happen ..yes , maybe sex happens when they are in the living room and the one in the bedroom enjoying and suddenly they appear while having fun , yes , this can happen but the rest , no , privacy is needed ..and don’t forget that it is also the guys who most of them aren’t accustomed to the cameras for example .. I wouldn’t mind one - two rooms like Holly and Tweety ( which especially for the penthouse I am completely against it and these two girls , it deserves to be a single person room ) but this is now an RLC pandemic ..B1 , 3 girls in one bed , B2 main bedroom , 2 girls in one bed and of course B4 , 5 rooms , 3 of them shared bedrooms and the 2 single girls , Loraine and Radislava , the one ( Loraine ) has personal problems and isn’t enjoying her participation .
  12. Well , it was expected by Tweety but a surprising first ever complete masturbation from Cleopatra who she doesn’t masturbate or provides a show for the cameras but she simply satisfies her human horny nature ..one of the few natural masturbation moments we witness , well done Cleopatra for a real life moment for herself and herself only .
  13. They have something unique , I see it again for the second time tonight , it usually happens to couples which have unlimited sex imagination and try new things , maybe in this way they extend their relationship concerning the sex part , obviously , I am talking about the sex role playing game .. Both of them got dressed and they engage again in a sex game , they started with a handshake , playing the role of two “ unknowns “ and ending it with a seduction in a wild one night stand fuck of sorts .. To me , it is something unique watching something different and a completely improvising sexual game , fantastic ..
  14. Daniel completely stoned 😂🤣 and off .. Good night to him ..
  15. It seems that having Tweety finally with some privacy , can lead to one of the rare solo with lights on masturbations ..I guess corvette knows better , but it might be even her very first one if she goes for it ..
  16. One more confirmation today that there’s not a netter cocksucker in whole of RLC apartments than Katie ..She , alongside Ulyana and Masha are the MASTERS …But Katie’s skills are beyond questioning .. As for the reason that this apartment isn’t getting the attention that perhaps deserves , I believe it happens the most awkward and at the same time controversial thing as per RLC rules …I think this apartment is a “ popularity victim “because this couple is by far the most natural living couple and tenants of everyone , everywhere .They have a complete normal life , woth lots of friends , the parents visiting , sex life could be more but it seems they are for a long time together and they feather have quality than quantity , they cook , the place is clean , it is a pure natural daily life routine couple with the only perhaps “ not normal “ being that both seem to be unemployed but apparently the financial doesn’t seem to be a problem .. As a conclusion , being the only normal couple both in daily routine life aspects , habits and interests , it automatically works against them as we the viewers , we are waiting the unexpected , the not normal , the threesomes , the lesbians , the massages , the masturbations ..It isn’t perhaps a coincidence that the most posts in this topic occurred on the dat that Katie and her friend were getting really close and horny in front of a speechless and surprised or not knowing what to do Adam …Katie is a continuous hiring sex machine in my opinion , a woman who has done a lot and knows even more and we haven’t still seen all of what she can possibly do …
  17. So ..Tata’s interactions with the others lasted for just a couple of hours before she finds shelter in her isolation cell again ..only to come out just now to have a ziggy 😂.. Then , we see Daniel ( nothing strange ) and Karol ( very strange and unpredictable ) and Polya of course who makes some guest appearances every now and then …The real questions are for Karol as so far she’s “ hiding “ her guy from the rest of the apartments ( maybe he stays at the off cameras accommodation taking care of the dog ) which is very strange as the guy is familiar with the whole RLC idea and he doesn’t have a problem obviously ..I don’t know if he has found a job and that’s why also he can’t be available but all this strange Karol and boyfriend times in Barcelona it is a rather weird thing to observe .. In any case , Karol’s presence is always a nice thing and if these are some of the last moments under the RLC contract , it is always great to watch her ..But without her guy nice that she has him ? What can I say ?
  18. I missed that so it is a good reminder 😊 But to be honest , I am more curious to watch the Tweety we started seeing the 2 weeks she seemed to have problems with Holly ..Now it is again a “ Tweety under Holly’s shadow “ and I am not personally enjoying it ..I will agree with the recent opinion of good friend ed2 , I don’t see what Loraine and Holly offer to the villa as for us viewers to wait for something excited..I hope I will be proved completely and million per cent wrong and that both Loraine and Holly offer a bit of the glory days of the past..
  19. He’s just visiting …We need to have visitors , we need new faces in order to “ get the unexpected “ ..But who has brought outsiders the last months ? Once Loraine , Radislava has brought the best so far , Cecilia ..Ulyana brought a guy that nearly nobody approved and the two girls who have proved repeatedly people Harley and Fiora , they just moved in the villa ..And with this rhythm , I am sure that Harley and Ulyana can become a great team for meeting new people.. I will say it once more , the villa should be the place of parties , fun , excitement , unpredictable incidents ..And honestly , I see the fun coming only from these 4 girls ..You can even see their mood now that reunited , smiley , relaxed and ready to enjoy what they missed when they were split …
  20. 28/400, 372 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 4 months and 13 days Tik Tok
  21. So …The 4 musketeers gradually , methodically , slowly and undisputedly well deserved 😏 ( nobody has done more than Fiora and Harley on cameras than any other RLC girl - Radislava only to be fair - ) are taking over the villa since we have two “ bored / non interested “ girls ( Loraine with her personal problems also and Holly ) , a balancing Tweety trying to be the loyal friend to the girl who gave her the opportunity ( Holly ) and also keeping good relationships with the rest and participating as much as possible in events and happenings and Radislava who is suffering currently a difficult co-living period with the girls but as we have seen in the past , she always managed to turn the tables to her favor repeatedly . If the Olivia and Co. had the villa for themselves , this would have been the place to watch with visitors , events , friends and first time camera people , it would all be there ..But their appetite for fun , for enjoying , for simply taking the opportunity of being reunited isn’t at the same level with the others who they are just living with the glory of the past and clearly most of their interests isn’t anymore to have a life so as to enjoy Barcelona and their time there and in the end satisfy the subscribers but the priorities are to do things they should have been doing 6-7 years ago and when they were 18-19 years old ( but they didn’t have the financial chance most probably ) , that is learning foreign languages and improving with other skills .Let’s see how it will all be balanced as the pool party times approach ..
  22. Tata out of her room and interacting with the others …Miracle..
  23. This is why it isn’t nice to have men in the villa 😁😆 …Fiora is a declared nudist , during her previous stay she was often heard when she had guys in the apartment and talking in English , telling them about some nude beaches in Barcelona that she likes to go ..I think Radislava also ..But maybe now you understand why with Bogdan there , nothing of all this could be possible to happen ..Poor Tesla and Elian tried but Bogdan was a saint and rock for his precious Nelly 😂🤣😂🤣And Elian tried really hard to seduce him …
  24. Yes ..Because I also make mistakes sometimes and you laugh with mine too .. No bad feelings as you made things clear .. But I liked rado07’s post as it was very natural written and was laughing very much ..
  25. The 4 girls reunited and they immediately brought a different fresh air in the villa …And fiora loves nudism 😂
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